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Wings Of Faith

Welcome to Wings of Faith.  Be at ease to take time to strengthen your wings.  Just as a bird when they are first born, their feathers are damp, they have no strength in their wings.  But as time goes on, their feathers dry out, fluff up, and strength comes.  We too must gain greater strength in the Lord in preparation for flight.  Prepared to do the will of God.  Strengthened to take each day as it comes in the Name of Jesus.  Being transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Please take this time to strengthen your wings of faith.  Take time to fluff up your feathers through inspiration in preparation to take flight with joy through what the day brings.  God Bless you as you develop your wings of faith. --- Regina


A New Yield - Regina U. Eddings
My Start and Finish Are ONE - Jacque Patten
Spiritual Woman - Keysa Davis
A New Yield
Regina U. Eddings
The farmers burn the fields at the end of harvest to enrich the land and prepare it for a different yield.  We as believers must also be purged and enriched to yield better and richer fruit in the next harvest.
Things in this world can wear us down and can use up the spiritual strength that we have stored up through prayer and fasting.  It may seem that we can't possibly yield another crop; but God comes and refreshes our spirit.  The Holy Ghost puts fire back into our souls and renews our bodies for another battle.  The test may seem hard and there may be destruction all around; but know that God is preparing you for a new yield.
Don't be discouraged when your season of cultivation comes.  Know that through life's trials you will be a better and richer vessel for the Lord.  His strength is made perfect in weakness.  Glorify the Lord in the midst of your situation and be prepared for a new yield.

My Start and Finish Are ONE
Jacque Patten

Hour by hour I wait for the finish.
The end is in view and this attack has a limit.
My tears have all vanished.
My heart pants subsided.

"Persevere!"  my soul cries.
The finale will bring the prize.
Push, stretch, reach and touch the end.
Your victory is sure and your future will not suspend.

This is the moment of delivery and birth.
This is the era of maturity and growth.
God has fulfilled His providence and care.
The bitter sweet cup of defeat and victory I share.

As I continue to approach the course I must run --
I will run the whole race that His reward I may possess. 
(I Cor 9:24)


(Adapted from Maya Angelou's "Phenomenal Woman" by Keysa Davis,age 12)

Worldly women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not flashy, conceited, or caught up in my size,
But when I tell them it's the Jesus is me,
They think I'm telling lies.
 I say,
 It's in the strength of God's arms,
The feel of His love,
He orders my every step,
Honey, I'm covered in the blood.
I'm a Woman
A Sanctified Woman,
That's me.

 I walk into church
 Just as cool as you please,
I may grab a fan
And raise my hand or
Worship falling down on my knees.
The spirit comes up out of me,
To make my soul fly free.
I say,
It's the fire in my bones,
Unspeakable joy that's so sweet,
It's the wing in my dance,
On my Holy Ghost feet.
I'm a Woman
A Holy Ghost-filled Woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
Oh they try so much
 But they can't touch
My inner chastity.
When I try to tell them,
Those lustful eyes still can't see.
 I say,
No, I'm not looking back,
I'm not fooled by your smile,
I'm waiting on God,
Worldly men cramp my style.
I'm a Woman
A Living  Sacrificial Woman,
That's me.

Now you understand,
Just why my head's not bowed.
Why I shout and jump about
Or praise and sing out loud.
When you see my light shining,
It ought to make you proud!
I say,
It's the faith I have in Jesus,
Through all my ups and downs,
Each experience, a testimony,
Leading straight to my crown.
'Cause I'm a Woman
A Sold-Out Siloam Woman,
Yeah, that's me.

I pray that your time here was blessed of the Lord. Please come back often. Be blessed and continue to walk in liberty.


If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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