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Gallery #1

"CILA" 30" x 24" AOC

A Russian word meaning a force of some kind. I don't quite know why, but I am intrigued with this word. The painting uses white (negative space) as a background and there are several faces intwined in a forceful observation. The first face in the upper centre is looking at the other face in the upper right. The upper right face is looking at the viewer of the painting. A three dimensional graph shows an exponential curve plot of a particle on its way up in space time. This means success for me and you as well.

"DAVID'S SHIELD" 30" x 30" AOC

The six spheres are in momentum forming a star (shield) of David; Mogen David. Kind of a quantum mechanical approach to it all. Nothing more be said, the rest is up to the viewer. A very dynamic piece!

"David, 3 faces as dimensions, & a frog as time" 50" x 40" AOC

Quite a title isn't it? Well we are to have a bit of fun now aren't we? A very detailed and colourful painting indeed. The low resolution digital image presented here does it no justice, for it is a vivid piece to behold directly. It's meaning is just a pseudo-random thought pattern of mine at the time of creating it.
