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In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful








NMAI The National Muslim AIDS Initiative,is the first national effort to target American Muslims, including immigrants on the HIV/AIDS issues. .

Chris Norwood - Executive Director

Abdelaziz M Abdelaziz -Project Director

Please send your comments about the web page to

Bronx Commmunity College

The National Muslim AIDS Initiative is the first national effort to target American Muslims, including immigrants on the HIV/AIDS issues.
    The mission of this project is threefold:

  1. to raise awareness within Muslim communities of the urgent need for AIDS support, education and prevention.
  2. to increase the sensitivity of key non-Muslim agencies such as hospitals and service providers, as well as non- Muslim caregivers (including relatives and friends who frequently care for Muslims with HIV/ AIDS), to a Islamic customs, concerns and institutions.
  3. To assist Muslim agencies in AIDS impacted areas to secure appropriate government and private HIV/AIDS funding.

This brochure is part of a series of unique health educational materials designed by Muslims from an Islamic perspective. The language is designed to assist and educate counselors, service providers, and administrators who provide HIV/ AIDS services to Muslims and their families to have a better compassionate understanding of Muslims with HIV/AIDS.

The Muslim client views his/her world in a very different way from the traditional Western perspective. To understand his/her point of view, and how the Muslim client interacts within this world, is the first step in being more effective in providing culturally appropriate health and social services.

Unlike the general view in western societies, in the mind of the majority of Muslims, there is little separation of religion and state. Islam is not just a religion, but a way of life. Any social service to this group must start from and respect that perspective.


Through a National database of Muslim health organizations and service needs, and a National Resource Center for culturally and religiously appropriate information, the NMAI will assist interested organizations to provide culturally sensitive resources and exchange AIDS support and prevention literature. Literature topics that will be available from NMAI include:

  1. Mission of the Project
  2. Islamic Perception of HIV/AIDS Prevention
  3. Questions About HIV/AIDS
  4. Islamic Funeral
  5. Fast of Ramadan
  6. Sickness and Dying with Grace
  7. Islamic Guidance
  8. The Internet: key to AIDS funding and information Resources.

    The above brochures will be available in English, Arabic, Spanish and French.

To assure the most widespread dissemination of Muslim oriented AIDS information, the Health Force Muslim AIDS Initiative will produce a series of audio and video cassettes featuring highly respected Islamic religious leaders who are experts on AIDS.



Links to other sources of HIV/AIDS information
Information on acupuncture, oriental and Chinese Medicine, herbology, Qi Gong, a practitioner referral list, and more.

AEGIS - AIDS Education Global Information Service
Headlines, news, library with vast searchable collection of articles, newsletters, etc. (added 3/24/97)

AIDS and HIV - informations and resources
Information and resources in French and English. Lots of links.

AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (ACTIS)
National information about clinical trials. Access to MedLine databases.

AIDS Project Los Angeles
Support groups, advocacy, health tips and other links for the Los Angeles area.

American Academy of Ophthalmology
Basic information about AIDS/HIV and the eye. No descriptions of treatments in clinical trials.

The Ark of Refuge
San Francisco organization promoting AIDS education in African-American Community and targeted high risk groups, includes housing and direct services.

ARIC: AIDS Research Information Center
is a private, non-profit AIDS medical information service offering current, medically accurate information on AIDS treatment and research in plain English to anyone who requests it. (added 1/20/96)

Bastyr University AIDS Research Center
The AIDS Research Center in Seattle is conducting a nationwide observational study. Anyone who uses alternative medicine as part of their treatment plan can participate.

California AIDS Clinical Trials
Forms for searching trials by condition, CD4 count and personal history. (added 4/2/96)

Canadian HIV Trials Network.
Information about clinical trials and other HIV-related resources in Canada. Also in french

CATIE - Community AIDS Treatment Information Exchange
Canadian site providing information on treatment options including drugs, other medical treatments and complementary therapies. English and French. (added 5/25/97)

Updates from the Centers for Disease Control taken from journals and other publications around the world. Ten one paragraph abstracts with references, posted to the Web each morning.

Critical Path Project
A vast amount of valuable information on prevention, research, clinical trials, treatments, alternative treatments, services, and a searchable index. Includes ACT UP Philadelphia's HIV Adult Standard of Care.

CyberQueer Lounge
Links to AIDS info including the Digital Quilt, as well as other links of interest to the lesbian, gay and transgendered community. Updated and added to often. Lots of political stuff.

Excellent search engine that allows you to search newsgroups for articles by subject words, author and date. Submit the query filter form first to limit the newsgroups searched; for example:,

XI International Conference on AIDS
The conference will be held July 7-12, 1996 in Vancouver. Frequently updated site with newsletter.

GENA Mailing List Archives
Where you'll find many discussion groups about HIV/AIDS, including AIDS dialogue, AIDS drugs, AIDS and spirituality, AIDS drug trials, and women and HIV.

GMHC's Living with HIV or AIDS
Information on medical care and treatment, nutrition, mental health and counseling services, support groups, financial concerns, legal concerns, alcohol and drug use, insurance, and emergency services.

Herbal Resources
Links and downloadable information about herbs. Join the alt.folklore.herbs newsgroup for an ongoing discussion about herbs as treatments.

HIV Medication Guide
Drug/drug interactions, scheduling, and other medication information. Can be a bit confusing at first, but very useful. "Site made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from and BioChem Pharma." The reference page shows where the information came from. (added 3/5/98)

37th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) and Daily Summaries from ICAAC
September 28-October 1, 1997, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (added 9/25/97)

HIV/AIDS Information Outreach Project
Links to government, scientific and technical information, academic and reference materials, cultural resources, community resources, and the resources of the New York Academy of Medicine.

HIV Electronic Information Media Review
An electronic newsletter with a selection of information from all over the Internet, updated every two weeks. Also, Australian and Pacific information, clinical trials, and facts sheets on conditions and treatments.

HIV Insite
From University of San Francisco, searchable national trials database, treatment and drug development papers, and more. (added 3/24/97)

HIVNET/GENA Information Server
Downloadable texts from magazines, newsletters and other periodicals. A lot of good information, but some of the text files on conditions and treatments are very out-of-date, so be aware of the date at the bottom of each file. Links to other places with HIV/AIDS information on the Web.

HIV Sequence Database lt;DD>Pictures of HIV and scientific papers on HIV gene sequences from the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

InfoPack Newsletter
From Community Prescription Service. Articles on anemia, MAC prophylaxis. (added 4/2/96)

The Information Exchange
UK site providing an important forum for exchange of views on HIV and Aids treatment, care and research for patients, clinic staff, GPs, the media and the general public. Excellent clinical trial information, including many treatments not yet being studied in the US.

JAMA HIV/AIDS Information Center
The Journal of the American Medical Association's HIV/AIDS site. Excellent source for journal articles, abstracts, the CDC Daily, treatment guidelines, and more.

Just Say Yes
Information about safer sex.

Johns Hopkins AIDS Service
Publications, treatments, managed care, expert consult, epidemiology, resources, education, prevention. Includes the entire text of Medical Management of HIV Infection by John G. Bartlett, MD. (added 1/28/98)

Philadelphia Fight
Philadelphia FIGHT is a Community-Based Research Initiative on AIDS in Philadelphia. Founded in 1990, FIGHT is a consortium of physicians and people living with HIV who have joined together to test potential treatments for HIV/AIDS and its complications.

PoWeR: Program for Wellness Restoration
Information on approaches to preventing/reversing wasting syndrome in HIV disease. (updated 3/11/98)

Project Inform
Facts Sheets, Discussion Papers, Hotline Handouts, and their newsletter PI Perspectives.

Protease Inhibitor Response Project (PIRP)
For people with HIV who are using anti-HIV medications, as well as their physicians. The purpose of this site is to gather information from patients who are taking combinations of anti-HIV drugs, especially combinations involving the protease inhibitors.

Public Health Acupuncture
New site with HIV information, links to journal articles, and a lounge. Free acupuncture for people living in northern New Jersey. (added 1/9/98)

Queer Resources Directory
Massive archive of files relating to all things queer. Links to health and sexuality issues, including information on HIV/AIDS.

Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections Conference, 2/1-2/5
Conference materials, sessions broadcast over the Internet, and abstracts. (added 1/29/98)

Rural Prevention Center
Located at at Indiana University/Purdue, focusing on the promotion of preventing HIV and STDs in rural America.

The Safer Sex Page
Answers to some questions you may have with links to other pages.

The Stop AIDS Project
A four year old organization in San Francisco addressing gay and bisexual men and what they can do to stop AIDS. (added 1/27/96)

Tulane University AIDS Clinical Trials Unit
Protocols open for enrollment in the New Orleans area. (added 6/11/96)

The University of Cambridge
has some pictures for downloading of HIV protease.

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center's HIV Clinical Research Group
The HIVCRG performs clinical trials of newly developed HIV anti-retroviral drugs. Other studies include treatment of diseases associated with or related to HIV infection. (added 1/20/97)

The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education. Pictures of HIV, PCP, CMV and other infectious agents.

The Yoga Group, Inc.
A group based in Denver, Colorado with information about yoga for people living with HIV and AIDS, and links to other sites.

We the People
The only Philadelphia-area organization created and run by and for people living with HIV disease and AIDS. Includes their monthly newspaper, Alive & Kicking! and information about their weekly TV broadcast on health care in the age of AIDS: Positive Health. (added 11/24/95)

For further information, please call (718)585-8585

Please send your comments about the web page to

[counter] accesses since september 17, 1998

The official web site of Muslim Community Health Services is currently under construction

Web Page Designed by Abdelaziz M Abdelaziz