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Title: Ordeal
Author: Linda Lovelace
Publisher: Askelin & Hägglund

Linda Lovelace was the star of the most well known pornographic film ever made, namely "Deep Throat", and this is her story.

For people who are sensitive this is a chocking read. Linda begins by telling us about how she as a young girl was living in a very conservative home in Florida. Her relationship with her parents was not ideal so when a man named Chuck asks her to move in with her after that they have met eachother a couple of times, she does just that. This later turned out to be the beginning of a period in her life that would last many years and change her life forever.

Chuck isn’t the person he made himself look like and he runs out of money he tells her that he is thinking of starting up his whorehouse again. Linda is forced to prostitute herself under the threat of violence. This is the beginning of a downward spiral. Soon she is forced to record pornographic movies and so on.

I was not very chocked while reading this book as I pretty much expected her story to be told like this. It is full of abuse, violence and virtually unspeakable sexual acts that would not arouse anyone unless they are seriously deviating from the view that both parts should be enjoying the sexual act.

The book leaves a lot of questions about the pornographic industry today. Are the people involved there by their own free will? How much violence and crime is behind it?

Another interesting thing is that none of the people behind the exploitation of Linda Lovelace have been convicted of their crimes and she is in a sense still a victim. The movie can still be bought, or rented. Even though it is evidence of her being raped again and again.

(Reviewed by Johannes 001219)