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Lady Enika drifa Svensdotter

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By Lady Enika drifa Svensdotter, 3rd Apprentice
(aka "the Good Apprentice")

One of the things that truly inspired me about Candace was her unconditional warmth that she showed others and the fact she always kept the door of her home and encampment open to anyone and everyone who wished to come by, visit, share and or learn something. I grew to respect Candace because she always instilled the positive in everyone, encouraging them in that they could do anything they aspired to and she was always willing to help if she could or find someone who could, and that she took great pride and perfection in the things she does, yet always had the grace to remain humble.
When Candace asked me to apprentice to her, I was truly honored, not because we were friends, but because she believed in me, my talent and ability, and I knew I could always count on her to give me guideance, kick my butt if need be, and cheer me on in my moments of joy and accomplishment. I accepted Candace's offer without hesitation because she knows me and my goals, that they are simply to learn, grow and have fun while doing it, and because I love, admire, and respect her as a person, artisan and Laurel. It may be odd for an apprentice to say about their Laurel that she is proud of her, but I am, and feel so very blessed to have had the opportunity to meet such a awesome friend, and Im a better having known her. ROCK girl!