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        Do you like trivia?  Many people do. We had collected so much trivia I thought I would make it easily available to anyone who was interested. At present there are four pages of general bits of trivia for you to look over. We hope you enjoy your time with us here.

        This home page was originally "The Old Prospector's Musings". We thought it was rather corny -- and changed it. Then we got some feedback from our oldest son who didn't care for the change, so we compromised.

        So, the "Old Prospector" is back, but now he has his own page. He's got lots of views and opinions on a variety of subjects, and being an old geezer you just know he's right on target.

        If you would like to contribute some similar thoughts that can be added to his page please write to him at our e-mail address below. Go ahead, see what the "Old Prospector" has to say!

        A new and different page of trivia has just been added. The theme of this trivia is the "The Good Old Days". It covers a host of expressions, some of which you might say often. As a new feature the "Good Old Days" page is now available in a Cockney accent, and our thanks go to the "Dialectizer". (The link is at the bottom of that page).

The "Good Old Days" Expressions

        Meanwhile, get a cup of coffee and check out some fascinating trivia while you're here. Just click on any of the links below. Enjoy!

See what the Old Prospector has to say.
Here's a new
list of trivia.
More trivia?
Yes, much more
More trivia for
inquiring minds.

Modified November 7, 1999.