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June 19th, 2001 (Hey, what's up? It's been awhile)

        Yo guys... It's Steve here.... I know I haven't updated the site since September 21,1999... It's only been like what? 21 months? Not too bad... I didn't say I was gonna update it everyday!... but... every once in a blue moon every other year perhaps.. so... What's up? I'm still into Spielberg and all that but.... I just don't have the time to be updating the site and stuff.... You know what I mean? I haven't lost my html skills... I just think it's funny to have a messed up index page if you catch my drift... e-mail me at if you'd like...
I'll check ya guys later... sometime, somewhere in the future... in the meantime... prepare for AI or Artificial Intelligence... JUNE 29TH BABY! WITH SOME SELECT SHOWINGS JUNE 28TH.... For REAL Spielberg info... head over to Jawad's site... the DreamWorks Fansite... DreamWorks Fansite

September 21, 1999 (My return from laziness)

        Hi people, I'm back....... I know I haven't updated this site since June 2nd....... And I know I've probably lost tons of people..... But for those few people who have returned...... Thanks for coming......... I didn't come back til August from my trip in Michigan........ And then I was hanging out with lots of family and friends....... Then, I had school...... And more hanging out, and being really lazy about this site...... And I knew there was another more updated site you could head over to.... DreamWorks-Steven Spielberg Page      

    But now, I'm back, I don't know how frequently I'm gonna update this site...... But, I'll try to do it more weekly or bi-weekly.... Or when major news breaks... So, onto Spielberg news!

Minority Report is it still being made? + AI Info

    I'll I got to say is what the hell is going on with the rampant rumors that have been taking place!! Apparently, it is true Spielberg had discussed this AI (Artificial Intelligence) with the Late Stanley Kubrick....... And maybe he will take over it... But not right now........ Spielberg himself has been quoted at that right now he is dealing with Minority Report, and after that Memoirs of a Giesha....... Some conspiracy theorists will say it's a cover for AI....... But, I think people are just on crack. I personally don't believe it's a conspiracy... And who the hell is saying that the MR script sucks??? Who said that....... And Spielberg has been notorious about changing a script........ Saving Private Ryan was reportedly very humorous, until Spielberg had someone toughen it up......... Have faith in the man!


Saving Private Ryan Coming November

    So, Saving Private Ryan is finally coming home after a 16 month hiatus..... November 2nd is the set release date for the Oscar winning epic...But, if you can't wait that long........ Columbia House is selling it right now at a small price of 24.95 + Tax and Shipping & Handling. So, there you go...SPR took home 5 Oscars (it was robbed of one), including ones for Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Sound, and Sound Effects Editing. BUY IT!


    Alright, that's it for me folks..... I have no more Spielberg news....... It's all been said and done. Remember and please follow this advice.... Don't believe everything you read or hear...... Because if it sounds too over the top... It probably is............ADIOS


June 2nd, 1999 (My brother's birthday!)

        OK.... There is no new Spielberg info except for a small thing on JP3, but I did make one minor correction to the site. On the frontpage, I changed the SPR pic from Hanks & Damon to a pic of Spielberg directing the cast. I did this cause I figured, "Hey! This is a Steven Spielberg site. I need a picture of him on here... So people know who & what he looks like." So, there I made the change, & the page should load just a little faster.


        I found this info at Jawad's Steven Spielberg Page-Read on:

   Director of Jurassic Park 3???

      Ben Grabinski has been told from an anonymous source inside Universal that Stephen Sommers (The Mummy) might take the helm for Jurassic Park 3. But since Universal is making The Mummy 2 as well. It all depends when Universal wishes to produce that movie. It would definately not be next summer. There are reports that if Sommers does not get his gear going by late this year, Jan De Bont (Twister & Speed) might take the helm. More reports coming later this week.

    ET in Star Wars

        I don't know about the bit of info at Jawad's Page, but I dont' remember seeing ET anywher near the pod race, & if he was there. I never saw him, it'd be too hard. However, on Sunday, I did see the film again, & I did see him. This is where it comes:

    It comes during the huge council scene of all the nations or whatever, when Queen Amidala is pleading for something It's near the end of the scene when everyone starts chanting something, & it shows the crowd. If you LOOK ON THE BOTTOM LEFT OF THE SCREEN, you should see 3 ETs with their arms in the air jumping up & down.... That's it!! Look there. Or just look here at this pic>>>><<<<

strwrs-et.jpg (10857 bytes)

    That's it from this place, see you soon. ADIOS .

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