My first plan is rather simple (Roan and Donnie came up with it in Mr. Heyen's Calculus class). First we take over Mexico, or any other close country that doesn't have a big military, like Canada or something. Then we declare war on the United States and let them kick the crud out of us for at least a year then finally surrender. Then (this is the kicker) we demand retributions for all the damage to the country and loss of life that the United States Military caused. After reciving our billions of dollars, we would kick back for a week or two until The U.S. government declaires bankrupsy (is that how you spell it?). We bail them out and then in essance rule the U.S. With no dept to worry about, we, as the U.S., would start financialy taking over small countrys till we finally amass enough wealth to rule the world, because as we all know "Cash Rules Everything Around Me" (as quoted by the Wu-Tang).