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Matty's (Bub's) Celebration

Well Done Matty!!(Bub) ......... Mat came *runner-up* last weekend in the State Championships for Skateboarding. I can testify to that, cause I sat there, with a HUGE hangover to watch him competing *grin*.


What Mat can't do with a skateboard, NO ONE CAN *smile* .. he is fearless ............................ we have know since he was about 6 months old, that Mat is *an accident waiting to happen* *L* .......... there is NO greater bravery than that our Mat has shown in his personal life and his Skateboarding life.

This young man has had some very sad things happen around him over the last couple of years. He has stood tall and faced it all!! He is a true HERO.

I love you Matty ... and WE ARE PROUD of you!


Today Bub won the Rockingham Skate Park U/11 Championship !!!! HE ROCKED !! I took lots of pics of Bub and all the Rocky blokes ..... wait for them to appear.

Congrats to Tom and Joe Clark, Jammie Tamann, Matt Jameson, Chris Reed, Luke Makket, Geoff Beck and Ben Right who all either won or took places in their age group or the open (that's the big boys!!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you look at the picture pages, you should use the *back* feature on your browser to return to this page.

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE - 26th September, '99

Bub WON this round of the State Titles !!! in his age group. He also entered into the 'Open' section (that's the BIG boys) and came SECOND !!!

hmmmm me thinks this lad will be earning enough soon to support his aunty Noela!! *L*

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE - 9th October, '99

Again WON this round of the State Titles !!! in his age group. He didn't enter into the OPEN section on this occasion .. it is a loooong day *s*. Mat Jameson did, however, and came SECOND!!!! *congrats to both of you* !!!

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE - 31 October, '99

Another WIN for Bub in this round of the State Titles ......... and a hard round to win, with the heat and the type of ramps. Well done, Mat.

The next round is a night comp at the Rocky Skate Park on the 12th November.

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lacie's home
typan's kids - including Matty
typan's home
pics of Bub !!
pics of Bub and Matt J
pics of Jeff, Chris and Joe
pics of Joel, Tom and the group
Skate Rocky
The Proud Mother and Son