Welcome to my Writing Pages
About Catt Foy
My Resume
My Bio
Contact Me
UPDATE: February 2010
This is my "old" Web site and has not been updated in some time, as you can see. My "new" Web site was designed in Microsoft Publisher, but unfortunately, Microsoft's newest versions of Internet Explorer do not read the Publisher Web files very accurately. Until I resolve this issue, we will all have to live with this Angelfire site.
BTW, I did graduate from St. Ambrose, married my honey of 14 years, completed my M.A. at Western Illinois University and am currently enrolled in a Master of Fine Arts low-residency program in Creative Writing, Fiction at Spalding University in Louisville, KY, where I am devoting full-time to completing a novel. I hope to update this site sometime in the coming months.
Currently 2005-2006
This is my senior year at St. Ambrose University. In May I graduate with a BA in English, and minors in writing and psychology. In December, I will be traveling with members of the university's English department to Ecuador, where I will be writing about their study abroad programs there. I continue to freelance as a writer and photographer, and have begun working art shows with my photography. Work on my
novel has taken a back seat to school for now, but I hope to return to it soon. I've been busy with my photography shows at Centre Station in Moline, and at the Quad Cities Botanical Center in Rock Island.
My Photography Pages
During the past couple of years, I have worked steadily with QC Magazine, and am finishing up a second Americorps stint in the education department of Americorps
with the
American Red
I served with the
Quad-Cities Chapter
located in Moline, Illinois, providing disaster relief services to victims of the Mississippi Flood of 2001 in Illinois and Iowa, the World Trade Center disaster in New York, the tornado in Blue Grass, Iowa, and numerous local single-family disasters. As a disaster instructor, I trained all the disaster volunteers from our chapter (over 30 people) who responded to the events of September 11, 2001.
To learn more, visit my
Disaster Page.
Recent and Other Publications
- QC - The Quad Cities Magazine: Articles on home, garden, and lifestyle.
- Women's Edition Magazine: Business profiles and interviews for this regional magazine.
- Ancient American Magazine: Book reviews and archaeology articles (coming soon).
- Book Review:
The Kensington Runestone
- The Quad City Times:
Freelancing on various topics for this daily owned by Lee Enterprises.
Organic Valley Family of Farms
- Web site content including farmer and guest chef profiles,
product descriptions, kids pages, etc.
The Leader
- Ongoing correspondent for this weekly community newspaper and two
affiliated dailies published by the Moline Dispatch Publishing Co.
Amateur Chef Magazine (link no longer available)
- "Love That Bread!" - November/December 2000, article on the history and making of bread, including my own herbal bread recipe.
RealWoman Magazine (link no longer available)
"Rid Your Home of These Indoor Air Pollutants" -
January/February 2000 (link to article no longer available)
Travelbase - NITC's Travelbase travel news website
- "The Saguaro: Sentinal of the
Sonoran Desert" - article by Catt Foy
- "Arizona's Other Canyon"
- link no longer available
Acres, USA - A Voice for Eco-Agriculture
"Carnival of Organic Diversity"
- article, February 1999
"Award-Winning Organic Dairy" - cover story,
June 1999
- "The Essence of Organic Wines" - September 1999
(link not currently available)
- "Subscription Farm Changing the Landscape for
Urban Food Buyers" - September 1999 (link not currently
- "Agri-Tourism Boosts Farm Income & Interest
in Organic Farming" - October 1999 (link not currently
- "Pollen Bees: Nature's Agents of Efficiency" -
October 1999 (link not currently available)
- "Frontier Herbs: No Limits for Growth of Iowa-based
Cooperative" - November 2000 (link not currently available)
BackHome Magazine - Your Hands-On Guide to Sustainable
"Adopt A Living Legend" - March/April 1999
- "Sustainble Living, Apartment Style" - January/
February 2000
- "Indoor Pest Control - Naturally" - March/April 2001
USA Tourist: A Web Travel Guide to the United States
- "Arizona - More than just the Grand
Canyon" Article by Catt Foy
USA Publisher & World Housing Publications (formerly Transcontinental
Publishing): Publishers of American Builder Magazine,
American Contractor Magazine, and former publishers of the West Valley Times. Wrote business profiles.
Writing Samples & Clips
Writing Clips Articles from
various publications
More Writing Clips Additional articles
Catt's Corner. My humor column featured in...
Travel & History Articles From my neck of the desert
Book Reviews Travel, New Age and related topics
"Psycards: A New Age Alternative To Tarot" -
Excerpts from my book and ordering information.
Short Fiction Sample a short story. Added April 1999
Lyrics & Poetry Added April, 1999
Ephemera, Inc
Buttons & T-Shirts - look for "If it wasn't for flashbacks,
I wouldn't have any memory at all" and "I started with nothing,
and I still have most of it left."
Resume Writing Let me write your resume - I guarantee you will get interviews.
Writing links Recommended for other writers
For information on writing services, availability for freelancing
or to ask questions or make comments, please email me at
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