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The Pineal Gland

The pineal gland was called the "third eye" by ancient people. It was thought to have mystical powers. This may be why the French philosopher Descartes decided that the pineal gland was the seat of the human soul, the location of what we call the mind. The pineal does contain a complete map of the visual field of the eyes, and it plays several significant roles in human functioning.

Also called the pineal body or epiphysis cerebri, the pineal gland is important to this discussion for two reasons. First, it is the center for the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is implicated in a wide range of human activities. It regulates daily body rhythms, most notably the day/night cycle (circadian rhythms). Melatonin is released in the dark, during sleep. The recent melatonin craze sweeping through the health conscious community makes claims that the hormone slows the aging process (a defense against free radicals), prevents jet lag, is implicated in seasonal affective disorder, coordinates fertility, and allows for deep restful sleep patterns.

Melatonin is a very ancient hormone that is found throughout the animal kingdom. In reptiles and birds the pineal is close to the skin and needs no interaction with the eye to register day/night cycles (this is where the notion of the 'third eye" comes from). In these animals, the pineal gland is the master clock. In mammals, however, the pineal gland is subordinate to the eye/SCN system. Light severely curtails the production of melatonin.

Melatonin has been shown to inhibit the growth and metastasis of some tumors in experimental animals, and may therefore play a role in cancer inhibition. Removal of the pineal gland and/or reduction in melatonin output have been implicated in the increased incidence of breast cancer in laboratory animals. Patients who have breast cancer have lower levels of melatonin in the blood. The hormone has also been shown to be protective against genetic damage, and it has a stimulatory effect on the immune system.

The anticancer role of melatonin in humans is not established yet, but in a study involving blind women, melatonin production was found to be higher at all times. This finding was associated with the finding that breast cancer in this study was correspondingly lower for these blind women compared to the general population.

The pineal gland has been implicated in a number of disorders including cancer, sexual dysfunction, hypertension, epilepsy, and Paget's disease. The pineal gland calcifies with age and melatonin production correspondingly decreases. This decline in melatonin has been suggested to be a trigger for the aging process.

Environmental stresses affect pineal function, impacting overall body alertness, temperature levels, and hormone operation. Stresses that affect pineal function include unusual light and dark rhythms, radiation, magnetic fields, nutritional imbalances, temperature swings, high altitude, and overall daily stress patterns.

Melatonin, if any of these claims turn out to be substantial, is a powerful body chemical, with important implications for human functioning, especially (I would suggest) for blind and visually impaired individuals. If light inhibits melatonin production, then blind individuals lack a mechanism for balancing the melatonin levels in the blood.

Melatonin overload may be related to seasonal affective disorder, the depression some people feel during the overcast, short days of the winter months (when there is minimal sunlight). Are blind individuals more susceptible to depression because of a melatonin imbalance?

I've worked with enough blind children to know that their sleep patterns get all messed up. We usually tell parents that the reason is simply a lack of feedback about when day has set and night is here. We establish a routine for the blind students that replaces the natural rhythm. The role of melatonin may be important for these children. We may be able to help them sleep better and in a more balanced rhythm using medications to counter the excess melatonin in their blood streams. This is not an endorsement of drug therapy, only speculation as to whether its use would be helpful. For further discussion of sleep disorders associated with circadian rhythm interruption see the section on the hypothalamus.

Studies do show that partially sighted eyes may still maintain subconscious awareness of light or its absence. For these people, the circadian rhythms established by the pineal gland are intact. For totally blind individuals, with no subconscious feedback to the pineal gland, there may be periods of severe insomnia, or they may fall asleep at unusual times (like during math class).

The second reason for interest in the pineal gland is that it contains magnetic material in birds and other animals. It is a center for navigation. This, of course, is important for blind individuals. If the pineal gland turns out to contain magnetic material in humans (researchers are looking), then it may be involved in navigational processing. Magnetic processing is subtle and may be part of the bodies unconscious navigational system. Mobility specialists are aware of this possibility, but we have yet to use it to train students.

Studies done mostly with birds strongly suggest that the pineal gland is a center for navigation. Scientists believe that the pineal body is a magnetoreceptor, capable of monitoring magnetic fields, and helping to align the body in space. Changing the direction of magnetic fields around the heads of birds alters their ability to orient.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) suppress the activity of the pineal gland and reduce melatonin production. EMF activity therefore disrupts the bodies circadian rhythms.

In lower vertebrates, the pineal gland has an eye like structure and it functions as a light receptor. The pineal gland may be the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye. It is located within the third ventricle. It is large in children, but shrinks at puberty. It appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation in animals, metabolism, and seasonal breeding. In humans it affects circadian rhythms, sleep patterns (melatonin levels increase at night), and is implicated in seasonal affective disorder. The abundant melatonin levels in children is believed to inhibit sexual development. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced.

There is a pathway from the retinas to the hypothalamus called the retinohypothalamic tract. It brings information about light and dark cycles to a region of the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). From the SCN, nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal gland. These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin. When these impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the hypothalamus), pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal gland is therefore a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper for the human body.

Retinal research done with hamsters demonstrates another center for melatonin production. Located in the retina, this center implies that the eyes have their own built in circadian timepiece. This retinal system is distinct from the brains body clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Biologists found that they could throw the retinal rhythms out of sync with other circadian cycles. They also found that they could set and reset the retinal clock even when the SCN was destroyed.

The retinal clock produces (stimulates the production of?) melatonin. Researchers are now looking for the exact location (s) of this clock in the human eye (and expect to find it). No one yet knows what the separate clock is for or how it relates to the SCN. One thing is clear: there is a melatonin craze right now. People are taking regular doses of the hormone. There is a question whether or not regular doses of melatonin may damage the eye over time. Melatonin could affect the timing of hormone peaks in the eye. High retinal melatonin levels combined with exposure to bright light might cause retinal damage. This is speculation (a caution) at this time.

As man comes into a higher radiation of Light (called Enlightenment) projected through the third eye, they are/will be able to see beyond the visible light, dependent on individual wisdom. Man will be given the ability to connect the present consciousness with the next dimension in conjunction with the education of his soul.

This tele-thought becomes the communication with galactic areas and dimensions beyond ours. This, in essence, means that man is introduced to his ability to penetrate different energy fields by means of superior energy focused as a clear stream through the third eye (pineal) - thus connecting with gravitational waves.

The arc of light which is conveyed through the pineal area controls all light synthesis connected with the brain cortex. This in effect, means that the minds eye is a light receptor ie. neuro transmitter, that can project and receive thought forms from inter-stellar and interplanetary communication. Light is the grid by which all forms of energy are transmitted - Man's third eye being the receptors - radio crystals.

It is, so to speak, that Man is in a pre-set mode which, when activated through the pineal area, is able to respond to the light signals from inter-stellar and interplanetary space.

Man (singular) having been activated through the third eye (via light patterns), though in outward appearance not changing significantly, will in effect, with his multiple three dimensional environment work con-jointly with other consciousness. Time does not exist past the three dimensional layer of the physical. Man can only restrict himself through sequential thought form i.e. physical time.

Time, Space and Energy are merely part of a greater whole which oversees consciousness grids (Light patterns). These patters also control the fourth dimension.

The Merkabah: The Brotherhood through magnetic "Light" geometry can project signals, Light again being the transducer. In order for man to move through space and time of our universe into a higher consciousness, the mind needs to go through certain transformations. In Eastern Scriptures this is known as the nine pathways.
The first three pathways lead man to spatial realisations.
The fourth, in providing for spatial perspective, is controlled by the Ophanim - the higher angelic minds of Light who serve the father and son universes. The Ophanim are known to be wheels within wheels, which govern the heavens.

This means your mind can connect with thought forms (entities) which are between the cycle of death and rebirth (i.e. splitting of the cells). You are helped in such process by more spiritually evolved thought forms.
In this process one goes beyond material form - i.e. it is the crucifixion of the body, the higher self become prominent - and your body of light connects with spiritual intelligence, which guides the mind through the lower and higher worlds.
It is a quantum leap of the higher over the lower self (the lower chakras). It is the speeding up process - higher vibrations - which then connects one to the Overself (the unity of the human self to the Overself - the Divinity).
All memories are released through the Overself - the human mind is superseded. In this process the Overself works on levels beyond even the limitations of the Overself - that Overself progressing to the Dreaming Overself.

The Kaldesh (Servants of the Ancients of Days) is the highest level of service - whereby one can experience pure sound as the highest vibrational resonance connected with Divine thought forms which recharge thought forms with energy from the Lords of Light (the Hyos Ha-Kaidosh). They are the instructors and teachers of the Hierarchy of YHWH.

The Christed Overself in uniting with the Skehinah forms a relationship with the Kaldesh, ascends through to the Elohim Creation [creator Gods who are Divinities of YHWH who control all Light calibrations (to create Light Worlds etc.)].
In penetrating the veils "lower heavens" you are able to experience unity of "being", "becoming" and being in between "being" and "becoming", as you work with the Father/Son/Shekinah.
These are the nine pathways (the 9 chakras) to complete the reprogramming and resurrection of Life. They equip consciousness to travel for a million years or a few minutes beyond the physical veil of light so that The Light radiates through the physical garment.

We are formed through pyramidal crystal grids of Light patterns.

The pineal gland is situated in the middle of the head, beneath the two brain halves. It is a very active organ and has, together with the pituitary, the next highest blood circulation after the kidneys. (fig 1.)

the pineal gland has the following three main functions: Commander of the endocrine organs. The pineal gland regulates the function of all the endocrine organs through the hormone melatonin. Through the influence of this hormone the endocrine organs or glands produce and secrete hormones to the blood. These organs play a significant role, through their different hormones, concerning for example metabolism, water balance and regulating the temperature of the body. The classical endocrine organs are the pituitary, the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals and the reproductive organs. If the endocrine organs are too active or stressed, melatonin is produced to sedate them. The melatonin also affects the brain so that we experience sleepiness. One can say that the pineal gland works as a switch-off button for all the hormones while the pituitary on the other hand functions as an on-switch for the hormones. This parallels the yoga teachings on the ajna chakra as the commanding chakra. The amount of substances released by the pineal gland is determined by light and stress.

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The Brain:

Subcortical Structures

corpus callosum - connects right with left cerebral hemispheres

anterior commissure - accessory to corpus callosum

fornix - connects midbrain and hypothalamus to hippocampus

hippocampus - involved in memory

basal nuclei (ganglia) - modulates muscle tone

caudate nucleus - largest of the basal nuclei


pineal gland - involved in circadian rhythms using melatonin and other really weird shit

Thalamus - filter and select sensory information

thalamic nuclei - for many general somatic senses lateral geniculate nuclei - for vision, cn II medial geniculate nuclei - for hearing, cn XIII intermediate mass - connection between right and left thalamus

Brain Stem

Hypothalamus - site for major autonomic integration

optic chiasm - site of crossing of optic nerves

optic tracts - connections to cerebral cortex pituitary gland

Midbrain (mesencephalon)

mammillary bodies cerebral peduncles - connect midbrain to cerebral cortex superior colliculi - involved in reflex eye movements inferior colliculi - involved in reflex head movements toward sounds


(red nucleus) (mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal n.)(cn V) (oculomotor and trochlear nuclei)(cn III, cn IV) Pons

superior, middle and inferior cerebellar peduncles - carry signals to and from the brainstem and cerebellum


motor trigeminal, vestibular and cochlear nuclei (cn V, cn VIII) sensory trigeminal and abducens nuclei (cn V, cn VI) Medulla oblongata

medullary pyramid - ventrally located, contains pyramidal tracts nucleus gracilis and cuneatus - termination sites of fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus (general somatic senses)


facial nucleus (cn VII) hypoglossal, vagal, and ambiguus nuclei (cn XII, cn X) solitary tract nucleus (cn IX) spinal acccessory nucleus (cn XI)

Cranial nerves (identify cranial nerves VII thru XII only on the models)

Olfactory nerve (I) - special sensory, smell

Optic nerve (II) - special sensory, vision

Oculomotor nerve (III) - motor, eye movement

Trochlear nerve (IV) - motor, eye movement (superior oblique muscle)

Trigeminal nerve (V) - mixed sensory and motor; face, mouth, mastication

Abducens nerve (VI) - motor, eye movement (lateral rectus)

Facial nerve (VII) - mixed sensory and motor; anterior 2/3 tongue, facial expression

Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) - special sensory, balance and hearing

Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) - mixed sensory and motor; posterior 1/3 tongue, carotid arteries, swallowing

Vagus nerve (X) - mixed sensory and motor; visceral organs

Spinal accessory (XI)- motor, neck

Hypoglossal nerve (XII) - motor, tongue movements

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