Mr.Wonderful, in yellow vest, questioning punk kid
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Original Craig Charge Based on Law Revoked in 1993!

Stolen from ArmchairMBCa
Click & See More! It's no wonder when researching my previous column about Senator Craig's Minnesota bathroom tap dancing, I could not locate the charge that was originally filed against him. It was termed the "Interference with Privacy" Statute #609.747. Turns out the law was repealed in 1993. Check it out here. Or go to Minnesota's Criminal Laws and click the "Interference with Privacy" link under the Civil Disorder column.

posted Tuesday 09/11/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @

"I'm Not Gay," Senator Larry Craig.

"I am  Gay Bait," Mr. Wonderful

Looks like Senator Craig, Republican, Idaho will either resign or be asked to leave Congress. As his actions after being arrested seem to indicate, he indeed may be a male homosexual. Bathroom Stall All I know is that if this arrest happened to MW, the Minneapolis St-Paul International Airport, would have been renamed the Mr.Wonderful St-Paul Airport by now.

Attorney Mark Levin, on his radio show the other evening, read word-by-word from the officer's written report. Then he read, also word-for-word, the exact Minnesota Statute 609.72 detailing "disorderly conduct" that Senator Craig had supposedly violated. Your Mr.Wonderful, having spent one and one-half years on a Federal Grand Jury for the District of Arizona, once again, knows more about laws and their application than the majority of Americans. And I know that Larry Craig did not violate any laws. And the 'Great One' also read the statute that Larry Craig was first charged with (I was unable to locate it at the Minnesota Statutes 2006 Chapter 609 Criminal Code site) and he did not violate a single word of that law either! Remember, it is not a crime for people to think you are a gay Republican. Yet.

And yes, your Mr.Wonderful regularly has "moments" with these gay sharks who are out sniffing the scene for fresh anus. The latest fishing expedition occurred at a Starbucks where I was reading a book on how to deal with life after divorce. I guess the pink travel tumbler I use sometimes sends the wrong message, but dammit, I like pink. And I can think of a whole lot of 100% heterosexual men who like pink too.

posted Friday 08/31/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
The Chosen Uninsured

Like most of the American Experience, Mr. Wonderful has more knowledge about health insurance than most citizens, for I formerly was a salesman of one of the most heavily advertised individual health insurance policies in this country.

Possessing brochures, policies and contracts from my fifteen largest competitors, I had done my research and knew my health insurance was far superior to the others. And logically, also more expensive.

An example of my detective work revealed that one of my national competitors offered a substantially lower premium and I could not understand how they could afford to do it. Because as evil and heartless as it seems, insurance companies are in the business to make a profit, and I was baffled at how with this particular policy they would manage to do it.

After a weekend of examining an actual contract retrieved from my drama coach, I uncovered, hidden deep in the lower intestines of the policy, where no untrained client would ever dare to venture, a clause that revealed should the policy holder be billed outside of five CPT® (Current Procedural Terminology) billing codes at the doctor's office, she would have to meet a $2,500 deductible before the insurance paid anything. (A recent receipt from my doctor's office displays over 156 CPT codes.) Tempe St.LukesAfter advising her of this two thousand five hundred dollar liability, she decided to remain with her current health insurer. Two weeks later, she phoned me to complain about the $2,500 deductible she had just been forced to pay at her doctor's office. (So much for you consumers who don't want to talk to a salesman, eh?)

So what does this have to do with the incredibly inflated number of 47 million Americans without health insurance? Number one, please keep in mind that free health insurance cannot be considered a "right" for Americans, anymore than free auto, dental or veterinarian insurance should be. For those ignorant of the beliefs of our Founding Father's of this republic, know that the much vaunted federal Katrina Hurricane Relief may have been requested, but would have been denied even by such left-wingers as Alexander Hamilton. That is a fact, jack.

In any case, the United States has millions of people without health insurance. (There are probably two or three hundred percent more without sufficient life insurance, even though the cost is as much as 90% less. And even the most unworthy Kennedy, Ted, at some point is going to breathe his last.) We also have millions of people who cannot afford to send their children to private school. Somehow on wages less than thirteen dollars an hour, your Mr. Wonderful and the Mrs. Wonderful, bearing the incredible expenses of living and working in two different states, managed to afford both health insurance and private education. Because we decided that the costly parochial education of my son and our health insurance were more important than days off, vacations, new cars, carpeting or clothes. More important than a house refrigerated to below 82F degrees, fast food, lawn care, cable television, theater, football, baseball or movie tickets and virtually anything else. However, and think about this, easily our second largest expense--if not the first largest--, the payment of our government-mandated income, social security, Medicare and sales taxes could not be cut. Could not be made less important than then our health, or the education and the health of our child.

When I was a health insurance representative, and after hearing all about my prospect's upcoming vacation to Disneyland, and seeing all the fine flooring, wall treatments, kitchen appliances, swimming pool, satellite television, and after getting agreement on how vital health insurance coverage was for their family, I still often heard, "No".

As I squeezed past the two or three late model vehicles in their driveway on my way to the street, I realized they had made the choice that paying for things  was more important to them than paying for an intangible contained within the forty pages of an onion-skinned health insurance contract.

And that was their right as free citizens of America. However, may it never be their right to claim free health insurance paid for by taxes collected from all working Americans.

posted Tuesday 08/28/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
We Are Ants

In this nation of laws, all citizens, including even non-citizen and accused Muslim terrorists, are required to be treated equally under the law. And yet here's another  example of how our 'betters', either by birth, position or wealth, get treated, well, better. Us Ants around the Government Spoon Seemingly regardless of their political party affiliation, these elite 'one-half percenters' attitudes toward us ants are that all laws, whether they be tax or traffic or drug or gun or wage or moral laws, simply don't apply to them. They are above all that plebian stuff. Those laws are simply to keep the ants at the picnic off of the blanket.

On July 25th, 1969, Ted 'The Swimmer' Kennedy, plead guilty to leaving the scene of a felony crime. This made him a felon for life. (For you A.S.U. law students in Tempe, Arizona, let me explain: Felony Crime + Guilty Plea = Ted Kennedy, Democrat, Massachusetts, is a felon.)

That means Senator Ted Kennedy (older brother Robert's fall guy) may never own any firearms, and, according to laws he probably helped scribble on bar napkins between peeling the pull tabs-off of a Styrofoam insulated briefcase full of ice-cold, beechwood-aged Budweiser's, it means he also cannot employ any person who carries firearms.

Years ago (just try to find this in the New York Times--thank you Check Stein, one of Edward Kennedy's bodyguards, was arrested with two Uzi machine pistols, one handgun and over a gross of bullets on his person. But that's okay, he was only apprehended inside the Russell Senate Office Building.

As CCRKB Executive Director Joe Waldron asked in year 2007, " 'But the potential that Kennedy may be violating a federal gun statute, for which he likely voted, is a serious question,' Waldron insisted. 'ATF agents should verify whether Kennedy has armed security and take appropriate action. Sen. Kennedy has long been an advocate of equal justice for all, and now he can prove it by disclosing to the ATF if he has armed bodyguards. It would be a sad day, indeed, if a millionaire rap artist (Snoop-Dogg, a Black man) was subjected to a different standard than a millionaire politician.' "
In the meanwhile, us millions of ants just finished stinging Kennedy, McCain, Kyl, Lott, Snowe and the other Globalists between the toes (and on the scrotum in Hillary's case) while at the picnic as they leaned back on one elbow, toasting each other with chilled and sweating lead crystal champagne flutes, certain that twenty-million third-world, illiterate, easily-led criminals and low wage workers would soon be crowding into the voter booths.

posted Tuesday 07/13/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Clinton's Pardon List
. . . updated August 27, 2007

These statistics were taken from the U.S.D.O.J. web site. Please click the chart to expand to its full size and view the three hundred and ninety-five felons pardoned by President William Jefferson Clinton, from Patty Hearst for armed bank robbery, to Roger Clinton for cocaine distribution and the Jewish financier Marc Rich (Reich) because his wife Denise Rich " ... raised and donated more than $1 million to the Democratic Party in recent years and also provided the Clintons directly with a $10,000 contribution to their legal defense fund and $7,300 worth of furniture".

And also pardoned was Arizona Republican Governor J. Fife Symington III for not possessing a photographic memory and being exposed performing shenanigans hundreds of other Arizona-based investors regularly echoed as a matter of course. Symington was singled out and prosecuted because an idiot union (Democrat-supporting) business manager invested a huge percentage of its member's pension monies into Symington's 'sure thing', the downtown Phoenix Mercado project.

J. Fife Symington III, besides being one of the finest governors Arizona has ever known (simply because he possessed a spinal column, actually lowered taxes, and left the state with a budget surplus), decades earlier, rescued from the deadly grip of a Hyannis, Massachusetts, riptide a fellow by the name of William Jefferson Clinton. In the 1960s your Mr.Wonderful, also faced almost certain death by drowning while being dragged out to sea by the vice-grip of a Pacific Ocean riptide, however he too was rescued, only by a professional California life guard who pulled him back to shore while he clung to a Styrofoam float board.

Friends of Bill
No Sense of Style     1993-2001 
Clinton Pardon List
Click to Enlarge!
posted Tuesday 07/03/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Millionaire Michael Medved's Disconnect

Many of my billions of readers know that I earn the majority of my daily bread (in reality, more like crumbs) risking my soul and my bulging body as security officer at luxury residential gated MW Security Officercommunities, where I am treated with less respect than three day old rotting garbage. (Don't worry, it's my preparation for work in Hollywood.)

I just went out and mailed my twenty-six year old daughter an article downloaded from the net. That's because she has no computer on which to receive e-mail. Prior to that, I walked up to the Wells Fargo ATM and got spit out a twenty dollar bill to slip inside the envelope. That's because she is pregnant, unwed, working at a call-center she walks to and has very little income.

I then journeyed to my Scottsdale Road & Shea Boulevard Safeway to purchase some victuals for the bare shelves of my refrigerator situated inside my tony Town of Paradise Valley apartment. I picked out the worst fried chicken in the world, the Safeway variety, which has always lain out about five hours by the time I get to it. (It's rumored that Safeway archaeologists, while on a dig for recipe scrolls of Mesopotamian meatloaf, discovered instead, the fried chicken secrets used by the Flintstone-era Pterodactyl World Airlines, and through gene splicing, managed to duplicate them.) Why didn't I buy KFC? Simple, I don't have the money. Later, ready to check out, I had to dash out to my car to retrieve my maroon Safeway Club discount card so that I didn't have to pay the manipulated higher 'retail price'. On my way through the back gates at my complex, I found an intact I-pod laying in the entry drive. That has nothing to do with what I'm writing. I'm turning it into the office on my way to work tonight.

I'm sitting eating the worst fried chicken in the world and listening to radio clips on the net, because I had to discontinue my satellite service since I could no longer afford it. The vast majority of talking heads on the radio are millionaires, as are 95% of our Congressmen.

Our Congressmen, who the other day awarded themselves a cost of living increase of $4,400. This being in the same year I suffered a pay-cut of $6,560 on an annual income that was 75% less than their's to begin with. Yes, I know, "it's expensive to live in Washington, D.C." However, the no-limit on congressional office expenses should provide a small cushion for the higher D.C. prices. (Why do you imagine Hillary wanted to spend nearly $1,000,000 on office space outside of The Beltway? You didn't imagine it was her money did you? Do you not understand that we are no more than rabbit droppings to these people?)

Illegal Aliens in Prison Chart
Click to read McClatchy Column Tell me any of our federal law-writing politicos or millionaire talking-heads are going to go visit their daughter at a section 8 apartment complex where Sylvester Stallone or Steven Segal (but not Chuck Norris) would fear to tread? Would they take a security officer job simply to take the pulse of the working man? Do you think they're faced with sprinting from the grocery to run and fetch their discount card, or eating horrible fried chicken, or letting their daughter or themselves live next door to non-English speaking illiterate and undocumented aliens who use the parking lot as a dumping ground, a place to hang out and drink and argue and fight?

The primary reason I struggle financially is all the taxes, both visible and invisible I must pay. From the seven separate taxes on my cell phone bill, to the $5,000 a year removed from my paycheck by our federal government, so that our representatives have the tax revenue to fund the raise they approved for themselves.

Another reason I find my dollars shrinking smaller than John McCain's chances of becoming President, is the fact that while I, a single adult foot the entire one thousand dollar (739 Euros) rental cost of my Town of Paradise Valley apartment, many of my neighbors, who are never heard to utter a word of English and who oddly enough, behave like uncivilized third-world expatriots, are allowed to pack five adults into a one bedroom apartment and eight into a two bedroom apartment.

To bring my financial situation into exact focus, understand, that when five wage-earners are paying $200 each for a $1,000 apartment it is far less of a struggle than a single man making the same $1,000 monthly remittance. So what do these cinco, I mean five,  adults care what the price of the apartment is or how high it rises? It would have to increase 500% before a single one of them pays what I am paying by myself. And what do you imagine the world-wide corporate management does when the data spit out by their Acme Model 22 supercomputer indicates they have no problems filling apartments that should rent for $700 a month, for $1,000 a month? They again raise the rental rates. Why do they raise the rates? Because they  allow anywhere from five to eight wage-earners to inhabit a single apartment. And remember, although this citizen (Mr.Wonderful) while earning approximately the same hourly wages as many of these suspected undocumented Latino aliens, I also pay all my taxes, FICA and Medicare, and various types of insurance, especially health, whereas they pay almost nothing.

In any case on Medved's show the other early-early morning I listened as he phone-spoke with two English-speaking, and admitted undocumented aliens, who also held down 'decent' jobs. And of course they both insisted they had never received any government welfare taxpayer-funded services. And they MP5 Machine Pistol both said they would not leave the country.  Willingly.  I disbelieve the former and strongly believe the latter claims.Wendy's Baconator. 
Food or anti-Muslin Weapon?

Well, Mr.Medved, as one who lives, commutes and physically rubs shoulders with these immigrants, for each undocumented alien like your two; myself, Sheriff Joe, the DEA, and both the F.B.I. and the Phoenix Police Gang Task Force can bring you twenty felons1 who are also illiterate in their own language (but can field-strip and clean an MP5 blindfolded) and whose families sop up government social services like Michael Moore gobbles Kentucky Fried Chicken gravy-covered six-packs of Wendy's BaconatorsTM. (The BaconatorTM, which, similar to the manner in which garlic wards off vampires, can likewise, with it's high pork belly content, be used to ward off Muslim Fundamentalists.)

I loved it! Almost giddy, the millionaire Michael Medved (and he deserves every dollar he has earned), was delighted that one of his undocumented-alien-caller's was a successful real estate agent. Michael, now "focus like a laser beam" Who do you imagine this undocumented alien is selling homes to? Of course, Michael, he is selling homes (by hook or by crook) to other undocumented aliens. An undocumented alien earning a living by providing services and selling goods to other undocumented aliens does not an economy make. Neither is a viable national economy sustained by labor supplied by a low-paid non-native-tongue-speaking, illiterate, uneducated criminal underclass daily dependent on government services funded by the taxes taken from honest citizens & legal alien residents.

Know the reason the plurality of these undocumented aliens have any  purchasing power whatsoever is that they live communally (like Man did in the Stone Age) and suffer virtually none of the taxes, insurances, vehicle upkeep or educational costs legal citizens must.

1.I know this because in 2001 I sat on a Federal Grand Jury for the District of Arizona for eighteen months. The first two to four hours of every one of our three day work-months was consumed indicting proven undocumented aliens for trial and physical-escorted removal from the state of Arizona. We eventually deduced that these ten to thirty individuals were also guilty of serious criminal offenses. At the same time there were two to three other grand juries that we assumed were doing the same thing.

posted Saturday 06/30/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Your Senator's Vote on Thursday's S.1369 Cloture

"In a 46 to 53 procedural vote, a majority of senators blocked further debate on the bill. Supporters fell 14 votes short of the 60 needed, which would clear the way for final passage of the legislation . . . " more

  Click to Buy T-Shirt
@ The People's Cube As many of my reader's know, I maintained a voter-citizen close relationship with Arizona Senator Jon Kyl. I am both heartbroken at his two "yea" votes and at the same moment at an absolute loss as to why he teamed p with the elite born-millionaire Ted Kennedy to negotiate a bill, that if enacted, would have destroyed both the nation and the Republican Party itself.

Since the following Republican Senators twice voted for a bill that polls indicate 80% of all American's whether they be Republican or Democrat did not want, they should be voted out of office. For if they aren't doing what Republicans want and they aren't doing what Democrats want, what political party are they?

Vote these Senators out of Office

Bennett (R-UT), Craig (R-ID), Kyl (R-AZ), Lott (R-MS), McCain (R-AZ), Snowe (R-ME)
This next group is to be confined to a G.O.P. licensed Barry Goldwater Re-Education Camp for a period of not less than six months nor more than eleven. These senators first voted for and then against an extremely critical and incredibly expensive bill that even constitutional scholar Paris Hilton could discern was a piece of garbage. This isn't a matter of changing one's mind, but a question of how could any Republican vote for a proposal that would put twelve million, Third-World law-breakers on the road to citizenship and while on that superhighway, enjoy more rights and privileges than the very citizens who voted these senators into office?
To Be Re-Educated in Republican Party Values

Brownback (R-KS), Burr (R-NC), Coleman (R-MN), Collins (R-ME),
Domenici (R-NM), Ensign (R-NV), Gregg (R-NH), McConnell (R-KY),
Murkowski (R-AK), Stevens (R-AK), Voinovich (R-OH) and Warner (R-VA)
Your Senator's Vote on Cloture of S.1369
Thursday June 28th, 2007

Please click the chart to expand to its full size.

Click to view entire chart

posted Thursday 06/28/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Your Senator's Vote on Tuesday's S.1369 Cloture

"The vote was 64-35 to revive the bill, four more than the 60 needed, but many senators said they may change their minds and vote to block the measure in the next key test, scheduled for tomorrow. Overcoming a blockade . . . " more

Please click the chart to expand to its full size.

click to expand chart

posted Wednesday 06/27/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
The Two Big Lies

With never a challenge from their audience, Arizona Senators Kyl and McCain and United States President Bush continue to advance two lies as truth:

The number one lie is, that at every single mention of 'undocumented' or 'illegal' immigrants these Republicans always tie them into "agriculture", as if that is their sole job function within the borders of these United States.

Both congressmen seem to favor lettuce, which is comprised of about 90% water, indeed a strange crop in a state known for its mere six inches of annual rainfall.       Lettuce,
the Cornerstone of 
the Arizona Economy? (By the way, any readers of Jack Kerouac's "On The Road" will learn that at one time, prior to this wild and rampant welfare state, citizens of all colors and races labored in the fields. As did my father and his thirteen brothers and sisters. As did my mother and her eleven brothers and sisters. God rest all their souls.)

For over the past half-decade I've worked at eleven different guard gates in Arizona and I can swear to you that not one of these gates restricted entry to a fertilized farmer's field. These Illegals are taking work from legal-alien-residents and citizens. I know this, because for every single job, chore or profession I admit a suspected Illegal in to do, I also let in a suspected citizen to do.

So why does the claim continue to be made that these undocumented immigrants are doing jobs American's won't do when every day I personally witness Americans doing them?

At one construction gate last year, located in far north Phoenix, at each sunrise I was allowing entry of up to eight hundred vehicles packed with individuals I would suspect to be in Arizona without proper documentation. These constructionaros would typically install their finest English-speaker either as the driver, or if he had gotten sombrero-stomping drunk the previous night, simply prop him up against a door on the driver's side of the vehicle so that he could shout out to the ignorant gringo gate officer where they were headed for. After ten months of this, I would still be fortunate if I could understand the one or two words uttered by the assigned English-speaker telling me, often not in the most gracious tones, where he and his posse were going. That is how anxious they are to learn our language.

The number two lie is the oft spoke rhetorical question implying the impossibility of deporting twelve million individuals here in the United States illegally.

That again exposes the disconnect (or out and out purposeful disingenuousness) these Senators have with reality. I wonder why border-state Senators Kyl and McCain imagine there are miles-long lines coming into Arizona from Mexico every single day of the year? That is because undocumented immigrants in Arizona regularly cross back into Mexico to vacation or visit family, pick up for export illegal drugs and to import weapons that are illegal in Mexico. San Ysidro border crossingFrom the doors of my various gatehouses, I can't remember how many times I've asked, where so and so has been for the last few weeks, only to hear that they went back to Mexico to visit relatives or for a birthday, or for a holiday, or for a funeral. Sure sometimes it takes a while for them to pop up again in Arizona, but they always seem to make it back. And likewise, if our federal government would enforce the laws already on the books making it the federal crime it is to employ illegals (or write a new seven line law vs. a seven-hundred page one) and the estimated seventy-four percent of illegals now being employed by unbelievably greedy (and I feel traitorous) corporations could no longer find work, they would simply pack up their 1997 white or silver Ford Crown Victoria's and head south in a caravan crowned by a cloud of visible exhaust fumes from the tailpipes of their never emission-tested-or-registered vehicles.

All Republicans are wondering if maybe the Mexican government isn't holding the Bush's twin daughters ransom in exchange for granting twenty million Mexicans virtual U.S. citizenship. Some pundits claim that G.W. Bush is attempting to leave his mark in American history. Personally, I would imagine, since he regularly rides horses down in Crawford, Texas, he sure is thinking like one cowboy who has been bucked head-first into the Lone Star terra firma a few too many times.

But now, what I hear from my Mexican friends (oh yes, I am good buddies with 'my' illegal's) is that, reminiscent of the inbred royalty of 19th Century Europe, both Bush President's and the elite ruling classes in Mexico are very close compandres. And whether the citizen be Mexican or be American, we are all considered blankminded and simple peons to be shoved around on the chess board of geography.

posted Monday 06/25/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Out-Sourcing Lettuce Labor

In a June 9th, 2007 WSJ article interviewing Arizona's Senator Kyle, him sounding as someone who has obviously little contact, other than probably the smiley-faced, tooth-gapped cleaning people, with non-documented workers mainly from the Third World of Mexico, committed the error of bringing up outsourcing.

Kyl & Kennedy It appears that our junior Republican Senator, who was elected by the citizens (after all only legal citizens vote 'conservative') has shown his hand in that he considers the concerns of the lettuce farming agribusinesses of Yuma, County, Arizona to override the very real and demonstrable concerns of the other five plus million people who live in this state should our one-half million undocumented aliens attain, in all but name, the right of citizenship. Know dear readers that Arizona's senior senator is the whacked-out John McLain, I mean McCain, so possibly something endemic to The Beltway sneaks into the water of our senators. Or into their wallets.

The interview itself, sliced from the newspaper with a butter knife (since your Mr.Wonderful, by not performing a Mexican hat dance over the proposed 'amnesty', obviously cannot be trusted with anything sharp) displays several sections heavily underlined in red ink. However, for this day I will focus on the Senator's comments, made in reference to harvesting Yuma County's lettuce crop,

Senator Kyl, "So when people complain about outsourcing, well, you're outsourcing a billion-dollar industry because we don't have a system that enables the people to get the work they need."
From reading Senator Kyl's politic-speak wording, the reader cannot decipher whether 'the people' Senator Kyl refers to are the Mega-Earth Agriculture Corporation 'people' who profit from the sale of the " ... the melons and the tomatoes and the lettuce ...", or these undocumented aliens. But in any case, the subject is outsourcing.

And outsourcing is one of my major concerns about the blatant use, from one-man shops to huge corporations, of undocumented aliens. I realize a June 2007 Wall Street Journal article claims that 'only' four million of our undocumented (which means there are no records--which means there is no documentation) aliens are bottom-of-the-barrel Latinos from Mexico, Central and South America, and that the other two-thirds are nuclear physicists, electrical engineers, economic professors and future U.S. Supreme Court Justices. However, I would enjoy viewing the non-existant documentation on those claims. As a security officer for the past five plus years, my experience with the thousands of people I suspect to be here illegally, informs me that rather, 94% of these aliens who have no legal status are illiterate, low-IQ'd and unskilled individuals who cannot even be employed in the dirt-hole country they came from.

Senator Kyl's mention of outsourcing forces me to ask this question:

In all the controversy over outsourcing, what is the one thing that cannot be outsourced?

Answer: Labor.
Click to EnlargeHow can one outsource plucking a chicken, slaughtering a steer, or digging a ditch, or pouring cement, hanging drywall, or pounding roofing nails, or driving a delivery truck or dusting a house or childcare, or cleaning a pool, or washing a car, or fitting clean linens on a bed, or scalping a green so short that even PGA pros three-put, or waxing floors, or mowing lawns or trimming palm trees or tossing a burger or stocking a shelf?

And yet beyond-greedy multi-continent corporations (who have no loyalty to any one nation--witness Halliburton's Dubai move) have found a way around that seeming impossibility by encouraging the illegal importation of cheap labor from outside of this country!

In turn, while sucking dry every tax-payer funded social service from WIC (Women, Infants & Children) to health-care and packing our schools, streets, neighborhoods, bus stops, parks, hospitals and jails, this same cheap labor will accept wages and working conditions that citizen-American's, being accustomed to enjoying the lifestyle only made possible by the sacrifices of their forefathers over the past few centuries cannot.

These legal citizens, because they must pay all their city, county, state, federal, property, social security, Medicare, excise, assessment, tobacco, liquor, license, parking and moving violation fees and taxes in addition to paying health, car, disability and life insurances, while at the same time footing the bill for the registration and emission-testing fees on their vehicles and and also maintaining said vehicles in safe operating condition, and living one-family-to-a-dwelling-unit constructed to city, county, state and federal codes simply cannot survive on the ridiculously low wages or working conditions eagerly welcomed by these now sainted-by-the-media 'immigrants'.

And wala! Witness the creation of President Bush's off-cited claim of: "Jobs Americans Won't Do."

Senators Kyl & Kennedy
  Want these individuals
To be your new neighbors
      Isn't that nice?
Click to read more!

posted Wednesday 06/20/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Your Senator's Voting Record on Amnesty

These figures were taken from the lovely Michel Malkin's web site, I simply put them into an HTML table. Please click the chart to expand to its full size.

Amnesty Votes Click to Expand

posted Tuesday 06/12/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Senate Bill S.1348
"Comprehensive Immigration Reform"
Before Senator Kyl's Negotiations

Well leave it to your Mr.Wonderful to dig up what the Senate Bill S.1348 looked like before, Supreme Court Justice, oops, I mean Arizona Senator Jon Kyl negotiated with the Marlon-Brando-sized Ted Kennedy.

    S.1348 Before Senator Jon Kyl's Negotiations

    For purposes of this legislation all formerly undocumented alien-Hispanic's will be referred to as "ciudadano de nuevo"

  1. A ciudadano de nuevo Presidential candidate shall be placed on the 2008 ticket and given credit for 100 electoral votes because America is racist
  2. Audiences shall laugh at all the jokes of Hispanic comedian Carlos Mencia
  3. Ciudadano de nuevo street-vendor carts shall be retro-fitted, at taxpayer expense, with battery-powered electric motors and shall not be subject to inspections by city, state or federal health officials
  4. Cinco de Maya shall be declared a national holiday and will run from May 5th until May 12th inclusive
  5. Marijuana shall be named the national flower
  6. Mandatory tuba and accordion instruction shall begin by the second grade in all public schools
  7. Soccer shall replace baseball as the 'National Pastime'
  8. All ciudadano de nuevo are to be granted, at no charge, a $250,000 face amount, kidnapping-ransom insurance policy
  9. The W.I.C. program (Women, Infants & Children) shall be modified to cover the purchase of four each, five (5) to eight (8) bolt chrome wheels every two years costing not more than $2,449.
  10. All Non-ciudadano de nuevo shall learn and vocalize whatever the hell mongrel-language the ciudadano de nuevo speak
  11. Driving laws shall be modified to require that a driver must exhibit a point O-eight blood alcohol level before getting behind the steering wheel
  12. In any vehicle collision in which the ciudadano de nuevo is clearly at fault, he shall be given a one hundred meter running start away from the scene of the accident
  13. Tequila shall be offered in all Starbucks serving a predominately ciudadano de nuevo clientele
  14. If a ciudadano de nuevo shoplifter isn't apprehended within twenty-five feet of the front door of the establishment (as measured from the threshold plate edge nearest the sidewalk) he shall retain his booty free of both sales and income tax
  15. All Chevys shall be factory-equipped with 300 watt woofers and lowered to with the thickness of one pack of Marlboro's above the pavement
  16. General Motors shall immediately begin re-manufacture of the 1964 Buick Riviera and the 1961 Cheverolet Impala SS Coupe featuring the 348 cubic inch V-8
  17. All McDonald's, Burger King, & Wendy's hamburgers shall be made with tortillas rather than wheat or flour buns
  18. The typical university prank shall be changed from stuffing phone booths to stuffing 1988 unwashed-since-new Suburbans
  19. All sightings of the Virgin Mary shall be certified by the Smithsonian Institution
  20. Thanksgiving turkey shall be replaced by Thanksgiving tamales
  21. After-school chess clubs shall be replaced with after-school Mumbly Peg
  22. In the NFL, NBA, and NHL, all teams shall be comprised of at least 51% Hispanics
  23. Major League Baseball shall terminate the contracts of and cause the deportation of all Puerto Rican players
  24. Spray paint graffiti shall be legalized, subsidized and added to all middle-school curriculums
  25. It shall be unlawful for any public enforcement agency to issue a ciudadano de nuevo an equipment ticket for vehicle headlights being burnt out until every headlight on the vehicle has ceased to shine
  26. Piñatas of Senator Jeff Sessions, Senator Jim DeMint, Ann Coulter, Roger H. Edgecock, and Michael Savage shall immediately be commissioned to be manufactured and placed on the shelves of all Kroger's, Albertson's and Safeway's and sold at a 50% discount to anyone presenting a frequent shopper card.
  27. All copies of the movie, "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre", whether on DVD or VHS, shall be located and destroyed. In addition, uttering the phrase, "Badges? we don't need no badges." shall be subject to a fine of no less than $1,000 and jail time of 30 days.

posted Monday 06/11/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Senate Bill S.1348
"Comprehensive Immigration Reform"
An Open Letter to Senator Jon Kyl

Honorable Kyl,

I know you are in an impossible situation.

For the past 6 years I have worked as a security officer at luxury residential gated communities. I have allowed entry to as many as 3,200 suspected illegal aliens in one morning. VIDEO:
Plain Talk About
Senate Bill S.1348
by Ed Meese @
Heritage.Org websiteI know Illegal Aliens. That is the problem. You do not know these people or their everyday behaviors, many of which are dangerous and often felonious.

#1 They are all criminals. They came here illegally. Regardless of the reason, they are criminals and by paying thousands of dollars to enter illegally, they have broken the FIRST LAW they could possibly break in another country.

#2 The majority are illiterate in both Spanish & English. They have demonstrated this time and again by handing me notes that could have been better written by my English Bulldog.

#3 They have an entirely different set of mores which they, due to their overall ignorance, are unable to compromise. One is that it is okay to beat women. Another is that disagreements are settled with weapons, not words.

#4 We hear: "They are doing jobs American's won't do." That is a lie from Satan and smells of smoke. At the eleven gates I worked, there was not a single craft that did not have both Illegals and Americans performing them.

Illegal's Truck Senator Kyl, I must live and work and with these undocumented aliens. I drive to and from work in fear of being hit-and-run by one of these Illegals, and being left crippled, jobless and bankrupt. I watched one day as Maricopa County deputy sheriffs pulled over a speeding vehicle immediately outside the gatehouse I was inside. The Hispanic female driver, did not have registration, insurance, a driver's license or proper identification. She was let go with a warning. I'm certain this was because, except for felonies, it is simply not worth the effort to cite these individuals, the major roadblock being that it is almost impossible to ascertain their residence address.

My apartment complex, owned by a huge national corporation, with its "5 Adults Maximum to 2 Bedroom Apartment" limit, openly provides housing for these people. It is scary Jon. At night I have non-English speaking Hispanics swilling Coronas and smoking five dollar a pack Marlboro's twenty feet from my apartment door. If I call the police my car or myself will most likely be vandalized.

These people are criminals. The individuals who employ them, one who lives behind one of my gates, are traitors. This Benedict Arnold is building a home so large that it required two dozen cement mixers to pour the foundation. He checks the progress on his house from the Connolly Leather hide-covered seat of his 2007, one hundred and seventy thousand dollar imported convertible. I have always considered these employers as traitors and they should be treated as traitors. Yes, treated as traitors, for their insatiable greed is, without any doubt destroying the America we love.

The enforcement provisions of the Senate Bill S.1348 will NOT ever be enforced. You must know that Senator. How does the government propose to collect $5,000 from these Illegals who might earn only $24,000 a year? And do this over twelve million times? In the 1980s, the government sent to jail an insurance broker who defrauded my corporation of $40,000. As part of his plea agreement, he was to repay the funds. As of 2007, a quarter of a century later, we have received not one dollar from this gentleman. In the 1990s, I was on a federal grand jury for The District of Arizona. We issued an indictment for a mechanic who was using falsified federal documents to obtain employment. He had been doing this since the 1970s and had not yet been apprehended by government officials.

The answer is not Amnesty for Illegals, a.k.a. S.1348, but to enforce the laws that make it illegal to hire individuals who cannot prove they are here legally. If Mr. Xxxxxx was removed from his office in Michigan, in handcuffs, that would be a good start and a sign that America means business. The rape of our country by the employees of those who hire Illegals is unconscionable. It breaks my heart.

I beg you to tour 31st Street south of Bell Road in Phoenix, where my daughter, usually without transportation, lived in fear for a year. See what these celebrated and protected people have done to that part of Phoenix, Arizona. They are cutting huge swaths of devastation across countless areas of our nation, all the while never paying enough in taxes to pay back even 1/10 of 1% of what they have or will receive in social benefits.

AND they will vote Democrat.

posted Friday 05/18/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Early Withdrawal: Disappointing in Love, Deadly in Iraq

In a sign of bipartisanship, the Democratic majority in Congress is pressing President Bush for an early withdrawal from the Iraq War. So they can send additional billions to Katrina victims and buy votes from their morally deficit backers, Democrats are threatening to remove funding for the war. Again and again, the Islamofacists have stated that due to our lax response to several of their attacks, including Somalia, the 1996 Khobar Towers and the 2000 U.S.S. Cole bombing, they concluded years ago that as soon as we lose a few lives, we give up and go home. Osama bin Laden himself told the world that this was the belief that motivated al Qaeda to launch the 911 attack. The Democrats solution, to leave Iraq now, would simply codify this belief.

    The Democrat's Problem-Solving Model
  • Health care costs out of control? Nationalize health care. Problem solved.
  • Undocumented workers here illegally? Propose Amnesty. Problem solved.
  • Conservative Talk Media Truth crushes Liberal Audio Pablum? Re-institute The Fairness Doctrine. Problem solved.
  • Girlfriend pregnant & you must be President? She drowns in an auto accident. Problem solved.
  • A war in which U.S. soldiers die? Cut and Run. Problem solved.
In your wildest dreams do you imagine that the moms and dads and boys and girls of Iraq desire this level of violence in their own country? Are not the every-day-citizens of Iraq human beings with longings of peace and security? Withdrawing from Iraq now will allow the Saudis to continue buying off the terrorists, including al Qaeda, rather than putting them on notice, as this war was meant to illustrate,  that their country is next if they don't stop funding Islamofacist terrorists. Know this readers, the War on Terror is about stopping these Islamic madmen before they get their hands on an atomic weapon. A weapon of mass destruction that most likely will be purchased with millions of Saudi rials. Do you have any idea what damage a single atomic weapon unleashed on the United States would do? It would make the 911 attack seem as trivial as a mailbomb, force martial law on all citizens, elevate U.S. Senators to Lords and Ladies ruling over their individual fiefdoms and all the while destroying the U.S. economy and throwing the planet into world-wide recession.
Withdrawing from Iraq now will sentence thousands, if not millions of pro-democracy Iraqis to death. Think of the current carnage in Iraq with one hundred thousand American troops in-country. Hiroshima damage. Equal to terrorist suitcase A-bombCan you imagine what would happen if these soldiers were to leave? Do you picture tents, teas and hooka-cribs blossoming in the war-torn boulevards? No, instead deaths would skyrocket and blood would literally flow in the streets. But, since Western Media would be immediately banished, American voters would not discover these murders for decades, if ever. Withdrawing will prove to those countries who might consider cooperating with the U.S. in the future, to not to. Withdrawing will prove the Muslim terrorist's claim that the U.S. has no spine. That 21st Century America has no longer the will to stay and finish any  fight. And, leaving will birth a nation-state that will certainly harbor, finance, and train every Muslim terrorist organization in the world; including those which will use nuclear weapons against Israel and the West. Leaving can only increase the attacks on Western civilization by these powermad Islamic killers. The DeMedia isn't telling us this, but the major sponsor of violence in Iraq isn't her citizens but neighboring Iran. It is extremely expensive to run a terror campaign such as we've seen in Iraq and Iran has strong reasons to proceed, one being that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn't want to give the U.S. the breathing space to consider what to do about their announced atomic bomb program. This in a country whose president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, declared on August 3rd, 2006 that "... the solution to the Middle East crisis is to destroy Israel."
As I heard a Middle East analyst state the other day: "Leaving Iraq would probably be the worst foreign policy mistake of all times."

posted Thursday 01/25/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Social Security Fraud Continues

I realize that today the sentencing of the two Texas Border Patrol agents is on everyone's mind and it should be, for if we don't let the pus that is Illegal Immigration flow back below our southern border the America of our children is surely doomed.

However, since my financial life is in the toilet and it appears I may indeed depend on Social Security to partially supply my working-retirement-lifestyle, I must bring up again  the fact that the Social Security Trust fund is in danger of not being able to pay its promises to the very taxpayers who funded it. I'm a regular hourly guy and my 12.4% withheld for Social Security (6.2% from me, 6.2% from my employer) runs to over $80 a week, or over $4,000 this year alone. $320 a month is being remitted to the Social Security Trust Fund in my name of which 50% comes from me and 50% comes from my employer. Social Security Card What happens to this money? First, the Trust Fund pays out money owed to current recipients, then with the surplus, Treasury securities are purchased. These Treasury securities are only a promise by the government to pay the holder, in this case the Social Security Trust Fund, their face value when they are redeemed. Once again, the surplus  Social Security dollars collected via the FICA deductions on hundreds of millions of paychecks are used to purchase these government bonds. The bonds have no value and collect no interest and are backed by only the promise of the federal government to redeem them. These bonds are then deposited in the Social Security Trust Fund and recorded in government bookeeping as if they are actual, physical, dollar-valued assets; which they are not. In every day language these bonds are simply I.O.U.s from one branch of the government to another branch of the government. Where do the actual dollars that are used to purchase the government bonds end their journey? They in up in the general budget of the United States to be spent by congressmen and women who, in many instances, are purchasing the votes of the individuals from whom the dollars originated. Congress is spending our retirement money buying our votes while out of the other side of their mouths warning us  of the impending doom facing the Social Security Trust Fund. What happens when the Social Security Trust Fund must redeem (cash) the government bonds it holds when FICA withholding inflows are not enough to pay current beneficiaries? It asks the federal government to turn the bonds back into dollars. They do this magic by either taking billions of dollars out of the federal budget and crimping any number of other programs, or by drastically raising taxes. For instance it is estimated that the Y and X generations following the Baby Boom generation (born years 1946-1964) will have to contribute 20% of their gross pay so that Social Security can pay the tens of millions of Boomers the retirement money they've had confiscated out of their paychecks the last half century. But not to worry, the Supreme Court ruled in 1960 that the Social Security Trust Fund is not obligated to pay out one dollar should they not wish to.

posted Thursday 01/19/2007 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Stars on the Wall

I'm watching the History Channel's program titled "C.I.A.: Stars on the Wall". It is a recounting of those agents who have died in the service of their country. I viewed the first man to die in the War on Terror, C.I.A. agent Mike Spann's funeral at Arlington, Virginia. Being a father who has had a son in the line of fire during the Persian Gulf War--and being a grateful American, I began to weep. Military Graveyard.
Click for more
Connie Coleman photos! As I listened to the parents of officer Spann ask why the Demedia was more concerned with how the American ex-patriot they suspect of killing their son was being treated, than that their son was murdered, I wept again. We have it so easy here in the States exactly because citizens such as Mike Spann; the 3,000 plus citizen-soldiers who have died in this War on Terror, the 50,000 who died in Vietnam, the 420,000 who died at a rate of more than 300 per day in WWII ... and on and on. I've been thinking about this for such a long time. 'This' being the fact that these, almost always young people who have just begun to taste life, have given their own in the defense of my freedom. In the defense of our freedoms. In the defense of freedom world-wide (for without the United States of America freedom would be a very rare thing indeed). There is nothing, NOTHING, anyone can offer up to pay for these many ultimate sacrifices. There is no one who can make the claim that he or she is deserving of these sacrifices. God bless our fallen soldiers and their grieved families.

"This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love no man has than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."   John 15:12-13

posted Thursday 12/21/2006 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
What's in a name Hussein?

Already the DeMedia has been exposed protecting yet another liberal Democrat, that being the big-eared Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, I am astonished, simply astonished. As my regular reader's know, your Mr.Wonderful doesn't spend, doesn't waste, his time viewing much commercial television, but apparently, the Major Media has been following around one-term Illinois Democrat Senator Barak Obama like a vindictive ex-wife's process server. They knew everything about him, down to I imagine, if he wears boxers or briefs. But somehow, some way, in a totally understandable oversight they never did seem to discover, much less reveal his given middle name.

A Quick Test:

What was Richard Nixon's middle name? Milhous
What was John F. Kennedy's middle name? Fitzgerald
What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's middle name? Delano
What is Dweezil Zappa's middle name? Donald Calvin Euclid

And likewise, until a few days ago only the Media was aware that the Black Saint & Saviour of the Democrat Party, Barack Obama, middle name is Hussein. It's true that Senator Barack already has an awkward situation in his life, but who in their right mind would NOT consider a candidate simply because of his name? But yet, the DeMedia saw fit to keep Barack's middle name from the citizens, for fear I imagine, that voters would turn away from a candidate who has the same name as a deposed dictator. Ponder this dear readers, if the Major Media goes to these lengths simply to keep from us the knowledge of an unfortunate choice of a middle name, how far will they go to cover-up instances of serious malfeasance?

posted Tuesday 12/15/2006 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
2007 - 2009 The Dems Agenda
    The Dem's Agenda:
  • Iraq: Leave and lose
  • Destroy: Wal*Mart
  • Illegals: Make Legal
  • Impeach: G.W.Bush
  • Christopher Reeve walks!

posted Tuesday 12/5/2006 . . . . . Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @