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A Journey into
Menger's Sponge

Experience the first levels in 3D.

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Dodecahedral face-to-face constructions

These pages require a VRML enabled browser. If you aren't sure whether your system is able to run VRML applicatons, you should test the basic level first.

click for 3D

Basic level:
A cube divided into 27 subcubes reduced by 7.

click for 3D

First iteration:
Each of the remaining subcubes has been treated in the same way as the original cube.

click for 3D

Please read instructions before you enter the higher iteration levels.

Second iteration:
The procedure has been repeated analogously. This can go on and on infinetely. Each higher level results in decrease of volume and increase of surface at an exponential rate.

For mathematic details visit
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics.

Please note:

The higher iteration levels can slow down your system to the point that the keyboard and mouse commands are temporarily delayed or even ignored. Generally, the faster your computer is the better it runs.
Usually, level 2 works fine. The trouble starts with level 3 that you can access through level 2. You might want to log out and play around with it offline. Don't close the window though.
At level 3, the Menger Sponge starts to ignore your commands. When you like to zoom it keeps rotating. But it gives you a lot of interesting views if you give it a little time.

Copyright © 1999-2002 Stephan Werbeck