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Greyt Adventures


Greyhound Reunions and Charity Activities

Mom doesn't think I've won too many races but I won a contest at the Humane Society Pet Festival when I was four. Mom dressed me up as a cheerleader, complete with a sports bra, skirt, and pom pons. I was really embarrassed but I cooperated and got the prize. The competition was tough. I almost lost out to the chinchilla who was dressed up as a witch and the German shorthaired pointer in the pink tutu.

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I also met some other greyhounds there including this one.



Once Mom and I went to a picnic with free food. Mom was a poor college student then and free food was a good thing for both of us. It was a hot summer day and I wondered around until some students felt sorry for me (I can look really pathetic when I want to) and tried to give me water. I wasn't thirsty, but they tried. One of the students, a very handsome Indian guy, came over to Mom and asked if he could walk me around the park because he missed his dog from home. Mom didn't think I would go with a stranger because I'm normally shy, but I went with Vinesh. He got Mom's address off my tags and came over to Mom's house the next day with a lot of gifts from India. That won Mom's heart (the gifts and the fact that Vinesh liked me, too) and the rest is history.  Now mom has a fixation on  India. I don't care as long as I'm the center of attention.

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Sometimes I'm sorry I introduced the Mom and Dad because now I don't get to sleep in a people bed at night. Mom tried to make up by buying me a deluxe dog bed, but it's not the same. I still sneak on the bed when they are not home. I can't figure out how they know I get up there. Maybe it's the way I scratch up all the blankets until I get them in a nice pile that's just right.


Birthday Parties

party.jpg (13687 bytes)When I turned three, Mom threw me a birthday party. We invited Prince Wilson, Mom's professor's greyhound, Chico the Whippet from next door, and Arlas the mongrel (Arlas used to belong to us but I got jealous of him so now he lives with Mom's friends). We had several goofy games that all our folks made us play. One was getting us dressed real fast, and the other game was bobbing for treats. Mom threw a bunch of treats in a bucket of water and we all grabbed for them. It got really competitive and we all stuck our heads under the water just to get those treats. Arlas was too short for the bucket so we gave him a little bowl. The highlight of my party was when Prince Wilson "watered" Mom's potted tree much to the embarassment of Mom's professor. Then Arlas had to add his two cents to it. After that we all went outside and played in the snow until it was time to leave.   This picture shows me being the center of attention, as usual.  I'm now almost 8 years old and still going strong.


Camping and Hiking

Mom and dad love to camp and hike.  They figured out right away that I do, too, but my feet are very tender.  So Mom went out and bought me some bright orange hiking boots like they use on hunting and rescue dogs.  You should see the looks Mom gets, leading a white greyhound with orange shoes!  I high-step at first but then I get used to the shoes and do just fine. Here's me and grandpa taking a break on a hike (I don't have my shoes on  here).

When we go camping I stay near the tent to make sure I have the best spot at night.  I start out curled up in my corner but after everyone falls asleep I stretch my legs out and push everyone to one corner.  It's only a 6x6 tent but it's plenty big enough for me!

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I still love to run but I like to do it on my terms now.   Sometimes I take off running just for the fun of it.  My favorite thing to do is to run full speed towards someone and then veer to one side at the last minute.  I like that surprised look they get on their faces!

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Ready, set, GO!

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Let's freak mom out by almost running into her at 40 mph.

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Warm down!

Here's a sample of what I looked like when I was racing. I got this from the Greyhound Guild website.  These are a bunch of greyhound-crazed people and their embarrassed dogs.  Both parents and dogs dress in costumes for the RenFest.  I am trying to talk mom into joining.



Other Talents

roo.jpg (5768 bytes)Here's a picture of me singing. We sing a lot, but Mom usually has to start singing first.   I know how to sing on my own but I like to make Mom look silly in front of her friends.

I also did a short stint  volunteering in a nursing home but that didn't last too long.  I liked the petting and all, but I couldn't get over my fear of wheelchairs.

Greyhounds are very smart.  I  have a large vocabulary of over 50  words and phrases.  My favorite word is WALK and my second favorite is DINNER.  Mom and Dad started spelling W-A-L-K but I figured that one out, too.  I also like "Where's your toy?" because then I go get my toy and we play fetch (Mom throws the toy, I get it and run around with it, and Mom fetches it when I drop it).    My least favorite phrases are "Okay, stay here" which means they are about to leave me, and "Out of the kitchen" for obvious reasons.

Mom decided to become a foster "mom" recently, so now we are going to run a halfway house for homeless hounds through Arizona Adopt a Greyhound.  Every Friday we drive our charge to the greyhound track for adoption night.  If it is adopted we get another one for a week or two.  I teach the other dog how to be a pet.

All in all I have a very happy life.  All of this was made possible by the many caring people from the ones who first founded greyhound rescue groups, to my  foster family, to the volunteers, to my own parents for choosing me over a new  puppy.  There are plenty more greyhounds out there who need homes.   Only about half of all racers find homes these days, though this statistic gets better as news spreads on how good we are as pets.  The rest . . . well, they are not as lucky.