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My Poetry

A Mime's Only Escape

Trapped in a box

With a rope leading to nowhere

A face of paint to cover emotion

Sentenced to silence

My only escape is a tear

Breaking the box

Releasing my pain

Washing away the paint

Little Girl, Big Girl

tiny precious angel

wrapped in mommys arms

fear of nothing

content and warm

tempermental baby monster

crying at the slightest thing

wanting all

thinking she's king

little pretty princess

upon daddys knee

laughing, smiling...

giggles full of glee

the silent sweetie

quiet and shy

sentimental and kind

obnoxious teenager

rebelling against the world

saying all is heartless and cruel

once again

a dazzling charm

linked with mom arm in arm

kissing daddy on the cheek

going out

love is what she seeks

honey she's home 

better than before

having educated opinions

of herself she’s sure

and more mature than you'd believe

ready to go and face the world

she’s all grown up now

but in her parents eyes

forever and always

the same she will be

daddys little princess

and mommas dollbaby

Life Is Like The Waters of The World

Like  the salty ocean,
Life brings tears to your eyes, 
But  can also be tranquil  and wide

Like a river,
Life is twisting,
With numerous  paths to choose from

Like a waterfall,
Life is full of risks, adventure
And splendor as well

Like a pond,
Life is mystifying,
Filled with surprises 
But also little things
 Which can easily be overlooked

Like a puddle,
Somethings in life are dirty...
But are fun to jump in anyway

Like a snowflake,
Each life is so unique,
Special in their own way

Like rain,
Life can be unpredictable, harsh
Soft and soothing
But  can be gone just as quickly as it came

Like a handful of water,
Life should be treasured,
Careful to not let it spill,
Preserving every drop...

i am scared

of what lies in my fate

is it life or death that i shall face?

either way i loose

if i live...

tomorrow i will face a lifetime.

every day holding a new challenge and battle i must fight

however if i die

i will face death, my greatest fear

the fear of nothingness

or worse the fear of hell

will the gates of Heaven open wide

or slam shut when i arrive?

but either way i can win

if i live i can learn, love and laugh

and if i die, i can be fully in peace

relieved of the weight upon my shoulders.

Death is not the end...
But the finishing of a chapter and
Conception is simply the beginning of a new
Some don't finish and must go back to
And heal the wounds that maybe open
Birth is the process of fading the scars

Troubled Bystander

My eyes brim with tears,
As I watch the universe
Destroyed by my peers
They live in a fantasy
I see reality
Nature is dying because they are blind
Thinking not with their heart and soul,
But with only a shallow mind
Oblivious to Mother Natures silent pleas
To start recycling
Stopping litter
And the cutting down
Of trees
Going on with their selfish selves
Continuing not to care
They are only punishing the future,
And because no one will listen
All I can do is stare

Two Little Children

Two little children,

One black, one white

Holding hands and playing

No problems, nor fright

They laugh, they run,

They jump, they skate

And then they learn of violence and hate

Soon they are torn apart

By their different race

Two innocent, little children

One black,one white

Are no longer friends,

Because of our sight

Release From Pain

Life has been nothing but torture and pain

From the very second of my conception

Unwanted in the womb

Detested in the world

Unloved by all

With these closing words I pray to thee:

Release me from agony

And slash my ties From hell- so my spirit

May finally be freed

This shall not be an act of self pity-

But an alleviation of grief

No longer will I be a burden

Dear dagger,be quick but precise

I scream out in torment as you puncture my bosom

My eyes close,

I fall into unending slumber...

Never to weep again

String of Guilt

I feel as though I am falling, Falling, tied to a string From the sky.

Voices keep on calling, Calling, for me to stay alive.

All I see is darkness, darkness everywhere. I am surrounded, surrounded with loving care.

Although I may seem to be at peace, I long to let go, for no matter how far I fall I am never released

I am caught by a grasp, a grasp of guilt...

I don't want to leave them behind, but I must set myself free,I must die





Will all soon disappear.

For I now put my soul to rest, and wish my loved ones the best

No longer could I prolong this, I was needed somewhere else


Time has stopped

Tears have been dried

Birth has been miscarried

Death has died

All is equal, yet not the same

No winning, no losing

No competition in games

Anger has been diminished

Pain has gone away

Evil has been finished

Good is here to stay

Perfection has been achieved

Yet is much different

Than we all perceived

Deep Exursion of Strength

Holding my head up high

Smiling, only to keep from crying

Biting my tongue

To prevent exposure

Of my thoughts

Overwhelmed by my surroundings

Passed out on the couch

April 1, 1999

unContRollaBle LaugHter

SmIlING, gigglINg

everyThiNGs fun and GAMes

until a SPIRALLINg footBall

hits you in your MouTh OF Metal

i really love the 5-7-5 and 2-4-6-8-2 poems....i think one is called a hicou or something on those terms but i enjoy writing them. i like the way they are self-explanatory in such a few words. well here they are:

summer days drifting farther
sunny rays getting colder
closing time sadly

your love
forever more
like a locket, clasps shut
withstands the force of temptation
trusts me

silent tears falling
burning, they run down my cheeks
salty streams of pain

losing someone close
wishing you could have switched roles
no greater heartache

wrapped joints
bandaids on cuts
peroxide kills germs
broken hearts hurt worst of all
no cure

watching you with her
cuddling close and tightly
wishing you are mine

no more pain, darkness
sudden, bright light surrounds you
overwhelmed with joy

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