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FREE Plastic Canvas Patterns


This site showcases my favorite FREE plastic canvas patterns that I've found on the 'net (after much digging around). Feel FREE to browse around; I'm sure you'll find something you'll like
To access the patterns, simply click on the underlined title of the site that has the patterns you wish to view. You will be taken to that website, and from there you can view and print the patterns for your own personal use.

Enjoy your stay! Please visit again! And bring a friend! :-)

My PC History:

My wonderful and ever-loving boyfriend Chris introduced me to the wonderful world of plastic canvas a few years ago (at the ripe ol' age of 21). He helps teach this craft to sixth graders at the local junior high (bless his heart). He got me hooked on the craft, and I've been in a plastic-canvas induced frenzy ever since. I've made many, many projects, and bought many, many, many books! The projects I've given away as gifts have been a big hit, and it makes me feel really good to know that the gifts I make and give are special because they come from the heart!

Mary's Plastic Canvas Downloads- This site features patterns created by Mary, her husband, and her nine year old daughter. The patterns are free for the taking (as long as you don't sell, copy, or change her designs); all she asks is that you sign her guestbook and, if possible, share a PC pattern with her! This site contains a message board, a chat room, a free mailing list, a craft exchange sign-up form, and the following patterns:

TGAW's Plastic Canvas Designs- This site includes PC basics, patterns, links, as well as ways to contribute your own patterns. The following patterns are available on this site:

Debi's Plastic Canvas Site- This site includes a message board, tips, links, a craft ring, and more!The following patterns are available:

T's Place- This is a very impressive site, so check it out! It has the following patterns:

Unii's Plastic Canvas- This site has LOTS of links to plastic canvas, sewing, and other crafts. The free patterns given on this site are:

Fridgie Hiders- This site has a lot of free patterns for different needlework arts, and LOTS of stuff to look at. It has a message board, links, jokes,contestes, the Fridgie Hiders Club, and more. The plastic canvas patterns on this page are:

Susan's Plastic Canvas Patterns- This site features the following patterns:

Peg's Home Page- This is Peg's personal home page, and it has a LOT of different information to go through. In her plastic canvas section, you will find a link to the following pattern:

The Kats Meow- This site has a different pattern each week, so check back often!

Sandy's Plastic Canvas Page- Sandy is willing to trade patterns via e-mail, and visitors to her site get a free pattern. She has a HUGE collection of books and magazines that have PC patterns. These patterns include:

ATTENTION CRAFTERS! Click here to learn how your skills can help make a difference in Christopher Reeve's effort to raise money for research into neurological disorders!
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