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Take Flight

It is a wonderful thing to learn of the Lord and sing His praises. We know that there is more to this life’s journey to contend with. We also have to deal with life’s ups and downs. Discouragements, success, happiness, and sadness. Now is the time to go forth into your calling. There are more battles to be won. More people to encourage; including yourself.

I won’t promise that it will all be blue skies ahead. Just remember: Everything you need is in the Lord. You have God and the Holy Sprit to guide you amidst the winds of life. You have gathered your feathers. Your wings have gained strength. Go forth and find your calling. As you go forth, you will gain more strength, more understanding, and more joy. Yes, more joy.

On this page, you will find more inspiration for the journey ahead. Go forth onto your journey.
God speed!!


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The Road

The Road To Success is not straight
There is a curve called Failure..
A loop called Confusion..
Speed bumps called Friends..
Red lights called Enemies..
Caution lights called Family..
You will have flats called Jobs BUT..
If you have a spare called Determination..
An engine called Perseverance..
Insurance called Faith..
A driver called Jesus..
You will make it to a place called Success!

**Author unknown**

Hold Your Peace

You've often heard the phrase: "Hold Your Peace and let the Lord fight your battles."
But, have you ever stopped to reflect on the complete meaning?

Stay tuned.