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Wanted for the death's of Cows

Special report from The Cow Bureau of Invistigation & The CIA ( Cow Intelligence Agency): We are hot on the trail of a man, he is considered to be very dangerous and is armed with a barbecue and a steak knife. Be very careful!!!!! If you see this man please contact us immediatly. You may stop a killer of billions!!! If he sees you run very fast and contact your authorities.

The Killer
Real Name:UNKNOWNProfile: The killer is trained in The Arts of Painful Death. He has killed billions of cows, and no one is really safe. He is known to have magical powers to make almost anything happen. If you see a yellow M flash anywhere The killer is near!
Orgin: An Evil Chicken and a Demon Clown both fell into a vat of Toxic Waste. When they emerged they were one!!!

We have a recent report about the man known only by cows as "THE KILLER" : recently we spoted "THE KILLER" in Sedona, AZ our undercover agent got a picture of suspect and we have recently learned he is working with "Mark the Meat Manager" at the local Bashas Super Market. These two men are working on an ultimate master plan to eliminate all cows on Earth. And here is the exclusive picture of what "The Killer" looks like. Remember if you see "THE KILLER" or his accomplise contact your local athorities.

"Mark"__&__"The Killer"
