<font color = lime>Adam Harris & The Home Page
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Adam Harris & The Home Page


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This is a radical chat link..its yahoo
Subee's Home Page (My mom)
Soul Rocker's Home Page (My brother)
SandraDee's Home Page (My sister)

Click here to see me screaming into a mic..practicing in me bedroom..

click here to see a rad pic of me with my spikes

DUDE singe my guest book and tell me what you think of my page..OK.

THen when you sign it look here ..or just look to see what others think...

About Me
Hello my name is Adam Harris. I'm 18 years old. I was born January 9, in Phoenix, Arizona. I've lived in Phoenix all my life, and I still think it rocks. I have five sisters and two brothers. I have five nieces and two nephews. One of my nieces is living in Heaven. She drowned in my sisters pool when she was two, back in '94.

I love punk ...The hardcore sceen Is preety rad...But i like stuff like FIFTEEN ,old Green Day ,Crass ,Rancid ,Dead milkmen ,NOFX ,BLack Flag ..dude and tons more.....I am not a robot...I am not programed to follow the ways of the world...I am anti hate.. anti nazi...anti violence...anti drugs...anti war...anti abortion...and anti WORLD...so i guess im just to be judged as well...judge me punk...and go on and give me heck ...and tell me that im too wild, too crazy, too bad, and that im not worth your time...cause if your just looking at my outside appearence then you really dont know me at all..... At my shows you can see me up on stage scearming into a mic. ...I write songs based on how I feel about the coruptness of society...YES YOU HEARD IT HERE I am also anti society...ahhhhhhhhhh government give me my freedom...tear down your socialism and let us be...all Im asking is to be free...Thats right UNITE ,THINK TWICE, DONT FIGHT...a message from your local punk...I am a christian and love the lord Jesus Christ...

I love sk8n around. It is one of the coolest things to do.Besides totally punking out. I have been sk8ing since I was six years old. Richard (my biological father), bought my first board for me. Yeah, it was a nash (not the greatest brand of boards made), but it was a start to a great future in sk8ing. Richard was, I guess, a crafty person because he made me a board when I was younger. My third board was a street board. I was lucky because I found it brand new in my alley. I really didn't have an identity when I was younger. I always kept up with my sk8ing but I wasn't in with the sk8ing style. I didn't start dressing like a sk8r until my eighth grade year. One thing that has always kept me sk8ing is my love for speed and air. Put thoughs two things together and give me a board and I'll be happy.

The mitsubishi spider eclipes is my favorite car. I want it bad. (Send all donations....) Actually, I love going to the race tracks and watching the cars race. Phoenix International Raceway is the best. I work there as a flagger during some of the really cool races. I've even gotten to ride in the cars during the races. We got first place, of course!!! Must be my love for speed. I feel the need.......the need to speed...... (Speed thrills)

Another thing I love is flying. My uncle is going to be giving me flying lessons this summer. I've been up with him a couple of times. It was so phat. It's in my blood. I feel the need.....the need to fly.....

Email: punkagainstwar@end-war.com