After downloading and unzipping, you can run the file SPICEBMP.BAT which I have included in the ZIP file. Just unzip SPICEBMP.ZIP into a temporary directory and run SPICEBMP.BAT. It will back up your old Win95 screens and install the new ones. The backup screens will be in C:\WINDOWS\SPICEBAK\ should you wish to go back to your old screens.
After those files are in place, shut down your computer normally and reboot. Your startup/shutdown screens should now be a quite a bit spicier.
To preview the new screens, click on the preview button below.
To download the new screens (appx. 110k), click on on the CD below.
If you wish to install the screens manually: Make backup copies of your current images
Then unzip SPICEBMP.ZIP into a temporary directory. Copy the new LOGO.SYS into C:\ and
copy the new LOGOS.SYS and LOGOW.SYS into C:\WINDOWS\
How it works:The startup and shutdown screens are just bitmapped images (like any .BMP file).
Instead of naming them with .BMP extensions, Windows95 uses the .SYS extension. I don't know
why they did that. Probably to keep stupid people from screwing with them. Anyway, I took the old
.SYS files and spiced them up a bit in Photoshop and that's all there is to it. These BMPs will
replace the images that come up when you turn your computer on and off. The zip
(SPICEBMP.ZIP) contains these files:
LOGO.SYS - Startup screen. This is normally a cloudy background with the MSWindows
LOGOW.SYS - The cloudy background with "Please wait while your computer shuts down"
written across the screen.
LOGOS.SYS - The black screen with "It's now safe to turn off your computer."
SPICEBMP.BAT - Run this file to install the new images