The HEART GIFT of the month is given by Nancy
Please visit her site. Many Thanks
..."I support breast cancer awareness "...
If you are visiting "Heart Gifts" for the first time, I welcome you and invite you to join us. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the "DAYS OF THE WEEK" and check out the daily messages, on each link to read the message for that day. If you enjoyed the "gifts and wish to receive the "Gifts" daily, please add your name to ListBot or Email me and say ADD ME. If you have received this page and wish to be removed, please use the Email and write REMOVE in the subject line.
For the newcomers, I WELCOME YOU and hope that you will enjoy and be blessed by the "gifts" you receive each day. We look forward to getting to know you and sharing parts of our lives together. Please know that if you have any special need or concern, you are welcome to share with us. I also love getting ideas and "bits & pieces" to add to the daily page.
Please send this page on to friends and family. However when you forward on, be sure they get this page. I would like to let all of you know that we now have people ALL OVER THE WORLD now receiving the "Gifts" page. Keep up the good work.
Birthdays are honored at Hearts so send us yours, year not necessary. On the Greeting Cards Link you will find cards for all occasions. If you have a birthday in May, please let me know as soon as possible.
Visit my Awards and Gifts Page to see the "Gifts" made for me. I love to received gifts, so you have one to add, please send it to me. Each month I will feature a new "Gift".
I have collected HOME PAGES of "Hearts" Members, they are listed on Hearts Gifts's Friend Page, Please Visit each one of them and be sure to send me yours if it is not listed. If it is, please check to see if yours is current.
On some of the Gift pages I will be using WAVS instead of MIDI's. You must have Real Audio to hear them, if you do not have RA and would like to download it to your computer, please use the link below. Now if this gets to be a problem with you, please let me know and I will go back to strictly midi's, but the REAL Music and words are wonderful to listen too.
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