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The Jem Store

Jem Store UPDATED on May 22, 2000 !!!

Hello, everyone! We're back after exactly 1 year of our page opening!. I'm sorry I left you hanging! :o( The truth is I never planned to re-open or even update this page again until I read all the nice comments in the guestbook and saw that we have over 1,000 page hits since last year! Well our list GNGRP has re-opened and will become active in June. Our NEW website (not yet titled) will be open in June as well! Until then,
original welcome. . .
Hello, and welcome to The Jem Store. This website was last updated 5/27/99. Jem was a hit cartoon in the 80's about an all girl rock group. The group had toys such as dolls,games, and even video tapes! This page is not pointed in any certain direcion of Jem collecting. It is just a mass collection of the best Jem stuff on the internet. Simple eh? Sure it is!!! While your here don't forget to get your very own Jem E-mail account! It's fun, free, fast, and easy! Have a nice time and enjoy your stay! NOTE**Due to lack of page hits this web site has closed down and stopped updating. I apologize to all that love Jem and this site, but this site wasn't as successful as I thought It'd be. Have a good life!!!***

On My Page

Jem Doll Guide (Pranceatron)
Get Jem Back On The Air
Fan Fiction
Read The Starlight Book
Sign The Starlight Book
Post a Jem Merchandise Want Ad
View Jem Want Ads
Starlight Survey
Awards I've Won
Join Glitter 'N Gold Jem Role Play!
Flash 'N SIzzle Jem
Rockin' Romance Jem
The Furby Fantasy
Join Jem Sale! send out e-mails to hundreds of people advertising your want/trade/sale ads for Jem stuff!