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The Shadow Maze

~ also known as the Enochian Keys ~
translated into the phonetic format
© 1997 by Parker Kientz-Torrence

"The conjuration given by Dr. Dee are in a language called Angelic, or Enochian. Its source has hitherto baffled research, but it is a language and not a jargon, for it possesses a structure of its own, and there are traces of grammar and syntax.
"However this may be, it works. Even the beginner finds that "things happen" when he uses it: and this is an advantage or disadvantage shared by no other type of language. The rest need skill. This needs prudence!"
Magick In Theory And Practice,  Chapter IX
by Aleister Crowley


I've rendered the Enochian Keys into a phonetic format, in the hope that it will make their use easier and available to a larger group of magicians, (i.e. those of us who do not read Greek or speak Hebrew). I've used the rules of pronunciation as presented by G. Schueler in Enochian Magic,and I've employed the text of "BM Sloane MS 3191," as found in Mysteria Magica, by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips. I've also incorporated such corrections as noted in that work (based upon Dee's marginal notes).
You'll find in "The 11th Enochian Key" that I've added what I believe to be the missing line of Enochian:
or "and they gathered themselves together and became..."
I've noted the line in the 11th Key, by placing it within brackets
[ ]. Use it or don't as is your desire.
These Keys were first tested in the phonetic form in Yule 1989 c.e. by the Lady Greendragon, and found to be most effective. In closing this introduction, I wish all those who walk The Road to Enochiana, a magickal and successful journey.


Aleister Crowley,
Liber LXXXIV vel Chanokh
Geoffrey James,
The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee
Donald C. Laycock,
The Complete Enochian Dictionary
Gerald. Scheuler,
Enochian Magic
Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips,
Mysteria Magica
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The Phnetic Keys
[ One ] [ Two ] [ Three ] [ Four ] [ Five ] [ Six ] [ Seven ] [ Eight ] [ Nine ] [ Ten ] [ Eleven ] [ Twelve ] [ Thirteen ]
[ Fourteen ] [ Fifteen ] [ Sixteen ] [ Seventeen ] [ Eighteen ] [ Key to the Aethyrs ] [ Phonetic text zip file ]

The English Keys
[ One ] [ Two ] [ Three ] [ Four ] [ Five ] [ Six ] [ Seven ] [ Eight ] [ Nine ] [ Ten ] [ Eleven ] [ Twelve ] [ Thirteen ]
[ Fourteen ] [ Fifteen ] [ Sixteen ] [ Seventeen ] [ Eighteen ] [ Key to the Aethyrs ] [ English text zip file ]

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last updated June 21, 1998