Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

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05/30/01 (9:41AM) : The Comedy Team of Davis & Daschle
The other day Governor Gray Davis, Big Banana of the Land of Fruits and Nuts, demonstrated his absolute ignorance of how a free market economy functions.The Evil Palo Verde nuclear generating station outside Buckeye, Arizona I wonder how many Californian's realize that if the retail price of electricity was allowed to rise to its natural level, that there would be no need for rolling blackouts? That there would be no need for urgent pleas to conserve? The Governor surely doesn't understand how high prices naturally force conservation, because he adamantly refuses to allow them to occur. Instead the leader of this nation's largest state economy (how sad is that?) whines to President Bush that California should be exempt from the market forces 49 other states endure. He demands that the President force the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to lower or cap wholesale prices for electricity sold to California. Being a rosy-faced socialist, Governor Davis doesn't realize that even if FERC should mandate electrical producers outside the Golden-Brownout State to lower or cap their prices, he still faces the added burden of then enticing these same power propagaters into even offering  to sell their product to California when a myriad of higher bidders exist?! And here's the laffer: According to a May 30th, 2001 Wall Street Journal article by Mitchel Benson, (now that Democrat Senator Tom Daschle is poised to take over) "The governor also said he would press the newly reconstituted U.S. Senate for legislative relief . . ." Guffaw, guffaw. Didn't the already humbled and defeated Gray listen to last Sunday's Meet the Press, as Tommy D. said "no" to more oil (and natural gas) exploration, "no" to nuclear power, and "yes" to serious efforts at energy conservation? This is getting good folks!

05/29/01 (9:08AM) : "Drive As I Say, Not As I Do"
In the May 17th, 2001, Roll Call, Heard on the Hill column, I read of Democratic National Committee Chairman, multi-millionaire Terry McAuliffe, driving around Washington, D.C. inside a Cadillac Escalade SUV. A nearly three ton brute whose 345 horsepower V8 averages only 12 mpg while slurping super-premium fuel.2002 Caddy Escalade-An awesome vehicle. Click to Enlarge! What was Bill & Hillary's former landlord doing in town? He was touring The Beltway in order to criticize George W's energy policy. . . he was in town to ". . . reveal who really pays the price for Bush's energy plan." Part of the incoming Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschel's plan (see May 27, 2001 column) is to finally get serious about conservation. Perhaps Tom should discuss fuel economy with the Chairman of his own party, eh? But, understand, this instance just goes, once again, to clearly demonstrate what I have always said: The liberal politicians and the Hampton's crowd demand that us mere citizens be handcuffed to one set of rules, while they, the wealthy and the politically connected, unseen by the DeMedia, out of site of the television cameras and unmentioned by worshipful newsreaders, LIVE ANY WAY THEY PLEASE !. What was Jenny Backus, the DNC spokesman's response to complaints of McAuliffe's tooling around in a Detroit-made gas-hog cruiser Caddy? Ignoring the fact that many other America-made vehicles average more than double the mileage of the super-SUV, she replied, "It sounds like the same people who said 'Drop dead' to California are now saying 'Drop dead' to Detroit."  Oh  my  gawd !

05/27/01 (7:33PM) : Daschle promises: "The End of Tax Cuts !"
T.D. impossible to enlarge! On Tim Russert's Meet the Press this morning, Tom Daschle (sans the phone book booster chair) incoming Senate Democratic Majority Leader said "No" to tax cuts, "No" to oil exploration in Alaska and "No" to nuclear energy. Hell, if a Republican had said "No" to so many things even before being confirmed, the DeMedia would complain how absolutely negative and obstructionist he was! No, I'm afraid you won't read much negative in the DeMedia's glowing examination of Daschle's interview broadcast this Sunday. With this gloating Dakota-dude responding "No" to virtually any and every viable, proven and economical means of increasing energy, he  should be accompanying President Bush to California to explain to its citizens why their acute energy crisis is destined to become chronic with a Democratic led Senate. Daschle mumbled the tired lines of old . . . "We've never got serious about conservation" . . . "We haven't tried alternative sources of energy", "blah, blah, blah." He complains that the Saturday approved tax cut is ". . . an exploding time bomb . . ." that ". . . denies the chance (for Congress) to invest in education. . ." and that it was ". . . irresponsible to vote. . ." for such a revenue reduction. Folks, the bottom line on the tax cut is this. You either believe, regardless of what section of society receives the tax cut - the 'rich', the 'working families', the 'poor' - that the private citizens who are then allowed  to retain more of the dollars THEY EARNED, can easily discover beneficial ways to use those dollars to further enhance their lives, or  you believe that 535 powerful, lobby wearied, politicians who don't know you from the Maitre'd at the Georgetown Morton's Steak House can. And if you believe the latter, when is the last time you've visited a Social Security office or the I.R.S. or a U.S. Post Office?

05/23/01 (9:10AM) : DeMedia News-Reader Exposed
On Bill O'Reilly's May 18th, 2001 Fox Network talk show, The O'Reilly Factor, liberal News-Reader Dan Rather was grilled.der dadda of der Big LieWhen the venerable CBS Star was asked by Mr. O'Reilly if he thought that former President Clinton was a liar, he replied "No"! Mr. Rather elucidated that ". . . all of us lie at sometime." IT DOES NOT CONCERN Mr. Rather, who millions of work-weary television watchers view as some sort of Oracle, that Clinton lied on a nation-wide broadcast about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, and then lied again when he faced a federal judicial deposition! The latter lie, if spoken by a private citizen and exposed by the court, would have landed any one of us  in jail. It's sad that Bill didn't query Dan on his feelings towards President Reagan's brummagem braggadocio about Star Wars (that forced the U.S.S.R. into bankruptcy and dissolution) or President George H. Bush's entirely political pronouncement, "Read my lips. No new taxes." I'm sure Dan condemned to hell both these Republican leader's and their untrue utterings. But let a liberal President tell the type of 'Big Lie' that catapulted Adolph Hitler into the pre-World War II Berlin Chancellery, and all is instantly forgiven and forever forgotten.

05/16/01 (4:41PM) : Why I Don't Read The Washington Times
In the May 14-20th, 2001 issue of The Washington Times the caption: "Stiffing the troops serving overseas" immediately drew my attention. Reading the article penned by Bill Sammon, ignoring the inexcusable typo on page 23, I was soon, once again, mad as hell. The column detailed how a quintet of Gore lawyers showed up at the Duval County election office with marching orders to disqualify as many of the absentee military ballots (each assumed to be a vote for Bush) by any means possible. It seems that the Duval supervisor of elections had previously checked all the signatures on the outside of the ballot envelope and had only discarded a duo. Ye Olde fashioned firing squad! However, the Gore lawyers insisted on an Xerox® quality match between the signature on the voter registration card on file and the one on the envelope. "You could clearly tell it was the same person's signature, but they would object because it didn't have a certain twist or it was smaller," said an on-scene unpaid GOP volunteer lawyer. They also insisted on disqualifying any ballot with a missing postmark, a smudged postmark or an incomplete return address. By this point I was spitting-blood mad. Here these c##k #!@#ing sob socialist bastards, in order to elect Gore, were absolutely willing to use the ballots of our military men and women to wipe their asses with and flush the brown streaked envelope down the toilet! These criminal lawyers (am I being redundant?) are no less than traitors. Traitors, who not too very long ago, would have faced a firing squad! See how upset I get? And that is why I have an eighteen inch high stack of unread issues of The Washington Times.

05/13/01 (8:33PM) : Sacramento Slides towards Marxism
With stacks of reading material, this article almost slipped by Mr. Wonderful. It's from the April 27th, 2001 San Diego Union Tribune. Titled 'State power authority is a step closer' this report outlines how the same legislature which caused the current California energy crisisEvil power lines (by forcing electrical utilities to divest themselves from their generating capacity and then binding them to purchase enough power for only the coming twenty four hours and then allowing the price of wholesale electricity to rise unabated, but yet capping the retail price these utilities could charge consumers) has put forth a further solution. The proposed State Power Authority "could seize power plants, build its own . . . " The Speaker of the California Assembly, a liberal Democrat, announced, "The energy crisis we are struggling with today clearly demonstrates that relying totally on the private sector for this essential commodity leads to high prices and unreliable energy supply." Federales coming soon to a CA neighborhood (Think of what an outstanding job these dunderheads have already done with education, immigration and transportation.) This action clearly demonstrates that liberal Democrats honestly believe that California can be run much like the former Soviet Union with goodness, light and affordable prices being doled out from the intelligentsia. These sun soaked socialists have replaced the Red Square of Moscow with the tree sanctuary of Sacramento. What "essential commodity" is next on the list for these Marxists? Perhaps gasoline? How about food? Or prescription drugs? If this insane attitude of the California Legislature isn't tranquilized soon, the entire state will resemble a scenes from the 1992 movie, Freejack where two classes of citizens existed, the very wealthy/government employees and the dumpster diving poor.

05/11/01 (8:56AM) : Snake Oil & Tax Cuts
Yesterday, the Federal Budget for 2002, including a tax cut of $1.35 trillion over 11 years, was passed. The DeMedia presents the $2 trillion budget (for the single year 2002) right next to the $1.35 trillion eleven year tax cut. Snake Oil, clearly labeled!Billion dollar B2These liberal bozos imagine that the dimwit public (us) seeing the $2 trillion budget number right next to the $1.35 trillion tax cut number will believe we are receiving a massive tax cut. "Oh look Rafael. The budget is two trillion dollars and we got a one trillion three hundred fifty billion dollar tax cut!" Bullshit! I've got to admit that my friend Rusty got me thinking about this, so here are the sad facts. If a car dealer offered you 10% off the sticker on a new auto would you jump up and down and do hand stands? If Wal*Mart had a special on a cast iron frying pan that cut 10% off the usual retail price would you buy two or three for close friends? Hell no! With retail sales taxes running upwards of 7% alone, a 10% price cut garners only guffaws! Yet the DeMedia and the gods of Mount Washington want us to pee our pants over a tax cut amounting to laughable 5.2% ! Consider this: By the end of the eleven year tax cut period, the Federal Budget will have ballooned, at an assumed 5% rate, from $2 trillion annually in 2002 to $3.258 trillion in 2013. That's an increase of $1.258 trillion, a mere (in government terms) $92 billion short of funding the entire tax cut. Although I realize that the majority of this 'tax cut' is scheduled to occur well past the eight year Presidency of George W. Bush, spread that 5.2% over 11 years and expose it for the 1/2 of 1% (.4727%) per year tax cut that it is. I keep advising you that the majority of Senators and Congressmen populating the Beltway, number 1) believe most American's are morons (which is correct) 2) know that they know better than you  on where to spend your  money and, 3) would rather steal pennies from your grandchild's piggy bank than collect one farthing less in tribute from you.

05/09/01 (10:34AM) :Freon, more Profitable than Cocaine
Last night I was sitting with the buff MW Jr., watching SciFi Channel's series, The Sentinel. This program was about evil drug smugglers, only they had discovered something with a higher demand than drugs and which they could make more money on. R-134a Freon substitute What could it be? Freon R12! Old fashioned Freon R12 refrigerant, that even though can be no longer manufactured in the United States, is still desperately needed by millions of older car owners to keep their auto's air conditioners blowing cool air. Understand that if these older car owners, that require the 'outlawed' Freon R12, find themselves unable to obtain it for air conditioning repairs and tune-ups, they must retrofit their cars to accept the new Dupont SUVA R-134a at a cost of around $1,000. Why is the original Freon R12 now banned in the U.S.? Because, of course, it is the unproven cause of the fatal-to-mankind-and-all-life-on-Earth, "Hole in the Ozone!" But what really got me pissed off last night was the character stating that the smugglers ". . . produced Freon R12 off shore . . ." Why would that piss me off? Because while prison time and fines face any unlicensed U.S. citizen caught with Freon R12 IT IS STILL LEGALLY MANUFACTURED BY THE MILLIONS OF POUNDS INSIDE THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO, which is obviously not "off shore". Why does Freon R12 manufactured in Mexico, under guidelines as strict as your typical bachelor party, not also burn holes in the ozone? Because, of course, Mexico is a poor country and cannot afford to retrofit all their Freon R12 fueled air conditioning devices. So this country of 136 million citizens is allowed to spew as much Freon R12 into the atmosphere as they wish and also smuggle as much into this country as they can get away with. Because of asinine exceptions to attempts at world-wide pollution controls, such as this one concerning the ozone and Freon R12, is exactly why the Bush Administration will not go along with the peyote inspired Kyoto Accords. For instance, consider this simple example of the suspected ozone-hole-burning Freon R12. What logic is there to outlawing Freon R12 in the United States when our southern neighbor, Mexico and also China, India, Pakistan and the entire continent of Africa would be wholly exempt from any regulations concerning the gas? These countries with populations in the billions and with environmental records that make a 19th century U.S. steel mill seem as clean as a surgical operating room are not somehow going to pollute the atmosphere hundreds of times more than users in the United States? Does that make sense to you? That squeeks of Freon R12 escaping from the most environmentally conscious country on the planet would somehow melt the ozone layer while clouds of Freon R12 escaping from the ignorant and wretchedly poor continents of Africa and Asia would have no effect?

05/01/01 (1:31PM) : Depends What a Lie Is
On Fox News Sunday, Terry McAuliff, DNC head, was telling the nation that the Bush Administration's tax cut proposal would do nothing in lowering the tax bill of a single mom grossing $25,000 or less a year. On the ball, Tony Snow quickly countered with the fact that a single mom grossing $25,000 or less, currently owes no federal income taxes! Terry came back with the fact that she pays "other payroll taxes." Those other payroll taxes, my friends consist mainly of Medicare and Social Security taxes. Are we to refund those taxes to her also and still provide her with benefits when and if she needs them? Most of those SOBs in Congress just will never have enough of our money to do with what they will. They don't ever want to give even a single penny back. For instance, I'm looking at my $88.92 cell phone bill and I notice that "taxes, fees & government charges" consist of $9.83 (11%) of the total! On my cell phone! If we don't press and press hard for a tax cut those vampires in D.C. will consider that they're right. That they know better what to do with our money than we do.