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Advanced Scientific Health = Scientific Health Education

Discover the scientific facts about: Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, HIV, Hepatitis, ADD,
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), Chelation, Toxic Heavy Metal Poisoning, Alzheimer's, Arthritis,
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Flu, Chrohn's Disease, Lou Gehrigs Disease, Fibromyalgia,
Stroke, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Clogged Arteries and MORE...
Scientific facts from:

This Discovery Is Saving Thousands of Lives!

Hundreds of thousands are fighting the war against Cancer, Heart Disease and other degenerative diseases. These diseases have already been prevented and stopped by those of us that took the time to educate ourselves. We have developed the Advanced Scientific Health Research Association in hopes that millions of families will now have access to this vital information. Our mission is to prevent and stop needless pain and suffering for millions of families. We are a group of "survivors" that are thankful that someone took the time to share this information with us. We are here to "Pay It Forward".

The information at Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) comes direct from scientists through their Nobel Prize winning research and discoveries made in Orthomolecular Science. The scientific facts are indisputable. These scientists, by looking at disease at the molecular level, have discovered that ALL disease can be prevented and stopped when correctly understood.

will work to; oxygenate the cells; rebuild the collagen matrix; raise and balance the body's pH level; heal and clean out the arteries; regulate the production of hormones; protect the cells against invading viruses; increase energy; rid the body of heavy metals and other toxins; and much much more.

"Optimum health, disease-free living, increased energy and no medical bills or need for synthetic pharmaceuticals are just some of the benefits I have enjoyed since becoming an Advanced Scientific Health Researcher." - Scott Thurston

The COMPLETE Solution for Whole Body Health
The following Master Formulas have been PROVEN effective by Nobel Prize winning scientists. They ARE Saving Lives. These facts are available from Advanced Scientific Health

Several of the original founders of Advanced Scientific Health were a group of "patients" who took the time to research the facts provided by the Scientific community after the 'practicing' Medical community diagnosed them with various terminal diseases. Their prognosis' had been more suffering, at great financial cost and eventually an early death. These survivors did not accept those terms, but instead took responsibility for their own health.

Their findings not only allowed their body's to become disease free, but gave them a vision to make this information easy to access with the means for others to apply the scientific findings in their own lives. The "survivors" developed a Member-Based Buyers' Assisted Club called "Advanced Scientific Health", in which the formulas mentioned are available at LAB COST . Members of Advanced Scientific Health are merely people coming together in a grassroots humanitarian effort to Save Lives.

By LAW of course, we can not claim these formulas cure anything. The truth is they do not cure anything, nothing (no-thing) can cure a disease. However we can, from our own experience, tell you that these formulas DID give our bodies back that which it was intended to have when it was created by God and our bodies did heal themselves. We are not a doctors and CANNOT diagnose, prescribe or treat. We are only sharing this information and the facts that we have researched, verified, utilized and experienced ourselves

    ~ Scott Thurston (ASH Researcher)




Master Formulas

We face a time of new beginning.

God did not create the human body to suffer from cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, fibromyalgia, arthritis and the plethora of diseases that exists today. If we use the same methods the scientists use, to return the body to its original state, we will never suffer from these diseases.

Scientists have shown us how to: raise the body's alkalinity and oxygen to eliminate Cancer; to re-supply the natural buffered mineral ascorbates in order to prevent and reverse Cardiovascular Disease; create Optimum Energy; and generate effortless weightloss. The method is simply a logical and safe way of returning the body to its original state;

No cutting; No burning; No nuking; and No drugs -

The following Formulas are available exclusively from Advanced Scientific Health and can only be purchased by Advanced Scientific Health Members.  


MoRE (Molecular Repair Essentials) -

One serving contains
100 mg Sodium (from Sodium Ascorbate)
150 mg Potassium (from Potassium Ascorbate)
3000 mg Vitamin C (from Calcium Ascorbate, Magnesium Ascorbate, Potassium Ascorbate, Sodium Ascorbate)
2 mg Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)
120 mg Calcium (from Calcium Ascorbate)
15 mg Phosphorous (from Tricalcium Phosphate)
66 mg Magnesium (from Magnesium Ascorbate)
3000 mg L-Lysine Hydrochloride
500 mg L-Proline
300 mg Green Tea Extract - EGCG Polyphenols
275 mg Horsetail Silica
90 mg Stevia Extract
40 mg Amylase
40 mg Lipase
20 mg Protease
Other Ingredients:
Citric Acid, Natural Lemon Flavor, and Tricalcium Phosphate

Master Formula II - One teaspoon contains
600 mg Calcium
345 mg Magnesium
10,000 iu Vitamin A
200 iu Vitamin D
250 mg Potassium
1000 mg Xylitol
50 mg Silica
400 mg malic acid


One teaspoon contains
3000 iu Vitamin A as Vitamin A Acetate
200 iu Vitamin D as Cholecalciferol
200 iu Vitamin E as D-Alpha Tocopheryl
15 mg Niacin
25 mg Calcium as Calcium Ascorbate
25 mg Magnesium as Magnesium Ascorbate
200 mcg Chromium as Chromium Polynicotinate
2000 mg L-Arginine
800 mg Hydroxy Citric Acid from Citrimax & Garcinia Cambogia
367 mg Ascorbate from Calcium & Magnesium Ascorbate
250 mg Citric Acid
250 mg Green Tea Leaf Extract
60 mg Origanox
110 mg Lemon

Lab Fulfillment Cesium Carbonate -
Cesium Carbonate 30 grams

An FDA approved lab has formulated these safe and effective formulas exclusively for Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) Members. These were formulated according to the research and scientific proof provided by the scientists and doctors that discovered them.

It has been proven that if we take our bodies back to the state it was originally intended to be in, that we can prevent, stop and reverse degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and more.


Please note: Neither Advanced Scientific Health or the Advanced Scientific Health Members profit from the sale of these quality formulas. The formulas are sold at Lab Cost exclusively to Advanced Scientific Health Members. Advanced Scientific Health has researched, negotiated and financed the formulation of these formulas.

Advanced Scientific Health manufactures these highest quality formulas
For the lowest cost available.

No Risk...You may cancel at anytime.

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