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Love and Nature

Commissions Page

Thinking about Commisioning one of us? First some rules.

1. We only draw fantasy, and modern art. Don't ask for a big mecca or robot or somthing becuase I don't think either of us could actually do one.=(
2. No hentai!! Some nudity is fine, as well as some yoai or yuri, but nothing too sexual. Nancy and I aren't perves you know. ^_^

3. We will do fanart, but it depends on the series. We can't exactly draw something we haven't read or seen before. So just ask.

4. Lilena is not a big fan of 3 or more characters per picture, OR backrounds for that matter, sorry. Mostly Lilena does art nouveau backround designs. But it all depends on the image so again just ask. Nancy however is differen't with more tools at her disposal, so she might be more inclined to do backrounds and such. Or Lilena will do the picture and Crys do the backround. Stuff that the two of us will have to talk about.

5. Please, please, please don't bug while either of us is working on a piece. This may seem harsh, but you have to remember, we are women who have lives and likes to do things OTHER then art. Especially Crys. She's married! ^_~. AND WE DO get other requests.

6. You are subject to our art styles which is mostly anime influenced. Lilena doesn't normally do realism unless it's for herself because it takes her such a long time. She is also highly influenced by the Art Nouveau style. Crystalyn is also highly influenced by the anime style, but also likes to use realism and landscapes.


These are all subject to change by a few dollars after we find out what we're drawing.

Sketches Slightly Shaded: $8 (Lil is not fond of these, but Crys is. Lilena much prefers ink, where as Crys likes to pencil shade.)

Inked Picture: $10

Colored Picture: $15-$20 ( all depends, a character wearing all green is easier then someone wearing a mulitcolored outfit with 3 different colors of hair etc etc. Also depends for Crystalyn if you want her to computer color or use her pencils.)

Extra Characters: $5 for Ink, $10 for Color.

Sigs: (Lilena Only) $5 each. (you get a jpg of the ink, I keep orginal)

Full Signature pics: (Lilena Only) $10 colored or inked (I send you the orginal to keep)


Payment is *always* due in advance. Sorry, I've made that mistake before.
We don't charge for shipping but it's nice if you add a few dollars for it. And is MUCH appreciated.
We need a CORRECT address! Double checking is good. ^_~
We now both accept Paypal!! Contact us about that if you'd like to use paypal for payment - which is incuraged since it's MUCH easier! We also accept check or money orders, no cash please, for those of you whom don't have paypal.
Write them out to either Heidi Jackson (Lilena), Or Patrick Farmer (Crys's hubby)

Shipping Info

If you order a sketch you will get the original sketch in the mail.

If you order an Inked pictured you will get the original inked picture.

If you order a colored picture you will get the original colored picture.

You will also receive a JPG in your email of each step of the pictures as they become done. But Lilena or Crys will send you the prelim sketch for approval first, of course. Then you can make changes or what have you.

We send the picture in a picture protector in a manilla envolope, with something so it doesn't bend.

Please be very specific!
Tell us a little bit about the character, not a life story, but it's nice to know if they are devious, or cheerful etc etc.
Don't say "A shirt and a skirt" for the clothes. What KIND? Do you want the skirt to have a belt? Do you want the shirt low cut, long sleeved etc etc. Unless you don't mind Crys or Lil to just come up with something, tell us that. Don't leave us hanging! Heheh
Remember there are about 5 different reds, blues, greens and yellows. Do you want red-orange? Or Teal, or golden yellow? We don't wanna go ahead and color something wrong. =p

Lilena Only Signature Pictures
Whats a sig pic?
These are images that Lilena draws that are shrunk down and used for forums, or bio pictures on the net. Example:

This is my own personal signature that I use for all the forums that I visit and post on. It was colored by a friend of mine. ^_^

Signature Picture Info

I now charge a low low fee of $5 per picture. Sorry, I do not color these. Most people color them on the computer because they are easier to color that way and look nicer once shrunk down. And since I don't own a computer, I can't color it on one for you. =( (But you can ask crys and maybe she will. =p)
I keep the orginals. I will send you a High Rez, Trasnparent JPG of the image. And normally these are shrunk down and such, so me sending you the orginal is too much of a hassel when it's only being used for the net.

What I need to know
For a Girl: Your Favorite Flower / Boys get Celtic Knots
What you look like (or send me a photo of your face which is easier)
Would you like a Profile of your face or would you like to be facing forward.
Which way would you like to be facing. (for a profile picture)

Example for a girl:

Example for a Boy:

Each signature is different!
Everytime I draw a new signature they each look different. No two will look the same. So the guys don't have to worry about the knot work being the same. Unless otherwise noted.

Rules for Sig pictures

You can alter the image for coloring.
You can't take out my "Lil 03" out of the picture. It was drawn by me, please keep it there so others know I'm the orginal artist.
You can use the sig where ever you like, it IS yours and you paid for it.
You can't make copies of it and sell it. Not sure why anyone would want a picture of someone else anyways, but you never know. lol
You can and would be very much so appreciated to give me full credt for the line art where ever you use it, and perhaps even a link. ^__^

Can I have one of these as a regular picture?
Sure. You don't have to use these for anything. I "can" draw you a full sized one and color it for you to have and keep. If that's the case I would send you the orginal ink or colored (which ever you ordered) and would go through the same steps as a normal commision.
And all commision info is at the top of the page.

Any more questions just email Lilena or Crystalyn
( or

All art work on this page is © Lilena/Heidi Jackson. Please do not steal!