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Passenger Lists.......Wellington..(incomplete)

NOTE: More lists that include Wellington passengers can be found on a separate page of 'undefined' ports of entry.

V - W - X - Y - Z

Van Diemen arrived Jan 1879; John Cunningham;

Vanguard arrived Mar/Apr 1844; Mr J Christian; Mr J Asher.

Vibilia dep Jan 1855 from Geelong; Michael Barnes 31; James Brown 28; John Hall 29; George Bas 32; Elizabeth Stacker 28; John 30, James 29, Christina 26, male infant Hagan; Mary Scoones 29 & male infant;

Vibilia departed October 1855 from Melbourne with; The BLAKEY family, Mr 47 a builder, Mrs Francis (sic) 37, Sarah 12, Anna 10, Joseph 13. Previously of England:

Victoria (Govt Brig) arrived 1841 with Messrs. Halswell; Matthew & Clarke

Victory 1848; Fred Abbott 21; Charles B, Eliz E, Borlace & 3 children; Edward Fich 20; Ed Fox; Thos Guidly 20; William Henry Hale, Emma, Wm Frederick & Maurice; Wm & Mary Rowell; A Strode;

Victory 1849 with Mr W.L. Mullins

Victory arr Mar 1871 Miss Willis;

Victory arr May 1884; Charles Bedford; Mary & Patrick Anglia; Alfred Boden; Edward Brennan; Elizabeth & William Burton; Mr & Mrs Bussell & 2 children; Margaret & John Byrnes; Ellen & bridget Cadigan; Eliza Caudle; Miss Cordan; Jas & Fanny Crane & 7 children; Bridget Cussen; John Dowd; William Dunsmore; James & Sarah Durrant & 2 children; Jessie McDonald; Ellen Millroy; George Nicholson; Mr & Mrs Pettit & fam (7); John Norton; Ellen, David & Phillip Oakley; William Power; Mr & Mrs Pettit; Jane Rintoul; Ellen Roche; Henry Rodd; Peter & Rosalie Schnlownlor & 3 chdn; Bridget Sexton; Mary Skinner; Alber, Joseph, Rose & Wilhemina Sylvia; Mr & Mrs Vaughan; Patrick Ward; George Warren; Frederick White; Ada, Florence & Frederick Winter;

Villalta arrived Apr 1885; Mr & Mrs Reid;

Viscount Sandon arrived Feb 1860; Mr C Austin; Capt Atkinson; Mr & Mrs Barnes & 4 kids; Mr J Burge; Mr & Mrs Cassell; Mr S Dakers; Mrs Rerelin; Mr D Blue; Mary Cosgrave; Mr & Mrs Roberts & 3 children; mr H Rollins;

Vistula dep Melbourne Jan 1860; Mary Jasper 32; Thomas Jasper 2; Robert Holmes 26, farmer; Mr Pat Sullivan, 30, miner ex Ire; Mr J Dickinson 28; Sarah Gilfillan 18; William 47, Fanny 38 Malseed, gardener; Thos Whitehead 39 miner; Mr F Baune 32, clerk; Alfred Jasper 40;

Waikato arrived July 1874; Mr Bowles;

Waikato arrived Sept 1876; Thomas Bremstow; John Elkin; Ada Ling;

Waikato sailed Jan 1878; John 23, Farm lab, Cornwall, Mary I 23, Benjamin 3, Bennett; Matthew Trewhella, 25, farm lab of Cornwall;

Waimea departed July 1875; Colonist Aid Corporation passengers:- Richard M 30, Jane 66, Henry 23, Mary 22, infant Emma Augus; Charlotte 39, Alfred 16, James 45, Mary 43, John 18, Mary 13, Emma 9, William James 26, Charlotte 24, Betha 5, Wm Jas 3, Alfred 1, Robert 25, Emily 24, Emily 3, infant Robert Durrant; John Wm 43, Betsey 40, Mary 20, Clara 19. John 17, Emma 15, Julia 14, Lucy 10, Rosa 8, Wm 6, Alice 4, Kate 2, Arthur 1, Florence, Farley; John 41, Sarah 41, Annie 20, Alice 16 Fowles; Eliza H Gosse 25; William 45, Martha 44, Emily 18, Besie 15, Alfred 20 Harris; Henry 38, Frances 36, Caroline 16, Harvey 15, Charles 14, Edwin 12, Albert 10, Delilah 8, Frederick 6, Herbert 4, John 3, Arthur 1 Humphrey; James 29, Hannah 27, Ellen 2 Morris; Henry 32, Sarah 24, William Henry 2, infant Edith Saunders; George 26, Sarah 21 Smith; John Southwood 37; William 38, Mary A 37, Emily 12 Symonds; These settlers proceeded to the Manchester Block Feilding.

Waimea arrived 23-8-1879; Thomas Barlow; William Conway; Alfred Cox; William Dowles;

Waimea arrived Sept 1880; Henry Atkins; Mr & Mrs Birrell; George Bocock; John Bolton; P Plato; Joseph Freeman;

Waimea arrived 4-7-1881; Joseph Foster;

Waimea arrived 20-4-1883; Mr Joseph & mrs Matilda Barlow;

Waipa; arrived Apr 1976, settlers bound for the Manchester Block, Feilding; Thomas 22, miner of Glamorgan, wife Frances 23 & inf dau Mary Broad; Mr & Mrs G Carrington; Mr WR Clayton; Miss Cropp; Alex 38, carpenter of Middsc., wife Sarah 39, Sarah Jane 10, Mary Louisa 9, Lucy 7, William 7, Harry 5, George 4, infant Ada Dowden; Joseph Samuel 24, painter, wife Emma Rachel Fowles; Mr H Faithfull; Thomas Milton, 34 millwright of Dorset, wife Amelia Shore, Eliza 9, Charles 6, Thomas 3, infant Ada Frampton; John 36, carpenter, Middx, wife Helena 35 Graves; William 40, railway, Shrop, wife Phoebe 42, Matthew 18, George F 16 Havord; Joseph 23, railway, Staff, wife Eliza, porter Heappey; William 26, gardener, wife Sarah 29 Emily Hannah 5.William 3, infant Elizabeth Heappey; Thomas 33, farm, Kent, wife Sarah 34, Thomas 14, Henry 12, William 10, Augusta 7, Joshua 5 Nichols; James Alfred 23, labourer, Sussex, wife Rose Ann 21, John AC 2, George DW infant Page; Noah 33, carpenter, Somerset, wife Hannah 37, Louisa 14, Alice 12, Ethel 10, Kate 7, William 4, Esther 2; James 49, labourer Glamorgan, wife May 43, Jane 18, Annie 13, Jessie 9, Margaret 4;

Wairoa voyage number 2 departed London & Plymouth 15 July 1877; passengers included; Gavin Colvin 31; William & Ann Diffey & 4 daughters; ACR Drew & Servant; Janet Colvin 25 and Margaret Isbester 18; William & Sarah Stevenson & 6 children; Charlotte Stubberfield, 45, cook;

Wairoa arrived Oct 1878; Mr AK Bissill; John Brazier; Miss Catherine L Brown; Mrs Cairns; Arthur Chapman; Robert Cobb; George H, Mary, Edith, Jane;

Wairoa arrived Nov 1880; Alfred, Harriet & Edward Ashenden; Mary Badham; Arthur Benn; Edward Buckle; George Creasey; Peter Crompton; George Creasey; Pete Compton; William (2), Susannah, Caroline, Frederick & Ann Doughty; George Durrant, died on voyage: Harriet Edward; Robert Fryett;

Wairoa arrived Sept 1881; Mrs Backhouse; John (2) & Mary Barr; Mrs Bond; Geo Carruthers; Mrs C Burne; Arthur Cobb; Gordon Coombe; Issac Crossley; M Donnelly; Mr, & Mrs CJ Foxward;

Wairoa arrived August 1883; Mr A Crane; C & Joseph Dowsett;

Waitara arrived Nov 1877; Miss Brown;

Waitara arrived Jan 1882; Jane Blance; Horace Bradstock; Edward 7 William Chubb;

Waitara arrived Dec 1882; William Allnut;

Waitara arrived Jan 1883;Walter, Mary, Gertrude Beard; Francis, Harriet, Mary, Ellen, Lucy & Albert Carr; Clara Parkinson;

Wakitipu arrived Dec 1880; Miss Chisholm; Mr Dodds;

Wanganui arr Nov 1882; Timothy Downing; Mr Robert & Anne Evans; Henry (2), Eliz, Hannah, Wm, David, Jos, Geo & Archibald Fell; Mr Warwick;

Wanganui arr 22-9-1887; Masters (2) & Misses (4), Mrs & master Adams;

Warwick arrived Feb 1876; Mr TG Brown; Mr J Cross; Mr TS Dowling; Mr F Sumner; Mr T Thwaites; Mr J Thwaites; Mr AW Wharton;

Wave Queen arr Oct 1880; Mrs & miss Boyd;

Wave Queen arr Sep 1881; Arthur Dalton; Robert McKnight;

Wave Queen arr Aug 1883; Vaudelinde family; Herb Whitfield; Alice Wood;

Wave Queen arr Oct 1887; Mr F Beavis & boy; Miss M White;

Weatherfield arrived Jan 1882; Arthur Blogg; Maria, Herbert & Sydney Brownutt; Frederick Buckerell; Elias Cole;

West Australian arr 1-7-1864; Mr F Alley; Mary & Elizabeth Alley;Mr & Mrs D Cameron & 4 childrren; Mr J Caser; Miss J Collins; Miss W Connor; Mr & Mrs Crawford & 4 kids; Miss H Crawford;

Western Belle arrived 27-6-1879; Mrs Fish & Child;

Western Monarch arrived Jan 1880; Marion Coleman; A Cooke;

Westland arrived Nov 1883 from London Capt Moffett. 321 passengers; Alexander & Patrick Adair; Eliza, Florence & Catherine Adair; William & Mary Adsett; Loisa Barlow; Alice Barnaby; Alexander, Jane, Arabella, & Christina Black; Jorgen, Moreu, Petra, Magdalen, Antreas, & Amelia Brodersen; Maareu, Andrew, Hawine & Mado Brodersen; Mary Casserly; Kate Craven; Mary Cronin; Ellen & Nancy Dudley; Eliza, Jessie, Annie, Alice & Ernest Eade; Katie Egan; Margaret Mahoney(2); John & James Madigan; Catherine McVinish; Duncan McRae; Christina McPherson; William, Mary, Ellen M, & William Martin Pepper; Sarah Parry; Florence Prichard; Emily (2) George, Annie, & Henry Potbury; louisa & Wiliam Procter; Agnes Read; Henry Robund; Nathaniel, Rosina, Henry & John Severn; Agnes Sinclair; Robert & Margaret Souter; Kate & Fanny Stopher; Gertrude & Lucy Simons; Mary Sullivan; Ann Tait; Francis & Gifford Tait; Mary A Thorpe; Thomas & Robert Thompson; Betsy & Mary J Towart; Betsy Towler; Joseph Warrener; Mary Walsh; Isabella & Marjory Whitton; MaryAnn & Mary Wilcocks;

Westminster arr Apr 1856; Rev J & Mrs Andrew; Mr & Mrs Burton; Mr Booth; Mr & mrs Booth & 2 children; Mr Brown; Mr & Mrs Burton; Miss Crack; J & R Douglas; J B Duff; Mr Peel; Mr & Mrs Whincup;

Weymouth arr 3 Jul 1866; Robert Brown; Susannah & Ann Bartlett; James & David Donald; Mr Edward Donovan: Dr Earle; Catherine & Thomas Plummer; Mary, John & Stephen Williamson;

Weymouth arr July 1874; Mrs Constable;

Weymouth arrived 1881 with C Earl & PJ Carman;

Wigtonshire arrived Feb 1881; Duncan & Mrs Bell; Hugh Sulter;

Wild Duck arrived 1859 from London with Capt. Babot, D'Ath & Lusac,

Wild Duck arr Jan 1860 from London ; Walter Clayton; Mr N Colquhoun; Lewis Gallien; L, Issac & Hannah Phillips; Mr & Mrs Purvis; Elizabeth Rampton; Marian & Mary Ellen Smith; WF Smith; Harry & Robert Skeet; A, L & H Skeet; John, Ann, Harriet, Margaret, Catherine & Walter Slater; A & W Smith; Mr HR Wallace;; HR & J Wallace; Richard 7 Emma Williams; Mary Williams; MaryAnn Wilson;

Wild Duck arr Jan 1861; Mr G Arnold; mr & Mrs Pearce & infant; Mr & Mrs Ed Pearce & infant; Mr Henry Saville; Mr SH Saunders; Mr Savill; Susannah Spinner; John Shord; William Therre; Miss Jane Webberley;

Wild Duck arr Jan 1862 from London; pas inc; Edward & Henrietta Abbott; Mr Nugent Hargrave; Mr & Mrs Ling; Issac Phillips; Miss E Sutherland; Mr & Mrs Thompson;

Wild Duck arr Dec 1862; Mr Parkinson; mr Pharazyn; Thomas & William Rowe; Mr & Mrs Stowe; Sophia Smith; Messrs (2) Syer;

Wild Duck arr Jan 1864; Mrs Adams & infant; Joseph Fells; Miss Anna Frederics; Miss Helen Frederics; Miss McLean; H, Mrs & David Phillips; Mrs Pilcher; Lieut. Rutherford; Elizabeth & James Rowe; Mr Rigaud; Miss Helen Puslow; Mrs Scoon & Son; Mr I W Taylor; D, Mrs, Elizabeth, Charles, David, Allen & Mary Thompson; Mrs Watt; Mr, Grace & Miss T Watt;

Wild Duck arr Dec 1864; Jane Taylor;

Wild Duck arr Jan 1865; Mr W Ling; McFeacher; Mr Roland & Children (poss party of 5); Mr Pulliene; G Raper; Dr & Mrs Stokes; Mr Small; Mr J Scott; M Swan; Mr & Mrs Tetley & 3 chdn; Mr W Tyne; Mr Wharton; Mr Watt;

Wild Duck arr Dec 1865 from London; William & George Easson; Miss Tanner; John & Margaret Watt; Miss Wyett;

Wild Duck arr Dec 1866 from London; Mr Con Hargan; William & Jane Gerrie & 2 children; James, William & Annie Galbraithe; Margaret Jones; John McDonald; Margaret McDonald; Margaret Power;Eleanor Rees; Catherine Reardon; Anne Sproule (died on voyage); Isabella Sproule; Thomas Stack; George & Isabella Stewart; BJ Snowden; Annie Southgate; GJ Smith; Mary Smith; H Simpson; George Sellar; Frederick, Elizabeth & 4 children Scott; Richard Scott; Mr(?) Treddes; Mr & Mrs FW Trolove; Solomon Westoby; E Warburton; Mr & Mrs Walkinson; J Wallace; George Whitcombe; Mary & Patrick White; Richard White; Alfred Wilson; Emma Woodland; HF Wyles;

Wild Duck arr Dec 1867 from London ; Mr W & Miss Abbott; Mr H Cartz; Mr C Gore; Miss Hughes; Miss McDonald; Mr Riddiford; Mr W Ridder; Mr H Pullen; Miss Rankin; Mr J Rasmevpen; Miss Stormond; Mr G Strange; Miss Spalding; Mr Smith; Miss Smith; Miss Sibbett; Miss Sievester; Mr Sedgwick; Sarah, Bessie & Walter Thomas; Mrs Thompson & 1 child; Miss ME Trestrail; Mr J Went; Mr, Mrs & Miss Warren; Mr W Warren; Mr & Mrs Walkinson; Mr Wakefield;

Wild Duck arr Jan 1869 from London ; Mr Denvir; The Two Misses Fawnes; Mr Penny; Mr Portway; Mr Stowe; Mr Strachan;

Wild Duck arr Jan 1870 from London ; Mr J Death; Mr & Mrs Little; Mr McLean; Mr D Thomson; Hon Mr & Mrs Tollemache; Dr J Wilson;

Wild Duck arr from London May 1873; Mr Flowers/Powers;

Wild Duck arr from London Aug 1876; Mr Wharton;

Wild Duck ar from London, Jan 1880; Mr D Taylor;

Wild Duck ar from London, Jan 1885; pass inc; Mr Gasford;

William & Jane arrived 1855 with W Beetham

William Carey arrived Sept 1863; Miss A Chew; Mr A Curtis; Mr & Mrs Eastwood;

William Cargill arrived Feb 1870; Mr FW Bullen;

William Fruing; Mr TW Bond; Mr P Cobb; Mr WA Comport; Mr D Dines;

William Morrison arr 1854; passengers included Messrs Moore, Hamilton, & Andrews;

Wonga Wonga dep Melbourne Nov 1858.Mr M Dunn (Bunn) 31; Mrs Rowe27; Mr Scott 19; Mr R 19, Mrs 40, William 31, Eliza 31, Infant 1, Ross;Mr C Malpas 41; Mr Harrison 27; Mr Gunn 31; Dr Featherston 27; J Withnall 21; A Shaw 40; Mr A Parker 27; Mrs Parker 31; Mr J Parker 19; M Connolly 40; Mr Lewis 49; Mr A Bennett 30; Mr A Worsworthy 31; Mr J Worsworthy 19; D McFie 27; Mr Shaw 40; Mr M Griffin 29; Mrs Griffin 31; N Proudfoot 31;

Woodville; arrived May 1866; Mr John Burnett;

Wyvern departed Melbourne 2-5-1856; H Kromer 21; John O'Connor 24; Chrs Newman 25; L McKenzie 24; G Godon 21; G Gray 25; Thos Jalerson 25; J Devereaux 22; P Heegar 41; Js Ballessby 28; G Grainger 24; Thos Wells 25; Elizb Wilson 20; H Inmann 26; John Turner 20; Mich O'Connor 25; Saml Buckley 28; Peter Brotherton 27; J Davidson 26; D Mossworthy 22; J McDonald 28; P Fagan 27; R Guppy 20; Ebenez Harwood 29; H Baker 21; John McKay 30; W Wintersgill 28; P O'Brien 57; Margaret 27, Anne 17 O'Brien; W Wilkes 21; Ths Bray 20; A Hutton 33; C Brain 33; John McKoy 24; Anne McKoy 22; Joseph Powers 22; Alf Wise 25, Emily 20, Henry 3, Julie 2 Wise; John 48, Margaret 50, William 18, Margaret 20, Cole; Henry Child 28; Elizabeth Reeves 24; John Wilson 40;

Yarmouth departed Melbourne 6th May 1853; Mr R Davidson 38; Thos Brackenbridge 37; Robt Edwards 35; Hy Woods 33; London/Loudon Henry 32, Geo 29, Chs 25; D Harris 23; Wm Hallam 27; Wm Cox 37; Brady 38; H Hutton 40; W Sievers 29; Augt. Sievers 33: (all males)

Zealandia arr Sept 1876 from London; JA (or HJ) Adams; Mr Allan; J Franklyn; Margaret Franklyn; John A Franklyn; D, Jane & MJane Peat; J Penny/Penry; PA Rive; Miss & Miss C Smith; HJ Twistletoe; J & EH Thomson; J Whisker; JE Young;

Zealandia arr Nov 1877; Mr Rodgers; Mrs & Messrs (3) Smaller; Mr Southwell; Mr Sproule; Mrs Turley; Mr W Young & fam (3)

Zealandia arr Aug 1878; William Clifford; Comyers, Ann, Frances, & Constance Peach; EF Clark; William Clifford; Patrick Phale; JC Phair; A Philcox; HF Raven; AE Smith; LS Smith; J Sperry; Arthur Tankard; Annie Norah Trischler; James Webb; A Whitson;

Zealandia voyage No 17, arrived 17 October 1879;Mary Fraser 27; James Johnson 34; Agnes Robertson 19; Elizabeth Sinclair 26; James Smith 21; Jemima Twatt 20; The Mouat's, Grace 42, John 22, William 45, Robert 21, Gilbert 17, James 13, Samuel 10, Arthur 5, Ursula 15, Elizabeth 16, Jesie 15, Ellen 14, Mary 12, Grace 8, Charlotte 4:

Zealandia arr July 1884 from London; Dianna Ashton; F Clarke; Mrs Gurney & family (4); Thomas Gunn; Joseph Rea; Ruth & Mary Seymour; Hugh Slade; M Wigham;

Zealandia arr Sep 1885 from London; Fredwell; Mr Shield; Miss Ward;

Zingari arrived 1855 with Dr Dorset

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