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Message from Ralph Carbone, Founder of FELINE URGENT RESCUE

"Saving Precious Lives By Helping Homeless Cats"

Feline Uegent Rescue (F.U.R.) is an all volunteer, non-profit organization founded upon the belief that the problem of homeless cats is not a problem for humans caused by cats, but a problem for cats caused by humans. Domestic cats living on their own outdoors, unlike native wildlife such as opossums and squirrels, are not able to live out their normal lifespans without human help. Homeless cats and their wild offspring are rarely able to support themselves by hunting, particularly in areas developed by humans, in which the amount of mice and other small animals available for cats to hunt is limited.

Since feline hunting skills are learned, many abandoned cats, although they retain the instinct to hunt, lack the know-how to hunt successfully. Consequently, homeless cats form colonies where they can find edible scraps. Trash dumpsters behind restaurants and within apartment complexes are typical locations for colonies. The volunteers of F.U.R. realize that cats surviving in such colonies will reproduce. These animals will either die violent death as a result of being hit by cars or attacked by unleashed dogs, or die slow, painful deaths from starvation, malnutrition, or parasites and disease.

F.U.R. volunteers believe that homeless cats, the result of human abandonment or failure to spay or neuter pet cats, deserve better than the short brutal life that they must endure on their own. Thus, F.U.R volunteers do the following for colonies of homeless cats:

I. Homeless cat colonies are daily provided with nutritionally complete cat food and fresh water, in areas where they are not in the path of traffic, or where their presence could be an annoyance to people.

2. Sick or injured cats are removed from the colonies and provided with necessary veterinary care, or euthanasia if they are suffering and their condition cannot be improved by treatment. Cats with health problems that would leave them extremely vulnerable on their own are taken in and maintained in the homes of F.U.R. volunteers as Special Needs cats. Examples of F.U.R. Special Needs cats currently under the care of volunteers include a deaf cat, a cat that had a leg amputated due to infection, and a cat paralyzed in the lower half of it's body after being shot in the spine with a pellet.

3. All kittens in F.U.R. managed colonies that can be caught, and any adult cats that appear tame or tamable, are captured, provided with necessary veterinary care, and placed in suitable homes when adopters become available.

4. To control the population of F.U.R. cat colonies, as many of the cats in these colonies are spayed or neutered, as F.U.R financial resources allow. The goal of F.U.R. is to spay or neuter ALL felines in the colonies under its' management. While some cats may be too wild to he adoptable, and must be returned to their colonies after spaying or neutering, returning homeless cats to their original colonies is considered by F.U.R. as a last resort.

Unfortunately, because F.U.R. is still a small organization with very limited resources and a few dedicated volunteers, F.U.R. cannot accept unwanted felines nor carry out rescues in areas other than where it already has volunteers at work.

The efforts of Feline Urgent Rescue are expensive and financed mostly from the limited personal resources of the F.U.R. volunteers. Therefore, F.U.R. welcomes donations, which are tax deductible, and are used exclusively for the benefit of homeless felines.

Thank you, in advance, for your support in helping us to fulfill our mission of Saving Precious Lives By Helping Homeless Cats.

For more information, please contact Ralph Carbone at (864) 855-4939.

Rescued, Contented Cats

Rescued, Contented Cats
