A-C / D-H / I-M / N-S / T-Z / addendum
CHARLES DAVIES - (scenic & lighting
design, actor, director,
playwright) - [Republican City, Nebraska]
MFA design student at Iowa until 1986. .... Currently artistic director
of the Theatre of
the American West in Republican City, Nebraska.
email: davieskc@webtv.net
web: http://www.megavision.net/repcity/
Diana Dawson is livin' and lovin' in Brooklyn. Writing, directing and
producing her own
brand of very small, tiny, wee little films and videos that will make
the world a safer
email: vgdiana@aol.com
LISA DAY - [Minneapolis]
She was a chorus member in Carol MacVey's "The Scarlet Letter" in '93.
Currently, she's writing and working with the Playwrights' Center here
in Minneapolis. If
anyone needs to contact her, they should call or write her at: 1794
Asbury St., St. Paul,
MN 55113, (651) 917-3611
NOEMI DE LA PUENTE - (actor) - [Iowa City]
MFA 2000
Moved back to NJ to be with her husband of 7 years, Ron Cohen, patron
saint of
actor-spouses. While at Iowa Noemi created the roles of "Do�a
in Mando y Mundo, and "Belilah Love" in Salt. She also
in the Music
Department's production of She Loves Me as the character
"Ilona Ritter".
In addition, she worked with Ben and Carolyn Barrientes, in the Eleatic
and Educational
Society's productions of Life is a Dream (as Rosaura, and co -
director) and Electra
by Sophocles (Clytemnestra, director). In the summer of 1999, she
worked for the Cape May
Sage Co. (NJ) creating the role of "T�a" in The Last Lector,
a story
about cuban cigar factory workers, and how they were educated by the
Lectores that would
read to them during their shifts. Noemi is a certified actor
combatant, and just
finished the 3 week boot camp of stage combat run by the Society of
American Fight
directors at UNLV, where she survived and tested in 3 weapon styles
(knife, small sword,
and single sword). Member of SAG and AFTRA, and HOLA (Hispanic
Organization of Latin
Actors). Hoping to immerse herself in the New York Theatre scene,
or the
Philadelphia Theatre scene, or any Theatre scene that allows her to
explore and perform
fascinating material. "Winks knowingly at her husband Ron"
email: NoemiDLP@aol.com
web: http://www.hellohola.org/directory/female/delapuen.html
JANE DeLAUBENFELS - (actor) - [Chicago]
I have been living in Chicago since graduating from Iowa in
1987. I have worked with a number of different theatres during that time:
Among them are Lifeline, City Lit, writers' theatre - Chicago, Raven, Footsteps,
Shattered Globe, Prop, Transient, and Arts/Lanes. I am currently a member
of Bright Arrow Theatre Company, which started out as the Woman's Collective at
City Lit Theatre. I was a founding member of Kaleidoscope Children's
Theatre Company, where I was an actor and the Production Manager for 10
years. I have performed in two productions of The Eight: Reindeer
Monologues; once as Dancer and once as Blitzen. Last year I appeared as Martha
Dark in Defiant Theatre's production of Burning Desires. I have been
married to Jamie Asch for almost three years, and on May 20 we welcomed our
daughter, Alice Ruth Asch, into the world.
email: JanedeLaub@aol.com / DeLaubAsch@aol.com
BRANKO DIMITRIJEVICH - (playwright) - [Serbia]
Most of
the time I am here in Serbia working for the National Theater in Novi Sad and
doing a lot of original playwriting and adaptations for adult theatre, and also
for puppet and children's theatre, among other things. A couple of times a
year I come to the U.S., and in 2007, visited Todd Ristau in Virginia.
email: cikabahus@yahoo.com
CHRISTINA DRAHOS - (visual effects
compositor/animator) - [Los
I've been living in Los Angeles since I graduated in '95. I'm
currently working at
Digital Domain as a visual effects compositor/animator. My
roommate and I (also a
fellow Iowa alumni) are always hosting rather insane costume parties -
so we'll be posting
them in the future for any and all of you to attend.
DAVID DRAYER - (actor, playwright, novelist)
- [Los Angeles]
Hi everyone! Sue and I have been in LA since 1996 and are having a
blast! It's a
wild city. The business is brutal at first, but after you get
that survival thing
down, it's a lot of fun. And you can't beat the weather! Check
out the site for my
novel at www.comquat.com/stripcuts
a bio there about my other writing and acting endeavors)
email: DaveDrayer@aol.com
KRYS DROGOSZEWSKI - (actor) - [Chicago]
MARGARET M. DUB� - (actor, director) -
University of Iowa student from 1988 to 1995 (BA)
Still in Chicago...
email: chicagodube@aol.com
I received my MFA from Iowa in 1997 and taught in the department for a
year before joining
the ART and the ART.
email: eginton@fas.harvard.edu
FRANK ENSENBERGER - (actor) - [New York]
55 Leroy Street #10, NY, NY 10014, ph. 212-242-3390. I enjoy reading,
long walks on the
beach, a gentle rainstorm, and men with at least 13 inches of hard
fucking man-meat.
email: FENSENBERGER@mtc-nyc.org
JULIE EWING (nee STINER) - - [Kansas City]
email: JulieEwing@hotmail.com
JENNIFER FARRAR (nee HICKS) - - [Iowa City]
I graduated in the spring of 1988. Since then I've done some free lance
film work for
training films and regional comercials. I've worked at JcPenney far too
long. Married Kris
Farrar in the fall of 1996 and have been living in Iowa City since
email: JFarrar209@aol.com
KRIS FARRAR - - [Iowa City]
I married the former Jennifer Hicks on Aug. 10th, 1996. Hopefully I'll
be teaching English
in Russia within the month. Otherwise I'm still working at the Mill. I
now have a Teaching
Certificate, from the State of Iowa, to teach Russian. Unfortunately I
couldn't find a job
opening in the United States. I survived a bout of a bad gall bladder
while I was in
Russian 3-4 years ago. I got to experience the Soviet Health Care
System in a way that
I've just learned to repress.
email: mailto:kef050@aol.com
STEVE FEFFER - (playwright) - [New York]
email: estlin@email.msn.com
LARRANCE FINGERHUT - (composer, music
director) - [Chicago]
email: lfin@mcs.net
web: http://www.mcs.net/~lfin/
MELANIE FINNIPOT (nee POT) - (stage combat teacher, actor) - [Chicago]
JULIA FISCHER - (director) - [Minneapolis]
Currently has her own company in Minneapolis called 15 Head - a theatre
lab. Working to
develop methodologies for group-generated play-writing. Launching
second season in January
with a collage piece based on Ibsen's The Lady From the Sea followed by
Faust in the
Spring. Phone number for info on 15 HEAD: (612)306-2207. Looking for
Designers, Stage
managers, writers and dramaturgs.
email: Jules59@aol.com
KIRSTEN FITZGERALD - (actor) - [Chicago]
(MFA - '94)
Kirsten continues to live in and love Chicago. She recently
finished a run of Jane
Martin's MR BUNDY at A Red Orchid Theatre in which she acted and
fights. Also this year, she had the pleasure of understudying
Cherry Jones in A MOON
FOR THE MISBEGOTTEN at The Goodman Theatre. Even better, Kirsten
got to play the
role of Josie, in MOON... last summer at Circle Theatre. Loved it
loved it loved
it!!! With Plasticene Physical Theatre, she helped create and
performed in COME LIKE
SHADOWS and looks forward to more fun with them. Kirsten's other
credits include
work with Steppenwolf Theatre, Baliwick, Oddlife, National Pastime,
Chicago Dramatists,
Red Kite, etc. Kirsten continues to work with adults who have
severe and persistant
mental illness using Drama, Movement and Creative writing to
teach/practice social skills
and develop creative resources for coping with illness' and the stress'
of daily
living. She is also currently teaching acting at Columbia
email: kirstenf@wil.thresholds.org
ANNE FOGARTY - (actor) - [Chicago]
(MFA/Acting, 1994)
Anne is still living and working in Chicago. Most of her recent
credits are new
plays, including Mary Zimmerman's Metamorphoses with
Lookingglass Theatre Company
(and understudying the same show at the Mark Taper Forum), The Idiot
(Lookingglass), Talking About Godard (Curious Theatre Branch), Facts
and Figures
(Penlight Theatre Company at Live Bait), and Turn of the Screw (Jeff Hatcher's
two-person version at Illusion Theatre in Minneapolis). Both Talking
About Godard
and Facts and Figures were singled out as two of the best shows
of 1999 by
Chicago's Performink newspaper. This fall, she will return to
Madison Repertory
Theatre (where she previously appeared in Who's Afraid of Virginia
Woolf? and Hauptmann)
to star as Terry in Side Man. Anne has also started
teaching children's
acting classes through Lookingglass and working on various outreach
programs with the
company, such as performing at area high schools in a four-person Romeo
and Juliet
and a three-person Hamlet. Most importantly, Anne was
married on June 17,
2000, to Raymond Fox, a fellow actor and thoroughly lovely human being.
email: Fogarfox@21stcentury.net
or anne_fogarty@hotmail.com
STEPHANIE FREY - (actor) - [Wisconsin]
(BA '96)
Living in Wisconsin,
researching trends for a regional retailer most haven't heard of (Shopko.
I thought not).
Queen of the community theatre. Almost married with stepdaughter. So there.
email: stephanie.frey2@gmail.com
[Boulder, Colorado]
email: circusgods@aol.com
HANNAH GALE - (director,
actor) - [Connecticut]
I'm living in Connecticut and teaching 7th Grade at a
Waldorf School and raising my son, Percy. The only theater that I get to do are
class plays, but I'm glad for those.
email: hgale9@optonline.net
GENE GeBAUER - [Denver]
Gene, now a certified Alexander Technique instructor, still lives in
Denver, just bought a
house with a perfect basement studio for Alexander clients and for tap
students. His
reputation as a tap master has increased. Recently he took the
training from the
National Tap Ensemble, which trains teachers not only in the form but
in the history, and
is now a graduate of this course. He has a lot of private
students, as well as a
number of classes in studios around the Front Range. He has
condensed some of these
to keep off the highway, and with the new studio he will be able to
take more
students. Gene's mission is to further and promote the reputation
of tap. If
you're in Denver come dance with Gene!
email: meanfeet97@aol.com
JUDY GeBAUER - (playwright) - [Denver]
Judy GeBauer continues to be a reader for the Denver Center Theatre
Company, where she was
playwright-in-residence in 1995-96, commissioned to write a piece for
the Conservatory
actors. The result was The Fire-bringer. Last year her
adaptation of Edith
Wharton's novella, Summer, was read and then showcased in New
York by the Drama
Committee Repertory Company. Judy is at work on two new projects,
one dealing with
domestic violence and sports figures; the other takes on the American
dream when a farm
couple places all their hopesin their talented young son. A lot
of time recently has
gone to putting the finishing touches on a novel, The Hail Mary Pass,
researching a film script about an ex-Navy SeAL. Left over energy
goes to getting
her daughter ready for her first year of college.
email: Sands81@aol.com
MIKE GEITHER - (playwright) - [Cleveland]
email: MGeither@aol.com
MARCI GLOTZER - (AEA stage manager) - [New
Still living in NYC with Laura Quinn. No husband orchildren,butnow auntie to two nieces who look more like her than either of their parents, therefore she claims them as her own. Training for first NYC marathon this November! And running as part of Fred's Team, which raises money for pediatric cancer research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in NYC. Still stage managing here, there and everywhere. But mostly here and there. Recently begun taking classes in, of all things, court reporting!
email: marcigee@earthlink.net
(playwright/songwriter/performer) - [Austin]
(BA '97)
Megan continues to write plays and songs, and teaches theatre. Megan and husband, Chris Clark, just moved to Iowa City, the Coolest Town in the World (TM). Megan works part-time at the U of I's Academic Advising Center, and come January, she'll teach playwriting at Coe College. If you're in Atlanta this September, maybe you'll drop in on Synchronicity Theatre's SheWrites Festival and hear a go-round of Megan's latest play, SIG GOTTA DO. If you're in the I.C. area and you play early jazz, bluegrass, Veill-esque dark cabaret or old-school honky tonk and want to jam, let Megan know!
email: mgogerty@yahoo.com
JEFF GOODE - (playwright, director, actor) -
[Los Angeles]
[BA '88]
Jeff is still living in Los Angeles. Still writing.
Copies of Jeff's new play, "HAM/THELLO: a new play by William Shakespeare" are
available August 15th.
email: jeffgoode@aol.com
web: http://www.jeffgoode.com/
EZZAT GOUSHEGIR - (playwright) - [Evanston]
CHERYL GRAEFF - (actor) - [Chicago]
Cheryl Graeff went Equity in the fall on '98 through the production of
STEAM at Victory Gardens. The past few years she has played in
THE TIMING at New American Theatre, HITTING FOR THE CYCLE at Famous
Door Theatre, SCHOOL
Theatre as a resident
artist, and is currently playing Rosemary in PICNIC at Nebraska
Cheryl also teaches part-time in the Film Department at Columbia
College and is proud of
her theatrical work last fall with a group of women inmates at the
Correctional Center.
email: c.graeff@worldnet.att.net
MICHAEL GRAZIANO - (producer) - [New York]
(BA '88)
Michael was recently named Producing Director of Broadway Cares/Equity
Fights AIDS, the
nation's leading industry-based, non-profit AIDS fund-raising and
organization. BC/EFA is the on-going committed response from the
American theatre
community to the AIDS epidemic. He has worked as a Producer for
the New York based
organization since 1994. He has produced many benefit
performances and events, both
on and off Broadway, including BC/EFA's well known annual events -- The
Broadway Flea
Market and Grand Auction, The Gypsy of the Year Competition, The
Easter Bonnet
Competition and Broadway Bares.
email: graziano@bcefa.org
DAN GURLER - (actor, director, playwright,
stage manager) - [San
(BA) 1985 to 1991
email: dgurler@yahoo.com
MICHAEL HACKER - (actor) - [Seattle]
MFA director at University of Iowa
Currently auditioning, writing and planning to relocate somewhere less
beautiful but with
more opportunity.
email: hackermc@aol.com
web: http://members.aol.com/hackermc/
email: jhaines@nemonet.com
MARK HALLEN - (director) - [Philadelphia]
Mark and Darla Max just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary by
going to Stratford
for 10 days! Last year they purchased an historic home built in
1742 in
Philadelphia. It is a beautiful stone colonial home. They
rent a couple of
small one bedroom apts on the first floor and we live on the second and
third floor.
They also have a theatre in their backyard. SERIOUSLY! The
carriage house in
the back yard was turned into a small chamber theatre back in
1933. Mark helps out
with the construction when he has time between his full time job as
Director of Theatre at
Eastern College (suburban college), running a childrens theatre summer
camp and doing the
occasional professional directing gig. (Last year he directed the
world premier of a
piece called Between Men and Cattle by Richard
Kalinoski) Their goals are to
continue to make theatre and educate new theatre artists until they can
have a full time
theatre company running out of their back yard. Maybe in a couple
of years they will
be able to start hiring all their chums to come out here and join them
for a show or
two. In the mean time if anyone is in Philly, come stay for a
while...they have
plenty of room!
email: maxowl@aol.com
(playwright) - [New York City]
Sarah joined the box office staff at TheatreWorks USA. Sarah had a ten-minute play win the Actors Theatre of Louisville's Heideman Award this year, and is due to finish up a first draft of a commission
for South
Coast Repertory Theatre.
email: sarahkhammond@aol.com
ROB HANDEL - [Burlington, VT / New York City]
Having survived an exit from Iowa to get my MFA from Brown, I have
moved to Burlington,
Vermont, where I work as Managing Director for the Green Mountain
Guild, a 27-year-old
theatre for young audiences. Please feel free to contact me if you're
interested in
scantily-paid TYA work in New England. Or if you need scripts for
children or grownups. I
am married to actor Gail Marlene Schwartz and we have at least two
cats. We also live in
NYC, where I have been working with Lincoln Center Theater.
email: hanwartz@sover.net
web: http://www.sover.net/~hanwartz/robhome.html
email: bunnypug@aol.com
KATREEN HARDT - (actor) - [New York]
Katreen is set to begin rehearsals for the German premiere of the
Off-Broadway production
of THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES by Eve Ensler at the Theater Combinale (www.combinale.de) in Luebeck,
Germany. Along with
starring in the production, she is also the co-producer. It opens
November 3rd and
is expected to run intermittently through May or June of 2001. In
December she will
appear in the black comedy DAS MIETSHAUS (THE APARTMENT HOUSE), also at
the Theater
Combinale, to celebrate its ten-year-anniversary. She originally
appeared in the
production in 1990; over the years the play has attracted over 10,000
audience members
making it one of the most successful shows for the German-based theater
Katreen has appeared in two Hal Hartley movies: HENRY FOOL and THE BOOK
is also writing, and was recently commissioned by Conde Nast Women's
Sports & Fitness
Magazine to write a first-person essay about her body doubling
experience for Gwyneth
Paltrow in the feature film, GREAT EXPECTATIONS. She is currently
finishing up her
first novel.
email: katreenh@hotmail.com
INGER HATLEN - (actor) - [Philadelphia]
University of Iowa student (actor) until 1992 (BA)
Inger recently left her position as Production Manager for
Pig Iron Theatre Company, and still works with them periodically in a variety of
capacities. She is currently enjoying raising her 11-month-old daughter Solveig
with husband Joseph Daniels in Philadelphia, and working part time for a testing
services company.
email: inger_hatlen@yahoo.com
ERIC HAUGEN - (lighting design) - [Orlando,
Married Susan Winfield (U of I '88 grad) in 1987. Got a graduate degree
in Lighting Design
from NYU in 1991. Moved to Orlando in 1993. Daughter, Alexandra, born
June 5, 1995. Second
child due in December of 1998! ... After receiving an MFA in Lighting
Design from NYU in
1991, I started a freelance career designing for Off-Broadway, Off-Off
Broadway, Regional
Theatre, and Touring Dance Companies. In 1993 I was accepted into the
United Scenic
Artists union in the Lighting Design category and I relocated to
Orlando, FL where I
continued my freelance career for the next 3 years. In 1996 I joined
ITEC Productions, a
leading design and show control company in the themed entertainment
industry. While
working for ITEC Productions, I designed the lighting for Macy's
Santaland Experience in
New York, the National Science Center's Discovery Theatre in Augusta,
GA, Parque
Hollywood, a themed family entertainment center in Santiago, Chile, and
Marvel Mania, a
themed restaurant at Universal Studios Hollywood. In February of 1998,
I left ITEC
Productions to form my own design company, Haugen Design, with an
emphasis on lighting for
Corporate Theatre and Themed Environments. Since forming my own
company, I have traveled
to Taipei, Taiwan and Prague, The Czech Republic to design for various
corporate clients.
While I have concentrated on themed environments and corporate theatre,
I still try and
find time to design for my first love; Theatre. I am currently the
resident lighting
designer and on the artistic advisory board for the Orlando Shakespeare
Company and I
enjoy designing for regional and university theatre.
email: erichaugen@worldnet.att.net
BA '96
I am currently in Sacramento doing a play here for the Sacramento
Company. I just completed a two year acting stint with The Oregon
Festival, where I performed in a bunch of plays. I directed, wrote, and
acted in
a movement based piece called "The Pale Fire Project" while there. And
I did a couple of independent films. I am currently working on a piece
gender differences as they relate to sex and porn. One day, I hope to
live in
one place long enough to have a boyfriend and couch of my own.
email: saffronhenke@hotmail.com
BOB HUGHES - [Seattle]
email: hughesb@oz.net
MARK HUNTER - (director, dramaturg) -
[Austin, TX]
Currently Associate Director of Riverside Theatre where this season he
is directing Ron
Clark's KINDRED HEARTS, Richard Strand's THE MEDIAN STRIP, Thea
Cooper's MARRY ME and
Steven Dietz's PRIVATE EYES. He is an Assistant Visiting Professor at
UI, teaching
Playscript Analysis, and at Cornell College, teaching Directing.
email: huntermark@aol.com