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Welcome chummers, my name is Luther Brimber and this is my
page. A little bit about myself, I am a retired runner who
has discovered that setting up the runs can be more profitable
(and a lot less dangerous) then actually doing the run itself.
I will provide some insight into the world of Shadowrun as I
have experienced it to be, also giving my opinions (wanted or
not) about anything that comes to mind. I hope that you may
learn something from my mistakes.
I will also keep an eye on a group of runners that could turn
out to make some names for themselves if they can manage to
not kill each other first. Any questions or comments can be
directed to the email below.
Shadowrun Webring site is owned by
Luther Brimber.
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Shadowrun Webring?
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Shadowrun is copyrighted by the FASA Corporation and is protected
by law from any and all duplication. All rights reserved. So make
up your own damn system! Shadowrun is just a roleplaying game and
is not to be taken seriously.
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