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Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring sweetie Join...darling

<BGSOUND SRC="" loop=infinite>
"Absolutely Fabulous"
The Pet Shop Boys

"Channel, Dior, Lagerfeld, Givenchy, Cartier - names, names, names...I'm chanting as we speak...techno darling, techno...Lacroix sweetie ..."
AbFab Theme song lyrics:
"Wheels on fire
Rolling down the road
Best notify my next of kin
This wheel shall explode..."
Chances are if you're visiting this site, you're an AbFab fan - but for those of you who are just learning about the British comedy Absolutely Fabulous from visiting this web site, you should know that this sitcom was hillarious, totally obnoxious, outrageous and one of a kind. Of course I used the past tense above ("sitcom was hillarious") because AbFab's final episode was a brilliant full length series ending movie, "The Last Shout." With a talented cast of characters and guest appearances, AbFab's humor is best described as the misadventures of Edina and Patsy; two femme fatales who embody and exaggerate all stereotypes fitting of their materialistic careers and fixations with fashion and celebrity status.

"What are you wearing?"

If you're familiar with the show, you'll know that the Absolutely Fabulous cast consisted of Jennifer Saunders (who is also the writer of the show [Edina]), Joanna Lumley (Patsy), Julia Sawalha (Saffy), June Whitfield (Mum), and Jan Horrocks (Bubble); but AbFab episodes were also filled with many established and talented actors and actresses (Ade Edmonson [Young Ones and husband of Jennifer Saunders], Christopher Ryan [Young Ones], Dawn French [French and Saunders] - to name a few) Do you have an Absolutely Fabulous web site of your own - one that includes information regarding the main characters and/or actors and actresses that have appeared in AbFab??? If so, maybe you would like to join the ring??? We're a brand new group at the moment - but we're growing. Thanks for checking in and I hope that you can join Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring today and unite AbFab web sites worldwide!!
Brilliant News!!!
There is a new show currently taping in Britain called "Let Them Eat Cake" starring Jennifer Saunders (Edina) and Dawn French. The show is written by a gentleman named Peter Learmouth and directly by our Patsy, Joanna Lumley. All tapings are sold out to this sitcom which is set in Versailles, France just prior to the French Revolution; Jennifer and Dawn play chambermaids. I hope we can watch it on BBC America!!! Otherwise we will probably have to wait a couple of years to view it here in the USA. Although in Britain, the show should air in the fall. I've also heard a rumor about another show Jennifer Saunders is working on which includes the cast of AbFab; set in a bar that is owned by Patsy's character. How exciting!! I'll try to keep posting news here in the future as it is made available to me...cheers!!

If you're in Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring and would like to edit your site information:
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Rules and Instructions for Joining Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring

1. Please, no x-rated, racism, or profanity, we have young viewers too!!

2. Your site must contain information including and/or pertaining to Absolutely Fabulous or any actors or actresses related to the show

3. Your Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring HTML fragment MUST appear on the page of your website containing required AbFab material

4. VERY IMPORTANT: Once again, the HTML fragment must appear on your Ab Fab page after you've submitted the form below...otherwise you will be dropped from the "queue." You may only use the pictures appearing on the HTML fragment page for your HTML fragment. These pictures for your HTML fragment must be downloaded to your own server and uploaded within Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring HTML fragment on your own site.

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Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring, sweetie
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Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring , sweetie
Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring site is owned by ~*~Sweetleaf~*~.
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Next site, darling

5. You must email Sweetleaf after you've completed the form below. VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT forget to right down your ID# and Password. That information must be included in your emailed request to be added to the ring!!

6. Once you've submitted the form below and emailed Sweetleaf you will join the "queue." At that point your site will be evaluated and you will receive instructions on whether or not you have joined Edina and Patsy's Fantastic Webring .

7. Thanks for submitting, darlings!!!

Submit your site below:
Site Title:
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Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site if your site is related to characters that have appeared on AbFab such as Jennifer Saunders (who is also the writer of the show [Edina]), Joanna Lumley (Patsy), Julia Sawalha (Saffy), June Whitfield (Mum), and Jane Horrocks (Bubble), Adrian "Ade" Edmonson (Hamish) also known from The Young Ones and husband of Jennifer Saunders, Christopher Ryan (Marshall) and The Young Ones, Christopher Malcolm (Justin), and Dawn French (Kathy) also known from French and Saunders. Please specify which character or characters your site is about in this description:

Sweetie, darling let me in!!!

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Some of the lovely photos from this site originated from:
Louis DeTulleo's Absolutely Fabulous Page
All information regarding news from the upcoming "Let Them Eat Cake" program is gathered from:

FabulousWorld email community located at ONElist

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"Absolutely Fabulous™" is a production of the British Broadcasting Corporation. 1992 -1996 BBC.