Speakers B Download

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - March, 2000 
    Download Speakers Bureau Application

    An editable copy of the Speakers Bureau Application form can be obtained by:

    1) If you are using Netscape, display the Speakers Bureau page in your browser. Go to File, Go to Edit, then Go to Save. Open the saved copy in Netscape Composer and your information can be typed in. Complete the form and e-mail as an attachment.

    2. If you are using Microsoft I.E. Explorer. Display the Speakers Bureau Application page in the browser. Go to File. Go to Edit in MS Word 97. Save as a Word doc. Add your information and e-mail as an attachment.

    3. Open your browser. Point it to http://www.webex.com/office/d3tmToastmasters
    Go to "Shared Documents" on the right hand side of the page and Click. The page will display Toastmaster files which you can download to your computer. Click on Speakers Bureau Application and download. Add your information and e-mail to Sue Delap at sdelap@amphi.com

(for publication in d3tm e-news. Club information is also applied to future Club Location Map updates (print & web versions).

Changes in Club Meeting Time, Day, Location
Anniversaries, Charter Banquets, Open Houses, Other
Presentations given as a Speaker Bureau member
Youth Leadership, Speechcraft, Other
Tips for Toastmasters | Quotes | Humor | Photographs

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International

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