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*For this tutorial You'll definitely need to copy the images and paste them in paint. then you'll need to magnify them to see what i did. also theres 3 mouths and 3 eyebrows i'll do... i usually make my dolls without eyebrows and with the first mouth.*

Face (Eyes and Nose)


get a face lol mine is from a base by Josie


draw the outline of your eye... *i am teaching you how to make faces the way i do, but i learned by one of josies tutorials, so some of it might be the same, but im crediting her for teaching me!*


fill in the part closest to the middle of the eye white... also i have the 2 colors i'm going to shade the eyes with at the bottom


then color your eyes


then draw a nose... it should be 2 pixels wide and slightly below the eyes


Finally add eyelashes. Those can be anywhere you want- they're eyelashes!

Now for the Eyebrows


if i do use eyebrows, i usually use this one. 


This kind reminds me of a monkey lol.... but I feel like sharing it with you!


this one it like if your doll is raising the eyebrows. I don't normally use eyebrows though.

Now for mouths!


This is the kind i almost always use. It is from Josie's tutorial, so I'm crediting her for that!!


this one's showing a little teeth!!


This one is showing a lot of teeth!! big smiles.

like i said, you'll have to copy and paste the images into MS Paint to see how i did them. You can use the magnifying glass (i usually magnify my dolls to 8 when i am making them) to see in detail.

Since I keep crediting Josie, i'll give her a link!!