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A smile spreads across youthful cheeks
happiness shines as she looks adoringly into baby eyes
A mirror image of herself
She exclaims and sighs
How can my cousin look so much like me
she giggles and wonders aloud.
Time swiftly flashed by
when once , you my darling
, were little like she
how i held you so gently
and gazed at you in awe
The answer to my many prayers and pleas
How blessed I felt when I saw the test turn pink
as I jumped for joy and scrambled for the phone
to make the news of you known.
The months seemed to stretch and stretch
as my belly grew with life so precious
and you began to move
The doctors proclaimed a high risk
and ordered months of bed rest.
Finally the day came
to see that beautiful stork
deliver my bundle to the hospital
When i first laid eyes upon your face
tears of love caressed my cheeks
The love of a mother is a strong binding one
and I promised myself to always keep that feeling of blessed joy.
Nights of colicky crying ensued
Yet I loved every moment of motherhood
as I crooned to you
and magically ,
you understood.
I love you ,child of mine

Jessica, we love you
Jessica, we know you're blue
But Jessica , we love you so much
So please little baby , stop your fuss.