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Internet Evaluation Form
Evaluated By: Balbir Singh



I. Authority/Credibility: Recommended

Write a paragraph or two that evaluates the authority/credibility of the site by addressing the following points: who provides the site (person, institution, business, agency, political party, etc.); who the author is and is there email address provided? (What is it?); identifying the credentials of the author with regard to the topic of the site (is it a professor, professional, or someone with an interest in the subject matter)?; identifying whether the author's/group's affiliation appears to bias the information; identifying the purpose of the web site? (To provide information, sell something, campaigning, etc.); informing the reader if there is personal information required in order to receive information from the site? (Is the personal information optional? Password needed?)

II. Content. Rating: Recommended

Write a paragraph or two that evaluates the content of the site by addressing the following points: offer an overview of the content; determine if the web site contains accurate, reliable information; tell the reader if a substantial portion of the site contains editorializing by the author; determine if there are references offered that allow the reader to verify some or all of the information offered; note if there are grammar or spelling errors; identify how often the information is updated (if that is pertinent to the type of information offered);

III. Design and Navigation. Highly Recommended.

 Write a paragraph or two that evaluates the design of the site by addressing the following points: offer a brief description of the layout of the page; determine if it is easy to find the material referenced on the page; determine if it is easy to move around the web site and retrieve material; determine if the links from the page work; offer an overall impression of this site.