Can't find what you're looking for? There's a fabulous wealth of information relating to Cheltenham in WW1 at, including more details and pictures of the Cheltenham VAD hospitals. There's also a good page of information covering the whole of the UK on the Kent VAD Hospitals website.
Where did this site come from?
This site has been set up and maintained by Cheltenham-based musician and writer Rebsie Fairholm, with the intention of sharing some of the goodies of local historical interest I've collected over the years, and as a tribute to the hundreds of amazing people who gave their time (and occasionally their lives) to help the war wounded. It's a non-commercial site maintained at my own expense and although I've taken great care over the transcriptions it's always possible there could be errors. There are almost certainly errors in the original book too, as my copy contains several contemporary handwritten "corrections" - this is especially true of the staff lists where there are a few obvious glitches and odd spellings. I've transcribed everything exactly as it appears in the book, including the things which look like they might be errors, rather than try to make assumptions about how to correct them.
To the best of my knowledge all the content presented on these pages is in the public domain but as a courtesy please give a credit to this site and/or a link if you intend to use any of this material elsewhere. More content will be added as my time and enthusiasm permits. Meanwhile you can find me on my main website, I also run a Cheltenham local history site full of pictures, info and old maps: Cheltonia.