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Years have passed
time slips away
still the emptiness remains
Wondering where he is each day
Passing strangers on the street
looking at their features to see a resemblance
Hoping someday he will seek
the one who gave him life.
Times were so different then
an unwed mother tried to keep her secret
of this new life within.
Young and scared
her parents gave her no choice,
no opportunity to make known her voice.
Packed her up and sent her to the city
a home for unwed mothers
where she would await the birth
and return home again empty handed.
Not a choice but a demand.
obedience beckoned her to obey their command.
One September morning
a baby boy arrived
a brief glimpse and a soft good bye
echoed quietly among the stark hospital room
A new mother
empty handed ,
broken hearted
wept alone
Returning to her parent's home
the secret of his birth locked away
never to be spoken of until her adult days.
Many years have passed
time slips away
Still this mother hopes and prays
to someday find her never forgotten son
and be able to say
I have always loved you Vincent
and have thought of you every day.
