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A Site For Authors & Artists

From a cabin on a hill in the woods, a crazed fool speaks to those who listen. In this place you will find an eclectic bag of tricks from #Scott Goebel Poetry for people that don't even LIKE Poetry and those that do. Short & To The Point Poetry about HEART-FELT LIFE, LOVE, and the HEART-FELT PAIN that LOVE can bring.
Poetry by J. Daniels

Watercolors by A. Bilkins

Mel's Art Page was created to provide a showcase for the artwork of Melody Powers Daughhetee

A Provocative New Series by R. Bielenberg

This is like "Men are from Mars" in a suspenseful story form. Scientists study natural human behavior at German hideaway in '44. An innocent staff member falls in love with one of the subjects and rescues her from Nazi experiments.

A man's story that women find irresistible.
Naked Behavior

Joe Garcia,
Wildlife artist
Wildlife Paintings by
Alison Ingram

View 100 original watercolor paintings of a safari in Kenya by American artist Joseph Wyatt
Watercolor Safari

Writers' Booth
Image Cube

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