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LHLCGA Homepage

Page Updated: Monday, June 27, 2005

**RUMOR: Lynn could be returning to General Hospital**
Word has it that Tony Geary (Luke) is pushing for her to come back. Keep in mind this is just a rumor. It should be noted that she was offered a role on Days of our Lives but turned it down.

Disclaimer: I am not related to or have any affiliation with Ms. Herring or ABC, Disney. I am just a fan who is celebrating her favorite daytime diva, Lucy Coe. This is also work of my own design.

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About us...

The Lynn Herring Lucy Coe Guardian Angels, or LHLCGA, is a group of men and women on the internet who love Lynn Herring and her character, Mrs. Lucy Coe-Collins!

The LHLCGA was formed around the time of the infamous Kevin and Lucy non-wedding in 1998. The LHLCGA has 35 angels. Basically, there are only two things that a guardian angel has to do. The first one is love Lucy or Lynn or both. The second is choosing a keepership.

I sent a letter to Ms. Herring telling her what the club is and what it is about. So she probably knows of our existence. Our birthday is the 27th of July 1998. We have just celebrated our seventh birthday.

UPDATE: I got an email from her personal assistant. She personally likes the site. She has sent Lynn the information about the site. :-)

FYI..Eventhough Port Charles is being shut down I am keeping the site up and running. Any news about the actress or Jon Lindstrom (Kevin) that you want me to post here email me!!!


To see what keeperships are taken go to The List!!

If you find one that is taken and you wanted to be keeper of that particular thing email me and we will work something out. Because there are those who only wish to be a member of the mailing list (which is now defunct, I have no plans of starting another mailing list for the club, but the individuals on the list are still members.) their names are listed on the big board but they don't have a keepership by their name.


Links to other sites
Lucy Coe Quotes
LHLCGA Membership Board
Lynn Herring Quotes
Kevin and Lucy Support Letters
