Bluff Harbour.......passenger lists
Adamant Nathaniel 42, Mary 39 Ayling & 8/9 children; William 36, Sarah 27, Agnes, George & William Ball; John & Mary Blackmore & 3 children; Johnathon, Mary & William Bartle; George & Mary Bayley/Bealey & 2 children; Stephen & Mary Burgess; J & A Chettleburgh; G Conland; Alfred 40 & Annie Couchman & family; George & Louisa Culf; Robert 38 & Mary Duncan with William, Ann & Robert; Frdk, Kate & Mathilda Fox; Graham & Jane Fergusson & 4 children; Frank & Ellen Gavey; John & Alice Hart & 2 children; Alfred Hart 30 & James Hart 29; Elizabeth Hart ages 2; Two infant Hart children; B Murphy aged 21-accompanied Hart; Samuel & mary Lloyd & children; Ebenezer 28 & Ellen 29 & 2 small children; Henry & Janet Ker; M & C Keenan; Thomas Lackerby & family; John & Charlotte Lightfoot; Thomas & Anne Mason & 5 children; Duncan & Min McDonald, blacksmiths; Margaret McDonald 61 ; Jane McDonald 30 ; Alexander McDonald 23; Thos 49, Mary 52, Jemima 18, Thos 16, Robert 12, Janet 7 & infant James McIntosh; Hugh & Sarah McShane with 3 children; James & Harriet Moseley & 2 children; Denis 39, Ann 32 O'Neill with Michael 17, Catherine 14, Pat, John & Cornelius; Benj & Sarah Phelps, & 3 children; Edw & Martha Phillips & 3 children; Frederick Anne & Ellie Sparks; Daniel, Margaret & Catherine Smith of Kent; D & B Service & 4 children; F & A Wilkinson with 1 child; Benjamin & Mary Ward; Joseph & Mary Wakeling with 2 children; John & Esther Williams & 2 children ex Somerset; James 7 Maria Spratt & 4 children; Catherine Welch aged 11- accompanied Hart; Messrs Adamson; Brown; Belle; Butler; Bergin; Chantler; Clarke; Clifford; Connoll ; Cowing; Crane; Cruise; Delaney; Disney; Donovan; Duncan; Dury; Feely; Fergusson; Fitzsimmons; Ford; Gilbert; Goldsworthy; Hall; Irwin; Jackson; Jaffray; James; Jones; Keenan; Kelly; Kelly; Kenan, Livingstone; Logan; Maher; Lowry; McCandless; McGinn; McCoy; McLachlan; McLennan; Morris; Mullane; Murphy; O'Dwyer; O'Connell; Plaw; Perry; Richards; Robertson; Roderick; Rodan; Shand; Simmons; Small; Stackpool; Sullivan; Thorn; Walker; Miss Charlotte Thorn; Miss Emma Buckingham; Mary Dumphy; Alice Field; Agnes McIlroy; Maria Quinlivan; Mary Stroud; sarah Quirk; Esther Williams aged 14 from Somerset; Kate, Mary & Johanna Stackpool;
Agnes Muir arr 1871; John W Ormiston
Albion dep Hobsons Bay Apr 1866; L Sue 22, ex Germany; Miss Gillespie 17; Mr 40, Mrs 35, Wm 8 Donald 3 May 2 & infant aged 1 McIntosh ex Sct;
Albion depart Hobsons Bay Feb 1867; Miss Gillespie 17; Mr 40, Mrs 35, Wm 8, Donald 3, May 2, Infant 1 McIntosh;
Armin dep Melbourne Aug 1860; pass inc; Mr Martin 36; Mr Hopkins 26; Mr Burnes 38; Mr Hymmes/Hymus 19;
Auckland depart Melbourne April 1868: Miss Lucas 13 ex Eng: F Gerane(?) 30 single miner ex Sct:
Bessie departed Port Fairey17 March 1860; John McIntosh 35 squatter of Sct; Augustus McDonald 25 squater of Sct; Archibald McKay, 20 shepherd ex Sct; John O'Brien 28 labourer ex Ire;
Bruce(The) arived 1860; Passengers-
Cabin:Rev.Mr Urie and wife,Mr Hugh McLeod and wife,Mr George W
Smith. ; Passengers Steerage:David Bannerman,Peter
Thomson,William Cooper,Richard Carruthers,William Sheilds,Thos
Johnstone,John Allan,Robert Barr,William Pearson,William
Dodds,William Martin,John Richmond,Andrew Fleming, Alex
McLennan,Robert Baird,Robert Goldie,James Knox,W.C. Richmond.
Thos Branigan,Alex Annan,Thos Hanlay,Robert Robertson,Wm. Vint,
John Vint, George McCaldon, Wm. Hay,Peter Paton,John Brownlee,
Robert Baxter, Samuel Grahame,Robert Forrest,Cavin Brownlee,
Francis Galliagher, Daniel Galliagher, James Kerr, Jaames Reid,
James Kilpatrick, Angus Ross, Wm. Blackwood, Hugh Clark,
George Clark, Francis Manson, John Hamilton, Edward Clark, Robert
France, Robert Ferguson, Wm. Burnside, Robert Angier, Robert
Weir, Wm. Shaw, Edward Smith, John Calder, Wm. Ferguson,
James Scott, Alex Main,Alan McDonald,Wm. Scott, Robert Reid, John
Lyon, Thos. Reid, Wm. Cassels, James McElwee, John
Alexander, Wm. Lyon, Henry Bretherton, John Waddell, Wm.
Cook, John Henderson, Henry Sadlier, wife and child, Janet
Marshall,Alex Aitken, wife and child, Angus McNaughton and
wife,Helen Reid, Isabella Murray, Arch. Lamb and wife, Wm.
Galbraith wife and 6 children, Wm. Strang and wife, John
Laidlaw wife and child, James Reid and wife, John Frew wife and 3
children, Mary Anderson, Wm. Burke and wife, Gavin Paterson wife
and child , Janet Colquhoun, Elis. Mckenzie, Christina
Wood, George Marshall.
Claud Hamilton departed Melbourne April 1868: Mr Sutherland 26, Mr McQueen 32, Mr Hart 24 & Mr Skene 28 all single miners ex Sct:
Claud Hamilton departed Melbourne May 1868; Messrs R Bateau 19, W Bateau, & H Pollard 33, miners ex Ire:
Claud Hamilton departed Melbourne 3 Jan 1870; Mrs Swanston 31, married lady: GF Martin, single gent aged 33; Rev D Copland 39;Mr Keinecker 36 merchant: Capt Keinecker 39;
Gothenberg departed Melbourne 26 Jan 1870; Mr Cameron 28 single merchant;
Omeo departed Melbourne 19 March 1870; John Meldron 29, miner ex Eng;
Otago depart Melbourne 4 Dec 1866; Mrs Gardiner 30 ex Eng & Annie 9, Flora 7, Agnes 5, Janet 3; Mr S Williams 25 & Mrs Williams 23, Elizabeth 1; Sarah Durant 21 single; Martin O'Brien 28;
Otago depart Melbourne Dec 1878: Miss Cameron aged 17 ex Sct: Mr W Barr aged 27, miner ex Ire:
Rangitoto, dep Melbourne March 1867; Robert Murray, 24, miner, ex Eng; Mrs 31, Harry 8, Catherine 6, Phoebe 4, Ellen 2, Male infant 1 Watkins;Mr Yule 22; Mr Hatch 20; Mr W Rolfe; Mr Parsons; Hugh 44, Grace 40, Mary 19, James 18, John 16, Isabella 14, Hugh 11, Grace 9, Alexr 5 McIntyre of Sct; W Rolfe age 37; Mr Parsons 24;
Rangitoto, dep Melbourne 31 Jan 1870; Mr Michaelis 36 male merchant;
Rangitoto, dep Melbourne 28 March 1870; JW Jenkins 34 miner ex Ire;
Scotia, arrived 31 Dec 1844 from Sydney; Mr J Jones; James Spencer;
South Australian dep Hobsons Bay May 1866; S Johnson 29, Mary 1, Mr T 25; Mr Stakers 29; Mrs 32, Miss 20, Alice 18, Wm 13, Sydney 4, Tarlton; Miss Leehoft 26;
Sydney Griffiths arrived Dec 1858 from Port Curtis; Mary Smith 33; William Wells 38; John 23, Frank 21 Hamilton; Thomas Burton 35; Thomas Daincy 30; William Flinn 40; John Muggins 38;
Tararua departed Melbourne Feb 1867; Me Elder, 29, ex Eng; Mr Dobson, 30, miner, ex Sct;
Tararua departed Melbourne May 1868: Mr J Windere 28 miner ex Sct: D McPherson 25 single miner ex Eng:
Tararua departed Melbourne Dec 1870; Martin Casey 30 single miner ex Sct: