d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - March 15, 2000 

Membership - Membership

Every 5 members you offer the Toastmaster opportunity and who join during the months of January, 2000 to March, 2000 will earn you money.

"5" will earn your registration to the Spring Conference and and additional "5" will earn your registration to Toastmasters Leadership Institute.

For every "5" recruits in a club, the club will earn either a Better Club or a Better Speaker Series from T.I.

See who can help your club grow and offer the opportunity of Toastmasters to the most people.

Encourage all members to turn in the paperwork as soon as they complete their CTM and ATM educational accomplishments.

The District wants to recognize those individuals at the next District conference. To receive recognition at the conference, all paperwork MUST be at TI by March 31.

Clubs in D3 are looking for new members.

To be Distinguished, Clubs must have a minimum of 20 members or a net growth of 5 new members. The Goal is to accomplished this by April 30.

How are the clubs going to do it? TI and D3 have put together a little encouragement to help you get there.


Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International

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