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A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism Volume 1

On the Spheres of the Tree of Life

Volume One compares Western Occultism with the Eastern systems of yoga, analyses the Qabalah's Tree of Life in full detail and describes the practical application as well as the theory of qabalistic symbolism in the Western Esoteric Tradition.

The Qabalah is a system of relationships among mystical symbols which can be used, as was said by Paracelsus, to open up access to the hidden reaches of the mind -- beyond the frontiers of reason.

The Qabalah provides the means to penetrate behind symbolism. It is the mystical process in reverse. The Tree of Life is a comprehensive symbol that relates other symbol systems, religious beliefs and mythologies, providing a way of interpreting them based on abstract and universal principles.

"Gareth Knight has produced a notable addition to qabalistic literature. It is likely to cause much fluttering in the more cosy and esoteric dovecotes. By  the general student of the Perennial Philosophy, however, it will be found to be, in very truth, a light to his path and a lantern to his feet."  --W.E. Butler in New Dimensions magazine

A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism
Volume 2

On the Paths and the Tarot

This volume gives the most comprehensive analysis of the twenty-two Paths of Concealed Glory that join the Spheres of the Tree of Life -- taking into account Hebrew letters, astrological signs and tarot trumps.

A large part of the volume deals exclusively with the Tarot, traces the history of tarot design and the varying systems of correspondences with the Tree of Life. It throws new light on the neglected Lesser Arcana and the little understood function of the Tarot Aces and the sixteen court cards.

As in Volume One, the book ends with an extensive chapter on practical methods of 'working the Tree'.

First published by Helios Books, 1965.
UK edition (two separate volumes) published by Kahn & Averill, 9 Harrington Road, London SW7 3ES.
ISBN (Volume 1): 1-871082-31-5
ISBN (Volume 2): 1-871082-41-2

Both these volumes can be ordered online from

US edition (both volumes in one book) published by Samuel Weiser, Inc., Box 612, York Beach, ME 03910 ISBN: 0-87728-397-4 and reissued in paperback ISBN: 1-57863-247-1

This book can be ordered online from

Occult Exercises and Practices

Gateways to the Four Worlds of Occultism. Systems of spiritual development abound and it is often difficult for the student to find a way through their complexities and technicalities in order to decide which way to follow in the quest for spiritual unfoldment.

This practical book draws together the basic principles common to all occult systems and provides an accessible and easy-to-follow programme based on the four 'worlds' of occultism.

Using physical, astral, mental and spiritual exercises, Gareth Knight guides the novice towards the final goal of all seekers -- the achievement of a relationship with denizens of the inner planes and, ultimately, with the Living God.

First published by Helios Books, 1969.
Now published by Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside CA 92052, USA.
ISBN: 0-9650839-6-9
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

The Practice of Ritual Magic

Ritual or ceremonial magic is a discipline and method of occult practice wherein all the faculties of the student are employed in the pursuit of the Great Work, using a stronger degree of concentration and visualisation than might otherwise be possible.

Gareth Knight, a leading authority on ritual magic, here explains how to construct a magic circle, an altar, and pillars to form a gateway to the Inner Planes. He also provides full details of costume, headgear and accessories, and conducts the reader through every phase of a specimen ritual.

Given persistence and prolonged dedication, you should find yourself in the position of having a full-scale temple permanently set apart -- either on an individual or a shared group basis.

First published by Helios Books, 1969.
Now published by Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside CA 92052, USA.
ISBN: 0-9650839-6-9
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

The Occult: an introduction

An authoritative, clear and simple survey of the whole field of the occult for the general enquirer.

It starts with an outline history of how it all started far back in the days of ancient civilisations, through to the contemporary explosion of interest in this fascinating subject. There then follows a glossary of occult terms and subjects, with suggestions for further reading.

Finally it contains a short practical section on how the reader can get started, with hints on meditation and techniques of occult visualisation that open up psychic and spiritual awareness.

Illustrated throughout with specially commissioned line drawings.

First published by Kahn & Averill, 1975.
New edition (1990) published by Kahn & Averill, 9 Harrington Road, London SW7 3ES, UK.
ISBN: 1-871082-09-9
This book can be ordered online at only.

Experience of the Inner Worlds

In this book Gareth Knight eschews the oriental influence that has crept into Western esotericism during the last hundred years and goes back to the fundamentals of the mystical traditions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, the "peoples of the Book". The first half of Experience of the Inner Worlds is devoted to getting the principles right -- learning to distinguish between magic and mysticism, natural and revealed religion, monism and theism.

Then Knight gets down to practicalities. He analyses the merits of inner plane communication, traditional ideas of the Masters, the psychological approach of C.G.Jung, and the possibility of communication with non-human entities -- angelic or elemental.

Knight also discusses the formulation of a three-dimensional magic circle or mandala, basing the theory on the oldest Qabalistic text available, the Sepher Yetzirah. From this he emphasises the essential God-based background of all magical work, and analyses the Tree of Life in this light. Finally, he gives practical examples of magic at work.

While this book can be used as a course of self-instruction by the individual student, it is also an important modern reference book of magical theory and practice.

First published by Helios Books, 1975.
Now published by Samuel Weiser, Inc., Box 612, York Beach, ME 03910, USA.
ISBN: 0-87728-787-2
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

Magic and the Western Mind

Ancient Knowledge and the Transformation of Consciousness

"Magic and the Western Mind takes the form of an overall history of the magical tradition in the west, but although we have seen in the last few years many books with this sort of format, it is obvious from the beginning that we have here a work revealing the author's spiritual maturity, a work with a definite message and structure, rather than the piecemeal gathering of snippets of information which often is offered in books with this sort of title, by inferior authors with little occult understanding." -- The Hermetic Journal

"As a chronicle of the evolution of consciousness and culture in Western Europe this may be compared favourably to Bronowski's Ascent of Man. The chapter on medieval magic, alchemy and the Visions of the Quest is particularly illuminating, covering as it does the Grail and Arthurian legends and the cult of the Virgin Mary." -- Sangreal Magazine

First published as A History of White Magic by Mowbray, 1978.

UK edition (1991) now published by Kahn & Averill, 9 Harrington Road, London SW7 3ES.
ISBN: 1-871082-11-0
This book can be ordered online from only.

US edition (1991) published by Llewellyn Publications, PO Box 64383, St Paul, MN 55164, USA.
ISBN: 0-87542-374-4

The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend

The archtypal themes, images and characters of the Arthurian cycle and their place in the Western magical tradition.

In this book Gareth Knight takes the most haunting of all British legends and places it in its rightful position as the core of a Western mystery tradition that draws its inspiration from Greek, Irish and even Atlantean myth.

The central Arthurian themes and characters are examined in detail and the carefully woven pattern that has developed around the Arthuriad is brought to light and its full significance revealed.

This fascinating study takes the reader beyond the world of Malory or the figure of Arthur as a fifth-century chieftain and unfolds an unforgettable inner landscape as real as the Isles in which it was created.

First published by Aquarian Press, 1985.
Now published by Samuel Weiser, Inc., Box 612, York Beach, ME 03910, USA.
ISBN: 0-87728-861-5
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

The Gareth Knight Tarot Deck

Artwork by Sander Littel

Complete 78-card deck in full colour comprising 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. The court cards are titled King, Queen, Prince and Princess.

The modernistic designs, created by Dutch artist Sander Littel under Gareth Knight's direction in 1963, illustrate the mystical principles of the tarot.

First published by U.S. Games Systems, 1984.
U.S. Games Systems Inc., Stamford, CT 06902, USA
ISBN: 0-88079-040-7
The deck can be ordered online from

Evoking the Goddess

In this wide-ranging view of magic and ritual, Gareth Knight discusses the presence of the Goddess in Western esoteric traditions. From Greek myths and the Mysteries of Isis to the emergence of the cult of the Blessed Virgin and 17th-century Rosicrucian spiritual alchemy, the author shows how the Goddess -- the elemental consciousness of Earth --has revealed herself in different times and places.

Honoring her many guises, Knight uncovers the powers of the Goddess as maiden, mother, initiator, protector and faery queen. Guided meditations on each of these qualities lead the aspirant into direct contact with the potent healing energy of the Divine Feminine.

First published as The Rose Cross and the Goddess by Aquarian Press, 1985.
New edition (1993) published by Destiny Books, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont, USA  05767
ISBN: 0-89281-403-9
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

If you have problems getting hold of this title, try ordering the original edition,The Rose Cross and the Goddess.

Tarot and Magic

Gareth Knight reveals within the Tarot a profound and powerful system of magic. He takes the reader beyond the basics of divination and shows how the Tarot provides a meditative key to the expansion of one's consciousness. His insightful analysis of the archetypal principles behind each card is augmented by methods of magical practice. These techniques combine the imagery of the Tarot with an inner journey along the paths of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, evoking wisdom and an understanding of the mysteries.

First published as The Treasure House of Images by Aquarian Press, 1986.
New edition (1991) published by Destiny Books, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont, USA  05767
ISBN: 0-89281-316-4
This book can be ordered online from

If you have problems getting hold of this title, try ordering the original edition,The Treasure House of Images.

An Introduction to Ritual Magic

with Dion Fortune

This is something of a rare event in esoteric publishing -- a new book by the legendary occultist Dion Fortune on the theory and practice of ritual or ceremonial magic.

In teachings that have hitherto appeared only in rare journal articles she deals in successive chapters with Types of Mind Working; Mind Training; The Use of Ritual; Psychic Perception; Ritual Initiation; The Reality of the Subtle Planes; Focusing the Magic Mirror; Channelling the Forces; The Form of the Ceremony and The Purpose of Magic -- with appendices on Talismanic Magic and Astral Forms.

Gareth Knight contributes a companion chapter on each subject. Conventions of occult secrecy in Dion Fortune's day prevented her from being too explicit on details of practical magic. The veils having now been drawn aside Gareth Knight gives much that Dion Fortune might well have added if she were writing today. He gives details of practical occult workings of recent times, and a full ritual script explaining its method of performance and construction.

First published by Thoth Publications, 1997.
Thoth Publications, 64 Leopold Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, LE11 5DN
ISBN: 1-870450-26-4
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

Magical Images and the Magical Imagination

The knowledge and use of magical images as a means of self development was once a closely guarded secret of initiates and adepts in the Mystery Schools.

In this ground breaking new book, Gareth Knight gives easy to follow classifications of the various kinds of magical images, along with instructions for their use as agents of self realisation and spiritual growth.

Indispensible for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, this book presents the theory and techniques of creative visualisation and meditation. These practical teachings range from the circulation of force within the aura for the purpose of balancing the personality, to the development of a full magical system of 'pathworking' enabling contact with unsuspected sources of inner wisdom and power.

First published by Sun Chalice Books, 1998.
Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside CA 92052, USA.
ISBN: 0-9650839-3-4
This book can be ordered online from

The Circuit of Force

with Dion Fortune

"The principle of polarity, or the Circuit of Force is, in my opinion, one of the lost secrets of western occultism." So wrote Dion Fortune in a trenchant series of articles now produced in volume form for the first time. She casts her net wide, covering tantrik yoga, the psychic centres, raising kundalini, auto-suggestion and the astral light, seance room phenomena, and the sexual dynamics of magnetic interchange.

In five background commentaries Gareth Knight fills in the details, of how the Mysteries developed from Dionysian and Orphic rites, ways for westerners to approach eastern yoga, techniques in animal magnetism, powers of the etheric vehicle, and an analysis of the details of practical occultism revealed in Dion Fortune's novels.

Once again, as in the companion volume An Introduction to Ritual Magic, we have two leading magical practitioners giving detailed instruction on a major aspect of magical tradition: this time, the occult dynamics of the etheric vehicle and polarity change between individuals in magical work.

First published by Thoth Publications, 1998.
Thoth Publications, 64 Leopold Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, LE11 5DN
ISBN: 1-870450-28-0
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

Principles of Hermetic Philosophy

with Dion Fortune

This collection represents the last known works written by Dion Fortune, which appeared in her Monthly Letters to members of the Society of the Inner Light between 1942 and 1944.

Her intention in these works is summed up in her own words: "The observations in these pages are an attempt to gather together the fragments of a forgotten wisdom and explain and expand them in the light of personal observation." She was uniquely equipped to make highly significant personal observations in these matters as one of the leading practical occultists of her time. What is more, in these later works she feels less constrained by traditions of occult secrecy and takes an altogether more practical approach than in her earlier, well-known textbooks.

Gareth Knight takes the opportunity to amplify her explanations and practical exercises with a series of illustrations, and provides a commentary on her work, together with a further three chapters on recent practical work in the Hermetic Tradition.

First published by Thoth Publications, 1999.
Thoth Publications, 64 Leopold Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, LE11 5DN
ISBN: 1-870450-34-5

This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

Merlin and the Grail Tradition

Few figures from myth and story have impressed the popular imagination like that of Merlin, Archmage of the land of Logres, whose shadowy, compelling presence plays a key part in the tales of Arthurian legend and the Quest of the Holy Grail.

In this valuable collection of essays, Gareth Knight traces the historical importance and esoteric influence of Merlin and the Grail tradition from legendary beginnings right down to modern times.

Topics covered include: The Archetype of Merlin; Merlin and the Grail; Megalithic Temple contacts; John Dee, the Elizabethan Merlin; the Inner Realms of Arthur; Dion Fortune and the Grail; and more.

In the closing chapter, entitled The Catechism of the Grail, the author gives the full text of a powerful ritual drama -- a rare glimpse into the work of a modern magical tradition that draws its inspiration from the figure of Merlin and seeks to bring to earth the Mystery of the Grail.

First published by Sun Chalice Books, 1999.
Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside, CA 92052, USA
ISBN: 1-928754-01-5

This book can be ordered online from

Spiritualism and Occultism

with Dion Fortune

As well as being an occultist of the first rank, Dion Fortune was an accomplished medium. Thus she is able to explain the methods, technicalities and practical problems of trance mediumship from first hand experience. She describes exactly what it feels like to go into trance and the different types of being one may meet with beyond the usual spirit guides.

For most of her life her mediumistic abilities were known only to her immediate circle until, in the war years, she responded to the call to try to make a united front of occultists and spiritualists against the forces of materialism in the post-war world. At this point she wrote various articles for the spiritualist press and appeared as a speaker on several spiritualist platforms.

This book contains her original work 'Spiritualism in the Light of Occult Science' with commentaries by Gareth Knight that quote extensively from now largely unobtainable material that she wrote on the subject during her life, including transcripts from her own trance work and rare articles from old magazines and journals.

First published by Thoth Publications, 2000.
Thoth Publications, 64 Leopold Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, LE11 5DN
ISBN: 1-870450-38-8

This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

Principles of Esoteric Healing by Dion Fortune, edited by Gareth Knight

Recently discovered in the archives of the Society of the Inner Light, this never before published work by Dion Fortune presents the general principles of esoteric healing.

In a broad sense, healing applies to any forms of disharmony in the world at large, and therefore can be applied far and wide outside of a narrow clinical context, in work upon oneself as well as upon others.

The text combines a logical metaphysical structure with specific intuitive exercises that help to make spiritual healing a less random and unconscious process. In these pages you will discover how to employ intuitive and clairvoyant techniques as an aid to diagnosis and healing.

This book will appeal to alternative therapists and to anyone interested in the healing arts.

First published by Sun Chalice Books, 2000.
Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside, CA 92052, USA
ISBN: 1-928754-03-1

This book can be ordered online.

Dion Fortune and the Inner Light

At last, a comprehensive biography of Dion Fortune based upon the archives of the Society of the Inner Light. As a result much comes to light that has never before been revealed. This includes:

Her early experiments in trance mediumship with her Golden Dawn teacher Maiya Curtis-Webb and in Glastonbury with Frederick Bligh Bond, famous for his psychic investigations of Glastonbury Abbey.

The circumstances of her first contact with the Masters and reception of “The Cosmic Doctrine”. The ambitious plans of the Master of Medicine and the projected esoteric clinic with her husband in the role of Dr. Taverner.

The inside story of the confrontation between the Christian Mystic Lodge of the Theosophical Society of which she was president, and Bishop Piggot of the Liberal Catholic church, over the Star in the East movement and Krishnamurti. Also her group's experience of the magical conflict with Moina MacGregor Mathers.

How she and her husband befriended the young Israel Regardie, were present at his initiation into the Hermes Temple of the Stella Matutina, and suffered a second ejection from the Golden Dawn on his subsequent falling out with it.

Her renewed and highly secret contact with her old Golden Dawn teacher Maiya Tranchell-Hayes and their development of the esoteric side of the Arthurian legends.

Her peculiar and hitherto unknown work in policing the occult jurisdiction of the Master for whom she worked which brought her into unlikely contact with occultists such as Aleister Crowley.

Nor does the remarkable story end with her physical death for, through the mediumship of Margaret Lumley Brown and others, continued contacts with Dion Fortune have been reported over subsequent years.

First published by Thoth Publications, 2000
Thoth Publications, 64 Leopold Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, LE11 5DN
ISBN: 1-870450-45-0

This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

Esoteric Training in Everyday Life

The essays in this richly illustrated book cover a wide spectrum of knowledge and experience ranging from the Qabalah to Coleridge's theory of the Creative Imagination. All, however, have a common underlying theme, which is to show how our daily lives can be made a training ground for Adepthood.

Topics covered include:
Esoteric training in everyday life
The meditation process
The Tree of Life as image of God
The Tree of Life as model of the Universe
Reflections on life and spirituality
The importance of Coleridge
The impact of psychology on esoteric societies

This book is full of wisdom and insights that will help readers apply spiritual, magical and qabalistic principles to enrich and transform their everyday lives.

First published by Sun Chalice Books, 2001.
Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside, CA 92052, USA
ISBN: 1-928754-04-X

Pythoness: The Life and Work of Margaret Lumley Brown

Margaret Lumley Brown was an influential figure in Dion Fortune's Society of the Inner Light, and she took over many of Fortune's functions after the latter's death in 1946. She raised the arts of seership to an entirely new level and, with some justification, has been called the finest medium and psychic of the 20th century. Although she generally sought anonymity during her lifetime, her work provided much of the raw material for several of Gareth Knight's own books, most notably The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend and A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism.

Here, gathered together for the first time in print, is a four part record of the life and work of Margaret Lumley Brown. Part One presents the main biographical details of this fascinating figure, including the frightening way in which her natural psychism developed as a consequence of living in a haunted house. Part Two consists of articles written by her on subjects such as Dreams, Elementals, the Faery Kingdom, Healing and Atlantis. Part Three provides examples of her mediumship, while Part Four is devoted to the occult side of poetry, with some examples of her own work.

First published by Sun Chalice Books, 2000.
Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside, CA 92052, USA
ISBN: 1-928754-02-3

The Magical World of...

Charles Williams
C.S. Lewis
J.R.R. Tolkien
Owen Barfield

Formerly published in one volume as The Magical World of the Inklings, these four books offer unique insights into the literary imaginations of four magical British writers of the 20th century.

Two volumes - J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis - are available now.


First published by Sun Chalice Books, 2001.
Sun Chalice Books, PO Box 5355, Oceanside, CA 92052, USA
ISBN: 1-928754-08-2
ISBN: 1-928754-07-4 (C.S. Lewis)

Practical Occultism

with Dion Fortune

This book contains the complete text of Dion Fortune's Practical Occultism in Daily Life that she wrote to explain, simply and practically, enough of the occult doctrines and methods to enable any reasonably intelligent and well balanced person to make practical use of them in the circumstances of daily life. She gives sound advice on remembering past incarnations, working out karma, divination, the use and abuse of mind power and much more.

Gareth Knight has delved into the Dion Fortune archive to provide additional material not available before outside Dion Fortune's immediate circle. It includes instruction on astral magic, the discipline of the mysteries, inner plane communicators, black magic and mental trespassing, nature contacts and elemental shrines.

In addition, Dion Fortune's review of The Literature of Illuminism describes the books she found most useful in her own quest, ranging from books for beginners to those on initiation, Qabalah, occult fiction, the old gods of England, Atlantis, witchcraft and yoga. In conclusion there is an interpretation by Dion Fortune's close friend Netta Fornario of The Immortal Hour, that haunting work of faery magic by Fiona Macleod, first performed at Glastonbury.

First published by Thoth Publications, 2002.
Thoth Publications, 64 Leopold Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, LE11 5DN
ISBN: 1-870450-47-7

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Last updated 22nd March 2002