on-line you are my sunshine.


Hi every1! thanks for comin! please sign the g book...The content is on the left! have fun... lata

Jan. 24 11:13 AM
hey every1. i know i havent updated in awhile but doing this site hasnt been fun for me anymore, its almost like a chore, so i have decided to officially take a break from this site. i will keep it up but probably not update. u may still tag the tagboard and sign my gbook cuz i will look at them still. thank you for visiting. home you have fun! lata... ps. my otha site ( https://www.angelfire.com/art2/birthdayz) will still be open, so u may still join that clique. ok buh bye every1

Jan 1 10:30 AM
hey... i cant belive its alreday 2003...!... the year went by so fasts.. hehe! well last night for new years eve, my family and i went to a resteraunt called Twin oaks. our meals were very good! when we were leavin the resteraunt i saw my friend and her family there! so we talked with them 4 a while.. then we went to the movies.. to see catch me if u can! it was kinda stupid but to bad. i think im gonna add some stuff in submit and mayb some html tutorials. im not sure yet! ok well sorry i havent updated in soooo long! well lata gata... hehe

Dec. 15th 9:40 AM
hey! i just added lyrics in READS and a request page in SUBMIT! today i have to go 2 a christmas party... we go to it every year so i guess it should be fun! i dont plan on updating for a week or so cause i have to finish this book repot thingy! hehe... well thats it for now hope u r still havin fun at my site! ttul bye

Dec 4th 9:00 PM
hey every1! today we had a field trip to Boston Sceience Museum...It was an all day trip... we left around 8:00 in the mornin and we left the musume around 3:00 to go home...we were suppose 2 b back at the school at 5:00 but we ended up bein really late! we got back at 6:30. i had fun though... the place was exciting but i was really hungry all day! lol... thats it 4 now.. ttul bye

Dec. 1 8:15 AM
OMG! its already the first of december! christmas is 25 days away! lol... please Vote for me for SOTM @ Chau's World!!

Nov. 24 10:00 AM
hi sorry i havent updated my blog i havent had the time. Im thinking about closing for a while until i catch up on everything. Ill let you know if i do. 2 members joined my clique this week so keep the forms coming! thanks for the time. bye *kerri*

Nov. 17 2:25 Pm
hi im back lol! i just added whats your favoite season in submit and credits in WWW. i think im gonna add some more contest! if u would like to give me some ideas please do so in the g book! there isnt really much to write 2day ok well keep on comin in! bye...=)

Nov 16 7:25 Pm
hi...last night i slept ova my friends house! we went to the mall then out too eat after... it was lots of fun. today i added a survey to the submit section n YOU... im sorry i havent updated and i kno the sites getting boring but i have no clue what to add... im so sorry! please give me some ideas... ok well thanks 4 everythin... bye! =)

Nov 13 5:25 PM
Hey sorry i havent updated in like a week but i have been so busy! well i made a new website! its a clique about your birthday! if you would like to join go HERE ok well ill try to update if i can! buh bye....

Nov 6 4:25PM
hey whats goin on... yesterday we had no school cause of election day. so i went shoppin! YIPPEY! lol... well i joined a few cliques 2day. to visit them go 2 my splash page in the beginning! if any1 can make a good layout please let me know! o ya im sorry to those people who i did a link exchange with i havent had time to put the link up. i will get it up though i promise! ok well i have 2 go. bye

Nov.3rd 8:30 AM
hi every1...i am trying to update a lot. i just found out my fairy name. Its in ME...If any1 has any ideas for what i can add please let me know. i think i have enough stuff in YOU but i really need stuff for ME and WWW. this is another warning this site will close if nobody starts coming....this time i am very serious!!!! ok well thanks. bye...PS. if u do come dont just come and leave. take time to look at my updates or sign the g book. i would appreciate it. ok well bye!

Nov. 1 3:10 PM
hey every1.... i just chose a winner for the scary story contest. The winner is
Erin . To see the story she wrote it will be posted in the contest section under you. I will have a winner for each month so if you would like to enter this month send your scary story to ME!!! well thats it 4 now... bye

Oct 30th 3:26 PM
Hey everyone...i added some stuff to my site. in you i added a submit section. this is where you submit your thoughts to the questions. I have added 2 questions to that. they are what would you do if you were a super hero? and what are you scared of? i guess thats it for now! bye

Oct. 29 6:50 AM
Hey every1! i added a scary story contest under YOU. if you would like to join go there to see if you apply to the rules. I havent had any entries yet so please hurry. Also im trying to think of other stuff to add so if you can help me out give me a shout in the g book. well i gets thats it for now! BYE

Oct 26 7:50 AM
HI! sry i havent updated! i have been so busy with school and soccer i never have time anymore! well last night was awesome...i had a school dance. all my friends went! we danced so much it wasn even funny! the DJ was pretty good but some songs were UGH!!! lol...ok ill try 2 update a lot more....if u have any ideas on what i could add email me in the contact page! thanx bye

Oct.18 8:50
Hey....whats up? go check out the links and go 2 glow bug listings! ok i really gotta go! bye......

Oct 16 4:45PM
Hey every! like the new layout? i love it....Rachel put it up for me!she also made me a blinkie!!! tahnks rachel! well the site is basically the same! ok ill write lata on! bye.....

Oct. 5 7:15 PM
HEY! i have some bad news and some good news! heres the bad news if i dont get at least 5 more ppl to come 2 my site in the next 2 weeks the site will be closing! so plz tell every1 about this site...but the good news is that if u are one of the next five people who do come 2 my site you will get linked! so every1 start coming to my site and playin the fun things to do and chat in the tag-bored! thanx so much! also check out my friends site at
Charmlett its a very cool site where u make charms to make friends! bye....

Sept. 20 3:36 PM
HI every1!!! i kno i havent updated in like a few weeks but my pc wasnt workin so i could never go online! anyways.... school has been goin great! all my teachers are so nice except 4 my music teachers shes a lil weird! but whateva....if u know how to make a good layout let me know in the g book cause im making a new site as u should know and i really need a good layout...! ok well ttul bye...

Sept.11 11:15 AM
~hi~ as u all know today is sept. 11...i cant believe it...it has alreday been a year since the terrorist hit the pentagon and twin towers. there were so many lives lost. i would just like 2 say america has stayed strong and we always will. god bless u and god bless america!!!!

Sept.9 7:00 PM
~~HEY~~! i am working on a new site. it is gonna be a clique! it focuses on reviewing other websitez. erin hasnt finished the layout yet but she'll try to soon. the site is
Raining Reviews i havent put anythin in it yet! but keep checking back. ok gg eat...bye!!!

Sept.5 10:32 AM
Hey guys! yesterday i went to my friends house! her bro had his 2 friendz over and one of his friend's took his bro that we all kno from hangin out and from school...(i dont kno if that made sence but to bad! lol) so anyway..... we had lotz a fun. at night we played kick the can ( its like man hunt but different lol)...it was so cool. also me and my friend kinda just hung out and stuff. we made cupcakes...and tried doing this rainbow art thingy with paints and we spilt some of it on the rug! uuuuuttttt oh! lol. ok well thats it for now. ttyl! bye

Sept.3 7:38
hey every1! 2day i didnt really do much! i hung around the house all day and then went to soccer practice! i did really good today! i scored 5 goals in the scrimage! well i just found out that we arent goin back 2 school 2morrow! i am so mad....ok well if you are the 400th person 2 come 2 mi site u will get linked~ thanks 4 comin! bye!!! Sept.1 9:29 PM
hi every1....guess what? my school might be goin on stike! we are suppose 2 start school on wed. the 4th.....but......we might not! usually i dont wanna go back that much but this year im dyin 2 go back since im goin in middle school! i cant wait. i really hope that the teachers dont go on strike! that would be the worst...well ill let u kno what happens. bye

August 21 12:00 PM
EATING: nothing
LISTENING: my hands smashing the keyboard
MOOD: happy cause im finally getting the hang of this site!!!

August 19 5:40pm
Hi....I cant believe its already the end of August!! Schools gonna be starting soon tho. Which im kind of happy about. I already finished my math packet and my summer reading so I dont have to worry about that!!! Well i gotta go im dying over here!! Its sooo hot. I think im gonna jump in the pool for a little! Well bye... Oh ya sign the guest book! bye ~~*KERRI*~~


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