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This is
the Addresses and Resources page of the Christian Gay Network.
Hi there

Welcome to the Addresses and Resources page of the Christian Gay Network. Here you will be able to find links and addresses of Christian organizations and churches that are open to gays and lesbians all over the world. All mentioned organizations and churches are gay-friendly or organized by gays, as far as we know.

(We can only go by what info we find on the web sites of these organizations. There is no guarantee on how you will be welcomed, if you contact them. So, please use your own discretion.)

Just click on the part of the world where you are to find info. A new map will appear to show you more detail. In some cases you can zoom in to province/state or even city level. I hope you will find the information you are looking for. If you have any suggestions, please, tell me about websites or email addresses that I could include. Please fill out the form below!
Enjoy your stay here!

Peter, Amsterdam

info on gay(friendly) Christian organizations and churches in North America. info on gay(friendly) Christian organizations and churches in Europe info on gay(friendly) Christian organizations and churches in Africa. info on gay(friendly) Christian organizations and churches in the Middle East, including Israel and Turkey info on gay(friendly) Christian organizations and churches in Asia. info on gay(friendly) Christian organizations and churches in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. info on Christian organizations and churches in Central and South America.

World wide organizations:
Name: Emergence International
Character of the organization: Christian Scientist organization for Lesbians Gay Men and Bisexuals
Where is it based/active? World Wide (mainly in the USA)

Name: Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Character of the organization: Universal Headquarters of the Metropolitan Community Church
Check for national and local branches on these sites!!!
Where is it based/active? World Wide

Please, send in any info you have!

Help us improve this listing of Christian Gay(friendly) organizations and churches all over the world.
You can fill in the form and send it with just a click on the button. It will only take a few minutes. We will check the info and incorporate it a.s.a.p.
Thank you very much for taking the trouble.

name of the organization:
web site (URL):
E-m@il address:
brief description of the organization/church: (maximum 250 charactars)
In what part of the world is this organization active?
If more than one area, please fill in here.
If you can be more specific, please fill in:
Province, State, County, etc:
City, town, village:
Extra information:

Thanx a lot for having taken the trouble of filling in this information form. If we decide to include your input (and you have listed an email address) the organization will be notified.

Christian Gay Network
Peter, Amsterdam

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© 1999 Christian Gay Network
Peter, Amsterdam