The Vice Presidents are listed in chronological order.
For facts about and links to any Vice President,
click on the name:
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Aaron Burr
George Clinton
Elbridge Gerry
Daniel D. Tompkins
John C. Calhoun
Martin Van Buren
Richard Mentor Johnson
John Tyler
George Mifflin Dallas
Millard Fillmore
William Rufus King
John C. Breckinridge
Hannibal Hamlin
Andrew Johnson
Schuyler Colfax
Henry Wilson
William Wheeler
Chester Alan Arthur
Thomas Hendricks
Levi Parsons Morton
Adlai E. Stevenson
Garret A. Hobart
Theodore Roosevelt
Charles W. Fairbanks
James Sherman
Thomas Marshall
Calvin Coolidge
Charles G. Dawes
Charles Curtis
John Nance Garner
Henry A. Wallace
Harry S. Truman
Alben W. Barkley
Richard M. Nixon
Lyndon B. Johnson
Hubert H. Humphrey
Spiro T. Agnew
Gerald R. Ford
Nelson Rockefeller
Walter Mondale
George Bush
Dan Quayle
Al Gore
Dick Cheney
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The Vice Presidents
of the United States
Gerald R. Ford
Nelson Rockefeller
Walter Mondale
Gerald R. Ford
Served under Richard M. Nixon from 1973-1974
Nelson Rockefeller
Served under Gerald R. Ford from 1974-1977
Walter Mondale
Served under Jimmy Carter from 1977-1981
To see the fact sheet and links for a Vice President, click on his last name:
Adams, Jefferson, Burr,
Clinton, Gerry, Tompkins,
Calhoun, Van Buren, RM Johnson,
Tyler, Dallas, Fillmore,
King, Breckenridge, Hamlin,
A Johnson, Colfax, Wilson,
Wheeler, Arthur, Hendricks,
Morton, Stevenson, Hobart,
Roosevelt, Fairbanks, Sherman
Marshall, Coolidge, Dawes,
Curtis, Garner, Wallace,
Truman, Barkley, Nixon
LB Johnson, Humphrey, Agnew,
Ford, Rockefeller, Mondale,
Bush, Quayle, Gore, Cheney.
2000 Nominees.