To obtain a video tape of THE JAILHOUSE LAWYER'S 4 hour Seminar ($125) or a copy of THE JAILHOUSE LAWYER'S Criminal Self Defense Manual ($145) please send a postal money order only to: Scott Thurston, C/o P.O. Box 373, Juliaetta, Idaho 83535. THE JAILHOUSE LAWYER'S Seminar Video and THE JAILHOUSE LAWYER'S Criminal Self Defense Manual will give Pro Se litigants and legal laymen valuable and useful knowledge that will help equip them to do strategic battle in the courts. Learn how to demand your rights and defend yourself when you are falsley and/or wrongfully accused.
"With attorney fees spiraling above $200 an hour, more people who can't afford the tab--or choose not to pay it--are representing themselves, . . .'The number of people proceeding pro se is dramatically greater than in the early 1980s,' says Sara-Ann Determan, chair of an American Bar Assn. committee . . ." ("Do You Really Need that Lawyer?" Business Week (August 22,1994) p.76).
The Public Library of Law
Welcome to the world's largest free law library.
Searching the Web is easy. Why should searching the law be any different? That's why Fastcase has created the Public Library of Law -- to make it easy to find the law online. PLoL is the largest free law library in the world, because we assemble law available for free scattered across many different sites -- all in one place. PLoL is the best starting place to find law on the Web.
LegalInformation Institute
Cornell Law School
The 'Lectric Law Library
Quite simply the best legal resource that we have come across on the Web. - CNNfn Wonders of the Web
University of Oregon School of Law
Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics
Classic books and other works on constitutional government. A collection that should be of interest to anyone seeking guidance on constitutional interpretation.
United States Constitution Annotated
Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United StatesPrepared by the Congressional Resarch ServiceLibrary of Congress
The Constitution For the U.S., Its Sources and Applications
With index to landmark court cases expounding the Constitution.
US Constitution Resource Center
The one-stop resource for Constitution study.
Supreme Court of the United States
Docket,Oral Arguments, Court Rules,Opinions,Orders,Public Information and related Websites.
Collection: Historic Supreme Court Decisions (2001 ed.)
The Oyez Project-Northwestern University
A United States Supreme Court Database. Search cases by title,subject,citation or date.
United States Supreme Court Monitor
Citation Search
Supreme Court Opinions FAQ
FindLaw's searchable database of the Supreme Court decisions since 1893 (U.S. Supreme Court Decisions: U.S. Reports 150-, 1893-). Browsable by year and US Reports volume number and searchable by citation, case title and full text. This is a free service that will remain free.
Free U.S. Supreme Court Decisions
Use the LexisNexis Research Service to access U.S. Supreme Court cases from 1790 to present, as well as federal and state cases* decided after January 1, 1998.
Lawgiver.Org Reference Library
Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1856)
Tarlton Law Library
THE LAW DICTIONARY COLLECTION In Tarlton Law Library's Rare Book Collection.
Free online dictionaries & many other means of reference. Over 3,000 dictionaries,encyclopedias,glossaries,Thesauri,etc. Law section.
On-Line Historical Works
The Net is a fantastic place to find important historical works regarding the law and government, and those which get posted grow daily. Here are some places which post such works and I highly recommend your visit to these sites for a study of the documents and books posted there:
Historical Documents
The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School. Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy.
* "The Constitution of the United States" Analysis and Interpretation (Annotations of cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States)
Blackstone's Commentaries
The classic exposition of English Common Law at the time of the founding of the American Republic was Commentaries on the Laws of England, by William Blackstone, which was used as a standard reference and law book by lawyers, judges, and the Founders, who incorporated the applicable provisions of it into the U.S. Constitution, especially for the definitions of its terms.
U.S. Constitution, Amendments V and VI
William Blackstone, Commentaries, 4:298--307, 317--19, 342--50, 352--55 (1769)
A thoughtful collection of quotes from the U.S. Supreme Court regarding our most precious liberties.
A selective collection of quotations on such topics as Liberty, Justice, the rights of free men, government, society, sovereignty, and much more.
WAGONER LAW (Quotes & Maxims)
Common Law Guide to Library Resources
Legal History and Philosophy
For all who enjoy legal history and theory. This site is intended to include materials not easily found at other sites on the internet. This site will be modified occasionally. Sources currently include Sir Edward Coke, the Laws of the Cherokee Nation, Learned Hand, Francis Lieber, Abraham Lincoln, the Code of Hammurabi, the 1648 Laws of Massachusetts, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Frederick Pollock, and Michael Dalton.
"Our American Common Law" by Howard Fisher and Dale Pond
Common Law is a real thing. It is a real system of laws derived from centuries of work, study and sacrifice of millions of people. It is not trivial and inconsequential as some would have you think. It is the Common Law that is most represented within Our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Our Bill of Rights. These documents were designed to limit and eliminate the vicious Equity, Maritime or Admiralty Law which was what we revolted against as Our Revolution against the totalitarianism of England.
This site is always under construction and is being created for people who want to learn the foundations of Law, without which it is impossible to win in the State and Federal court systems.
The contents of this page are taken from researchers around the country. Each contribution builds upon another. You will find the research well documented.
The Common Law, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Discussion of some but not all of the elements of the Anglo-American common law.
U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library
Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet
A service of the Library of Congress.
Government Links Index
Browse through dozens of government websites.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Internet Legal Resources.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics is a division of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Since 1978, HALT has provided self-help books and public educational materials to help citizens understand the legal process and better manage their legal affairs. Its self-help series includes Using a Lawyer...And What To Do If Things Go Wrong, Do-it-Yourself Law, The Easy Way to Probate, Small Claims Court, Real Estate, Trusts, If You Want to Sue a Lawyer: A Directory of Legal Malpractice Attorneys, and Everyday Contracts.
Dr. Tavel's Self Help Legal Clinic and Sovereign Library
To help people handle their own everyday legal matters -- or learn enough about them to make working with a lawyer a more satisfying experience -- we publish reliable, plain-English books, software, forms and this website.
Some of our products have been in print almost 30 years, which is how long Nolo has been in business. Everything we publish is regularly revised, updated and improved by our staff of lawyer-editors, to make sure that it's the best it can be. We pay attention not only to changes in the law, but to feedback from customers, lawyers, judges and court staffers.
Pro Per Litigation Society
"Pro Per Litigation" is also known as "Pro Se Litigation" or "Litigation In Propria Persona". It means "representing oneself in court without a lawyer". Proper Litigation Society promotes and supports - as Proper - the Pro Per mode of litigation.
Cafe Law
The Lawful Path
This Site is dedicated to study of the True Law, and a return to Lawful Government. It is Our Hope that the Information found Here will awaken and instruct all who enter.
Brown's Legal Research
Welcome to Brown's Legal Research
Michael H. Brown is not an attorney nor does he claim to be one or to give legal advice. Mike is a ghostwriter. That is, he writes motions and appeals that the attorneys he works for (mostly from New York and Miami) then submit.
Mike also teaches people how to sue the legal system when they can't afford (or don't trust) an attorney, both in the books he has written and in the seminars he occasionally conducts.
Mike cannot tell you what to do, but he can tell you what to watch out for.
Society has made an industry out of locking up its citizens... don't let yourself or a loved one become a statistic.
The easy to use site for legal information. FREEADVISE.COM is the leading legal site for consumers and small businesses. It provides general legal information to help people understand their legal rights in 125+ legal topics.
In his new book "In the Interest of Justice: Great Opening and Closing Arguments of the Last 100 Years," Joel Seidemann eloquently describes the transcendent quality of truly great courtroom arguments, describing them as moments in which "[t]he courtroom seems to float in an eternal time zone, with the jury of the ages looking on."
The Dixieland Law
This website is all about us -- farmers, ranchers, loggers, miners, fishermen and women, consumers, resource providers, recreationists, and all who are awake, alert and aware. We may be somewhere in America, land that we love. We may be scattered in places all over the globe, seeking to connect with and network with one another.
We are a group that is growing in number with each new day. We have learned that networking is vital to our survival as a species on this planet, as there are those who would decimate our presence on this earth.
We value human life and human liberty.
The Pro Se Law Center
A Resource Center on the Pro Se Concept for Legal Service Providers. Cases and Materials on Pro Se Litigation and Related Issues.
Free legal help. No-nonsense, economical solutions to your legal problems. Free legal help in all 26 areas of the law.
The definitive source for legal briefs.
FindLaw Search engine for legal forms and documents
All About
Free Legal Forms
As a service to the public, we offer more than 2,000 FREE legal forms, and answers to common legal and financial questions.
VOIR DIRE:Preparation, Communication, and Presentation Selection, Theory, and Strategy.
U.S. Courts (District of Idaho)
Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct
Idaho Criminal Jury Instructions
Idaho Public Records Law Manual 2001
Our nation is based on a foundation of open and honest government. The Idaho Public Records Law, passed in 1990, establishes a basic set of ground rules securing the public's access to governmental records, while still preserving an individual's right to privacy.
SearchLawSearchLaw is a legal index of legal sites on the Web and is designed to assist you locate them without having a browse through thousands of search results.
Meta-Index for U.S. Legal Research
Links to legal-specific search engines provided by the Georgia State University College of Law.
Substantive Law on the World Wide Web
This page provides one of the quickest and most comprehensive means of researching state and federal law on the World Wide Web.
American Law Sources On-Line . . . the home of American Law Sources On-line (ALSO!), providing a comprehensive, uniform, and useful compilation of links to freely accessible on-line sources of law for the United States and Canada. This site contains additional links to sources of commentary and practice aids that are available without charge (or available at a reasonable charge from governmental and nonprofit providers).
Internet Legal Resources.
Free Case Law is the Web's most comprehensive destination for the legal professional. Through our multiple offerings, track breaking developments in the law, research issues and cases, attend online continuing legal education seminars, explore nationwide job openings in the legal industry, and much more.
The Legal Research FAQ, Part 1
This document gives an overview of the standard resources and tools used in conducting legal research on state and federal law in the United States. It also provides an overview of the structure of the various state and federal court systems, and describes the primary legal sources (case reporters, statutory and regulatory compilations) where the law per se can be located. It is written for laymen, not lawyers; no prior legal knowledge or research experience is assumed.
The Legal Research FAQ, Part 2
This document gives an overview of the standard resources and tools used in conducting legal research on state and federal law in the United States. It also provides an overview of the structure of the various state and federal court systems, and describes the primary legal sources (case reporters, statutory and regulatory compilations) where the law per se can be located. It is written for laymen, not lawyers; no prior legal knowledge or research experience is assumed.
University of Michigan Documents Center
One of the best depositories of Congressional information you will find on the Internet. The Documents Center is a central reference and referral point for government information, whether local, state, federal, foreign or international. Its web pages are a reference and instructional tool for government, political science, statistical data, and news.
Legal Research FAQ, The
This document gives an overview of the standard resources and tools used in conducting legal research on state and federal law in the United States. It also provides an overview of the structure of the various state and federal court systems, and describes the primary legal sources (case reporters, statutory and regulatory compilations) where the law can be located. It is written for laymen, not lawyers, so no prior legal knowledge or research experience is assumed.
World Legal Information Institute
Free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law.
Online supplement to the 2002 Supplement to Search and Seizure (3d Ed. 2000)
The Virtual Chase
Since Summer 1996, The Virtual Chase has assisted legal professionals conducting research on the Internet. It began as a means by which to disseminate articles and teaching aids to law librarians and other instructors of Internet research. Now it offers more than 600 pages of information pertaining to resources and research strategies. Designed especially for lawyers and other experienced legal researchers, the site guides visitors through the Internet chaff in an effort to find its grains of wheat.
NACUA's Legal Links
A comprehensive listing of Internet legal links to assist you in your on-line research.
The best online legal sources in a fast 'single-view' format
State Gun Laws
The NRA Institute For Legislative Action Research Library. Research your own state's gun laws as well as federal gun laws.
Drug Law & Policy
One of the very best resources on the Internet for reseaching laws as they relate to chemicals,plants,herbs,pharmaceuticals,nootropics,etc.
The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics brings together data from more than 100 sources about all aspects of criminal justice in the United States. These data are displayed in over 600 tables.
The Jailhouse Lawyer's Handbook
How To Bring a Federal Lawsuit to Challenge Violations of Your Rights in Prison
We The People Foundation & We The People Congress Tax Truth Newsletter
Exposing The Deceptive Tax Practices of the IRS.
Dan Meador's Website
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
A national nonprofit organization dedicated to reform of federal and state asset forfeiture laws to restore due process and protect property rights in the forfeiture process.
Why you should
never talk to cops
without a lawyer
Top Legal News
Find the top stories in todays legal news, including the latest decisions by the federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court. - Worldwide Legal Directories was one of the very first online law and government sites. It was founded in January of 1995 by Lex Mundi, a large network of independent law firms. objective is to make law, government and related professional information easily accessible to the legal profession, businesses and consumers.
Activist Handbook:Police
From: "The Just Cause Law Collective"
United States Attorneys' Manual
The United States Attorneys' Manual is a looseleaf text designed as a quick and ready reference for United States Attorneys, Assistant United States Attorneys, and Department attorneys responsible for the prosecution of violations of federal law. It contains general policies and some procedures relevant to the work of the United States Attorneys' offices and to their relations with the legal divisions, investigative agencies, and other components within the Department of Justice.
The Manual provides only internal Department of Justice guidance. It is not intended to, does not, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any matter civil or criminal. Nor are any limitations hereby placed on otherwise lawful litigative prerogatives of the Department of Justice.
Law Reform Network
Our Courts Belong to the Public - Not to the Lawyer Industry
The legal philosiphers,or The Jurists:
The Selden Society
The Selden Society is the only learned society and publisher devoted entirely to English legal history. This includes the history of the law, the development of legal ideas, the legal profession, the courts and legal institutions, individual judges and lawyers, legal literature and records, the languages of the law, legal portraiture and costume; in short, researching the history of everything which is characteristic of our unique English common law and legal system. And because for most of the nation's history, the only continuous records have been legal records, there is in them a wealth of incidental information on every aspect of contemporary life and conditions to be found in no other source.
PeaceNet, part of the Institute for Global Communications, is a world-wide computer network serving organizations and individuals working for positive change in the areas of peace, social and economic justice, human rights and the struggle against racism. PeaceNet is also a repository for current information ranging from disarmament, economic justice, immigrant rights, the prison system, indigenous peoples and many others.
15-year-old pro-se achieves Superior Court dismissal
At his trial January 3, 2002, 15-year-old high school student Joshua Krawiek represented himself against the state of Washington and charges of possession of paraphernalia were dismissed by Superior Court Judge Rebecca Baker. Joshua was able to prove to the court that he was charged with a crime that does not exist in Washington state.
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