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Explorer Post 441

Our High Adventure Explorer Post is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. We have gone hiking, rock climbing, canoeing, survival hikes, sailing, snorkeling, water skiing, snow skiing, and more! We have about 20 active members and we are looking for new recruits!


Two years ago we attended Philmont and had a great time hiking over 85 miles! We did events including spar pole climbing, tomahawk throwing, rock climbing, and blacksmith work.

We are attending Philmont this July and hiking about 70 miles while doing a ton of fun activities!

Join Our High Adventure Post!

If you are 14-21 and live in the Scottsdale area and are ready for High Adventure, e-mail me at

And become an …..

Jeff says…

"Don't forget to recycle!"

Have visited this site since July 8, 1997.

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Please E-mail any questions, comments, or tips to me.