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Nakoma & Dakota's Page

Hello there! Welcome to Nakoma and Dakotas homepage! Nakoma and Dakota are brother and sister and are full blooded Siberian Huskies. They come from a long line of champion dogs, it goes back seven generations in their family. It may be hard to tell but Dakota has one blue eye and one brown, while Nakoma just has both brown. Nakoma is on the bottom, and Dakota is in the wagon. They are currently 16 weeks old. The picture taken above was entered into a contest for the cutest puppy picture. We hope we win...(wish us luck)! My sister and I are the proud owners(mommys) of these dogs. My name is Kelli and Krisi is my sister. So far these pups have been a challenge but we are ready and willing to take on the responsiblity for raising and training them, so if you live in Southern California and you know of any good dog trainers, please let us know. We are hoping to be able to take them to dog shows when they get older, so we are trying our best to make them behave. Well, this is all I have for now on their page since I have only had this homepage for a short time, also I am still learning about how to make homepages. I will have more pictures of our dogs as the weeks pass and they get bigger and bigger, until then, Cya!! And thanks for stopping by!

Nakoma loves TV!!

this is them outback just after eating dinner

Nakoma Relaxing!

Krisi's pup Dakota :)

Nakoma..." I just taught her to sit"

Siberian Husky Ring

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Nakoma&Dakota's Hobbies

  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Running
  • Whining!
  • Chewing on favorite stuffed animals
  • watching tv

There favorite links

Angelfire homepages
lookin' for a virtual pet? Click here!
want more information on Huskies?
Nakomas' mommy's homepage(me)!
Siberian Husky homepages
