Arizona Bicycle Club Mormon Lake Tour
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Arizona Bicycle Club Mormon Lake Tour

August 5-6, 2000
Limited to 40 riders

Entry Fee:

$25 ABC and GABA Members/ $ 30 Non-Members
$ 5 Additional after July 23rd

Cost includes:


Bring warm clothing and rain gear for cool nights and possible rain.

To Register:

Print this statement, sign, then send with name, address, phone number and payment to:
Arizona Bicycle Club, PO box 26165, Phoenix, AZ 85068-6165


I hereby waive and discharge all claims, actions and causes of actions by me, my heirs, executors and administrators against the Arizona Bicycle Club (ABC) and its officers, directors, chapters, sponsors and sponsoring municipalities, organizations and any others connected with any ABC event, for any injury, harm or death, damages, loss or inconvenience sustained as a result of my participation in any ABC event, or any activities associated therewith. I am aware of the inherent risks in participating in a bicycling event, and I assume all responsibility for my own safety. I understand that ABC requires bicycle helmets to be worn by all participants in all ABC events while operating bicycles and that there is no exception to this requirement. I agree to wear a bicycle helmet at all times during ABC bicycle events when I am riding a bicycle. I agree to obey all traffic laws at all times during any ABC event. I also consent to and permit emergency medical treatment in the event of injury or illness. I also give full permission for the use of my name and photograph in connection with an ABC event.

Rider's Signature in Full (Parent's Signature if rider is under 18 years in age)

Rider's Signature in Full (Parent's Signature if rider is under 18 years in age)

Arizona Bicycle Club Mormon Lake Tour Photos

Ride Photos! Yippee!!!

images/group.JPG This is about half the group. The photo was taken at the SAG stop on a Sunday ride around the lake.

images/annette3.JPG We caught Annette in the act of having fun.... and after she made Mr. Bill promise not to have any fun without her!

images/todd.JPG Another happy rider, right Todd?

Don't miss out on the fun!!! Join us this year for the Arizona Bicycle club Mormon Lake Tour!

Other Interesting Stops On The Cyber-Highway

My Homepage with a bicycle link page and a lot of other photos
Get the weather before the ride
Arizona Bicycle Club Homepage with links to our calender and local contacts

People have stopped here since 4/15/00

For Information:
