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Night cascades a dreary shawl
shadowing the heart and rendering the soul
frozen in time
Questions and thoughts dance through the nightmares
invade this sleepy state
Was it all an illusion or
perhaps a thoughtless trick
knowing his heart as I do
I know that is not true

Another time
Another place
unspoken promises
as the dawn lifts the veil
of living day to day,
one breath at a time

In the bright new day
I find my mind wandering
to an old day
and remembering a misplaced dream
that still is clutched silently
Snapping my eyes open
Anger erupts through the haze
as the wall creeps up to protect
But the feelings remain
no way to block the pain
of this Love
Perfect fit
soul mates
taken different paths
yet connected strongly in the heart.
April 25,2002